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well i started a job about 4 weeks ago as a checkout chick. and after the first week. nearly every single night i have nightmares about them lol. but i always wake up in the middle of the night and im sitting up in bed acting like im operating the till and looking for the scanner. its so annoying. coz i think im actually there when i wake up and am freaking out that there is no cash register and wondering how im gonna explain it to the people in line XD
it takes me like a minute to snap out of it.

i thought it was pretty funny for the first week. but now its really starting to interupt my sleep im always tired when i wake up in the morning. and i stayed at a friends house the other night. and woke up in the middle of the night sitting up. LOL. and she said i was talking in my sleep.

anywhoo. hope it stops xD lol

oddly enough i dont dream of them. i only start thinking im there when i "wake up". but im still half asleep.

it sux lol. will it stop? lol

2007-12-30 23:14:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Social Science Dream Interpretation

3 answers

I've been a check out chick along the way...You're still fairly new there, and have a lot of information to absorb, it takes awhile to learn how to cashier with efficiency as you learn the product codes and dept. codes etc. And when it's busy in a place like that, it's really busy, and there is much pressure to get that line moving quickly. It sounds like you're over tired. You don't say how old you are, or if this is your first job experience, but if it is, it takes a while to get into the rhythm of working, even more so if you're still in school too. Make sure to eat healthy, and get as much rest as you possibly can, I'm sure that these dreams will subside if you get enough rest, and as you become more experienced and confident in your job. Also, try some relaxation exercises or meditation exercises, try not to go right to sleep as soon as you walk in from work, give yourself a little decompression time when you come home, even if only 10 or 15 minutes, and set out to get your head out of the work space, and into a more relaxed frame of mind before you go to bed. If you go to the yahoo search and type in "relaxation exercises" a whole bunch of sites will show up for you to browse over...good luck, and I hope you get better rest soon....

2007-12-31 00:48:17 · answer #1 · answered by beatlefan 7 · 0 0

Common problem. Whenever I have a difficult and busy day, I sometimes continue to work that night in my mind.

True story... While in army basic and during night barrack watches, I observed soldiers marching in their sleep.

I thought it was most curious and somewhat funny.

Later on, I had someone off a watch tell me that I was marching in my sleep.

2007-12-31 08:46:31 · answer #2 · answered by Randy 3 · 0 0

I think you need a deeper sleep. Try a Tylenol PM. Just one though @ about 8pm.

I heard of a guy that used to do pushups and situps in his sleep @ Air Force basic training. Weird.

2007-12-31 08:21:12 · answer #3 · answered by Ransom 4 · 0 0