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Dream Interpretation

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I had this weird and scary dream. I was with a baby maybe my son but i felt it my have been him or not. But it was really scary. the baby was always being abducted by aliens and was really sick and i so badly wanted to help him. what ws this dream about i am really scared about it and my son. in my dream the baby was like as if he was dying. but please this is the first time i have dreamed of aliens. i just looked on websites about aliens and signs of abduction but i don't know i am really freaked out.

2007-12-31 16:48:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok, so in 5th and 6th grade i REALLY really liked this boy but we were like best friends (well, he was my best guy friend) but he had a gf and anyways it never worked out...so i sorta kinda got over him...then this year (7th grade) he moved to public school (we go to a private school) and now he is coming back when school starts back after our christmas break

i have a boyfriend now

this morning i had a dream where he came back and asked me out and then i said yes and we were sitting together at break and i was like "oh crap, i still haven't broken up with my boyfriend" and he was like "well you better hurry and do that" and then i couldn't and i was all worried and i was like who should i pick and i couldn't break up with either one of them

here's a wierd thing, so this guy, the one that moved away and is coming back...well, we haven't talked in sorta a while and, guess what, he texted me today! please does this mean anything or is it some wierd coincidence?

2007-12-31 15:30:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

What was it?

2007-12-31 15:23:26 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


I dreamed last night that my boyfriend of 2 years left me for a woman who is 21 and has cancer. I find that really odd. For two years we've had a great relationship, only silly fights, and the night before was great. So, I dont understand this dream. Any suggestions?

2007-12-31 12:13:03 · 5 answers · asked by Kat 5

i had a dream about a cow that was standing in front of a white background and the only thing it was doing was eating grass. it was also a cartoon cow and some cartoon grass.

2007-12-31 11:51:29 · 4 answers · asked by Amy T 1

I dreamt i was walking around naked but i was not bothered by it or didnt realise ,then i was happily swimming in an indoor pool still naked,but then some lady guarding the pool brought me aside and was all angry about me swimming and walking around naked i tried to tell her i wasnt crazy or anything.then i grabbed any towel i could find.

2007-12-31 11:15:20 · 14 answers · asked by rusalka 3

i've been watching horror films for years now and theres only one horror film that really scares me and thats halloween.
When ever i have a nightmere i see the person from the horror film in my dream and he's always after me trying to kill me
i'm so glad that when i wake up it's all over.
What does this mean?

sorry if this is not very clear!

2007-12-31 09:35:51 · 3 answers · asked by sweetcharlie100 4

Well, I don't remember what happened before it, but all I remember is I was standing behind the chair my crush was sitting in, looking at something on the computer screen, when he grabs me and sits me ontop of him. And then he really awkwardly tries to make out with me but I just leave little soft kisses around his face, and then finally kiss him on the lips, and then we end up holding eachother.. and then I don't remember what happens after that.

So, does this dream mean anything other then the fact that I have adoration for my crush, and I think of him a little too much?

2007-12-31 09:04:12 · 2 answers · asked by Juju 2

I keep having dreams about school and my teachers. Why?

2007-12-31 08:46:02 · 6 answers · asked by horsegal 3

The other night i had a dream that i was swimming, then being chased by a car, but laughing the entire time, having fun. Then last night i had a dream that i was swimming in this HUGE pool with millions of people, but there was tons of room to swim. I was swimming back and forth across the pool, tagging people on one side and makeing them chase me, having a really fun time, laughing constantly, No one could ever catch me. Then i got out of the pool and started walking towards the locker room but saw my two old gym teachers from highschool and they were talking to some really hot life-guard girl and they called me over. They said something like "Hey matt, haha good thing you got out of the pool, she had this card to catch you instantly!" (or something dumb) and showed me a peice of paper that looked like a little thing from a fortune cookiee. We all started laughing, and i went to go grab a towel, and got changed and left. Then i got in the car with my grandpa, were now i was wearing my

2007-12-31 08:39:06 · 3 answers · asked by yamobethere324 1

Its usually about me being with my friends. 3+ it was about this girl who is mad at me for not calling her for a while. We're not in a relationship but friendship and she feels like I turn my back on her when I don't call her when its nothing like that.

Also one of those dreams is about this girl I liked so much who broke my heart a few months ago. Its where she kinda apologized to me but I half believed her.

But mostly the other girl.

What does this mean?

Most my dreams me being with friends.

2nd most is that girl who is mad at me. Almost in every recurring dream of me being with my friends she is there.

And only once about the girl that broke my heart who kinda apologized to me in the dream.

What does it mean?

2007-12-31 07:28:55 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

It was really weird I felt I couldnt sleep but felt like I wasnt awake. My mind played out things I'd done in my past and not the good ones, 35 years old it was a long night!! I even felt ashamed at one point (even though its the past and cant be changed)

Why did this happen, at one point I thought it was because I was dying and welcomed it!! Dont get me wrong I am a little down right now as I was made redundant a month ago but I am not suicidal and know that i will get one soon.

I felt like it was punishment in some way?? I did have a bit of a temperature but hadnt taken anything for it as it wasnt serious. Any honest sensible ideas, ??

2007-12-31 06:52:21 · 8 answers · asked by jintyyt 3

ive always wondered, i sleep with my head next to the window. and i have a plethera of dreams every night, and i mostly sleep with the curtain pulled back so the moon shines in my room. i occasionally sleep with it closed though, and it seems to effect my dreams but im not sure. and does the size and shape of the moon effect my dreams too?

2007-12-31 06:51:55 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

what does it mean!?

2007-12-31 06:30:01 · 3 answers · asked by xocaligrrlxo. 1

sitting on the chariots, with his men, i think it was jesus with his his spirit men, anyway, they were riding the chariot inside my mother apartment, all around, and me and my sister lock ourself inside the bathroom, because we were scared, and it was very bright. what does this dream mean?

2007-12-31 04:49:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

plez help me out w/this one

2007-12-31 04:30:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Not sure about this one, don't believe in past life experiences...but real none the less. I dreamt I was a prisioner or hostage in a desert. Hands tied behind my back, blindfold on, and two men walking me further into the desert. We got to a point where I was told to kneel. The dream was so real I could see the cracks in the earth (blindfold was loose). As I knelt I felt a pistol being placed against my head...then....BOOM. Next thing I know I am laying face down and watching the blood seep into the the dry, cracked, earth. All I could think was....wow this is it. This is what its like to be dead. I was still concious on some level, but had no control over my body. Like I was stuck inside of it and could not escape. Let me know your thoughts.....by the way....this dream happenend several years ago, but has always haunted me.

2007-12-31 04:27:47 · 7 answers · asked by Don D 2

ok, in this dream i dreamt that my me and my dad went somewhere (not sure where) and we met my friends. And i one of them i hadnt seen in a while (she hadnt moved but) my dad was like "there is your friend _______ i thought she had moved" and then i begged my dad to stay with them and he finally said yes. Then we went to a room and closed the door and when i opened the door there was my dad standing there. I said to him "ok, bye dad". and hes like fine ok bye and he left. then all of a sudden we were all outside and it was dark and we had a costume party. (i was a princess) and i saw my good guy friend (also my crush) come towards me. And he was wearing an asturonaut outfit. And i told him he looked better with out the helmet. and i took it of and i saw him smiling at me. And he started following me. then it turned into a different story were i was in 7 eleven and then i was buying candy and talking to my good (girl) friend. And then i saw 2 brothers arguing.

What this all mean?

2007-12-31 02:52:26 · 2 answers · asked by *im in such an adventure (life)* 1

I have a boyfriend that I've been with for about 5 months now. For the last 2 weeks, I have been dreaming about my ex boyfriends. It's not just one, it is like all of them...a different one every night. They aren't sexual dreams, just us being together and stuff. Does this mean I don't really love my boyfriend or something??? I don't even think about these guys throughout the day but I'm dreaming about them...??

2007-12-31 02:50:46 · 4 answers · asked by **In Love** 4

I had a dream it was the first day of school and me and my ex-boyfriend (we just broke up 2 days ago) were walking together in the hall. But everytime he'd leave to go to his locker or class I wouldn't be able to walk anymore...not that I was paralized or hurt but my feet were like really heavy and when I tried to move them I'd fall down. But when he was back next to me I'd be able to walk again.

2007-12-31 02:49:43 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

My ex-wife cut me in half. Not at the waist, but from head to toe. I was able to hold my skin on and after screaming at her I was able to forgive her and give her a kiss. (would not happen IRL) All the EMTs were friends of my current wife, and the ambulance driver wouldn't put on his lights and siren, we slowly drove to ... (i don't know, we never made it there) I woke up, ran to the kitchen, and did a shot of Southern Comfort before returning to bed.

I have been divorced for 9 years and I am very happily married with my curren wife.

What is wrong with me?

2007-12-31 00:35:57 · 9 answers · asked by jimmy 3

well i started a job about 4 weeks ago as a checkout chick. and after the first week. nearly every single night i have nightmares about them lol. but i always wake up in the middle of the night and im sitting up in bed acting like im operating the till and looking for the scanner. its so annoying. coz i think im actually there when i wake up and am freaking out that there is no cash register and wondering how im gonna explain it to the people in line XD
it takes me like a minute to snap out of it.

i thought it was pretty funny for the first week. but now its really starting to interupt my sleep im always tired when i wake up in the morning. and i stayed at a friends house the other night. and woke up in the middle of the night sitting up. LOL. and she said i was talking in my sleep.

anywhoo. hope it stops xD lol

oddly enough i dont dream of them. i only start thinking im there when i "wake up". but im still half asleep.

it sux lol. will it stop? lol

2007-12-30 23:14:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Did they have to do with god and satan?
My first dream, was about me and my two sisters...in my dream they were going to die...and I really can't remember it that much but Satan was gonna do something...and I needed help to try and stop him...it woke me up ... I know theres not alotta detail about that one but I cant remember it that much.
My second dream was of just me... I was in a dark room, there was something chanting a phrase,''I will obey''... this monster was reading it from a bible, the monster was dark,and scary it had chains around him*my friend said it was me,my sin??*

3rd,was about another monster called the executioner...there was three doors, alot of people was in the room, i happend to get shoved in the executioners room, well everyone ran, and this voice said will he show mercy or pick someone, i was the one he caught, i died in that dream...i just wanted to know if these weird dreams could mean anything.

2007-12-30 19:21:41 · 9 answers · asked by diana p 1

In my dream I am in a big building with lots of people I don't know. All of a sudden explosion and fire break out, and my boyfriend is killed.

In my dream I don't get upset, and then an old (male) friend starts following me around, and trying to take the place of my boyfriend.

He then walks across a road near a place familiar to me, and intentionally slows down so a car will hit him. The car doesn't stop moving for about 300 metres down the road.

I then call an ambulance but I can't hear the woman on the other end, and i am too upset to speak very well.
An ambulance arrive, and i rush to see my friend, who has now turned into my boyfriend. He gets up and says he is fine.

When I woke up I felt terribly upset. I felt really appreciative of my boyfriend and just how much I love him.

Could this dream be about realising how important he is to me? Or something else?

2007-12-30 18:47:16 · 4 answers · asked by cmp 2

I was getting married, again to the same man but for some reason we decided to do it again. So I was like on this journey with my dog, who I can talk to by some kind of mind understanding. We walk through a prairie with quiet a few trees and we come upon a very old ancient tree. My dog and I discuss on how harvesting the walnuts would be wonderful and making furniture out of the wood. We agree that it would be a shame to tear down the very old ancient tree and wonder how long God was going to let this tree live. As we start to move on, suddenly God himself knocks the tree out of the ground. He stand amazed that God would do that to such an old tree.

2007-12-30 16:30:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

last night I dreamed we were dating and we drove to the mountains to watch some kind of event (might of been firework show) and then I remember we got back home where we were living with her grandma and her other family there was a lot of thugs in her family, we all got along really well though. I remembered before I woke up we were sitting on the couch together she got closer and rested her head on my chest and I had my arm around her. I felt at peace and loved when I woke up, and now have the urge to hang up a poster of her in my room. I know it seems like a lot of insignificant events, what can they mean though? thanks in advance

2007-12-30 16:20:49 · 10 answers · asked by ? 3

Ok Idk what I was doing in the "hood" but I was and someone tried to steal my car but I wouldn't let them. So this guy fired a gun and it hit my arm.In the dream I refused to go to the hospital. What could that mean Im kinda creeped out. Thanks for reading and answering!

2007-12-30 14:18:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've had many weird dreams in my lifetime, but here are the highlighted ones...

- I was 12 & had gone shopping with a friend @ the mall. Her mom picked her up, but mine didn't show up. I look up at the interstate & mom's car sits there, empty. I walk up there & panic...then begin to drive myself! I get a few concerned glances, but drive just fine. Until I bump into the car in front of me - a young boy went flying out the window, the mother beat me up, & the police came. Then mom woke me up in reality.

- Something was wrong with our school, so we moved back into the old building for awhile - it looked like my first elementary school, but more gothic victorian. Then my brother, who's 25, shows up outside the door & my dog's sitting in the hallway. 0.o

- My family moved from our state, West Virginia, to Illinois...somewhere near Chicago. There was really no explanation, it was so random. & the Rocky Mountains appeared from time to time...they're located on the western coast!

2007-12-30 13:07:08 · 17 answers · asked by monkeyzpwn 3