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Dream Interpretation

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Dream Interpretation

what could it mean?
i dram i saw him and i was hugging him and crying telling him i missed him so much =((

2007-12-29 10:24:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was searching through a forest for some food for my dad and I found a tree that was alive and intelligent. I told him what I was doing and he took me into a round, stone temple with dirt floors. He said if he cast some soil into a pool in the middle of the room, that it would turn to bread. He was preparing to do it when some travelers came in. He then stood still and pretended not to be alive while they were there.... I woke up

2007-12-29 10:18:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


Since I was Young I've always thought that I had some kind of Physic ability, Maybe i just have good intuition about things, who knows?
But as i've got older I've had alot of dreams that have become true or are happening as I dream about them, things that I couldn't have possibly Have known.

for example, last month I had a very weird about my closest Friend, It was a very short dream and I remember it clearly, she had come round my house and she was crying, in the dream her lips were really swollen but i didn't want to say anything to her about it, anyway in the morning she called me and sounded really upset on the phone, she told me that she had had an allergic reaction to medication and her lips had swollen! i couldnt belive it, I didnt know she was on medication and i didnt know she had reactions she even showed me a picture and it looked the exact same as i had pictured it in my dream....weird or what?

2007-12-29 09:50:22 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-29 08:03:32 · 6 answers · asked by labotomy 2

Ive been having dreams about having a baby. im a virgin, but im in a serious relationship with my boyfriend, we've been together for a little over 2 years. i know this sound stupid, but does this mean..like...im ready to have a baby? im not very old, im in college. and we are planning to get married. does having a baby in a dream mean something? has anyone else had this. I have this dream almost every night. and im very happy in my dream and so is he.

2007-12-29 07:59:45 · 5 answers · asked by Lacey B. 3

When I was young, I had this dream... I was asleep on the couch at my parents house. I was woken up (in my dream) by a growl. It was the incredible hulk (the Lou Ferrigno one). He picked me up by my feet like a baseball bat and proceeded to slam my head into the walls and through the window. Then I woke up...again (still in my dream). I thought it was all over, but then the hulk re-emerged. He proceeded to beat me senseless, kicking me across the room and tenderizing my skull with his fists like a slab of meat. This happened about 5 times until I woke up for real. I thought for sure the hulk would be there to get me again, but it had finally ended. Has this ever happened to you? Slight variations are acceptable...

2007-12-29 07:25:14 · 8 answers · asked by David C 2

ok well , i've been having dreams like this all the time almost every night where i am trying to hit someone and i can't , its like no matter how much strength i put into it i barely or dont hit them and they just laugh at me and i know who the people are i hate them and i really want to hit them i've been having these dreams all the time since i can remember

and also my grandmother passed away not to long ago and at first it was just her face and darkness around it ...which was just creepy and then recently i had a dream where it was x-mas and she was there and she just stared at me

and also the most recent one i've had is where (i fall alseep with the t.v. on) and its like the comercial keeps going and then i try to move and i can't its like my whole bodie is numb and i can't move and then i can and i realize that i was asleep and its really starting to bug me idk what all this means

and now i have had no dreams just darkness for a few seconds

2007-12-29 07:13:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

so if i keep dreaming about this boy i like and i think he likes me what does that mean? i allways dream about him or something about him or one of his family members... and i allways dream that we are boyfriend and girlfriend is it just a fanticy dream or is it a sighn that it could happen if i want it bad enough... what should i do should i talk to him, how would i tell him i like him... thanks for you help

2007-12-29 06:47:55 · 5 answers · asked by wolstenholmy 2

I am 15 weeks pregnant and have been having very vivid dreams. I dreamt several times about beating my mother, and last night I dreamt that I had beaten her to death.My mother and I had a very rough relationship and she committed suicide 7 years ago. Can anyone interpret what this could mean?
I have also dreamed of beating my ex-husband and some random girl from high school (which I also beat to death). If anyone has any idea where this is coming from I would love to know. And no I'm not a violent person in reality.

2007-12-29 06:47:26 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I do, and yes I record them. My favorite dreams are the ones I can fly in. What are your favorite dreams about?

2007-12-29 06:34:19 · 11 answers · asked by newenglandseers.com 4

I'm not talking about dreams involving unicorns or billions of dollars falling from the sky. For example, sometimes if I fall asleep while reading a book, my dream continues where the book left off, and when I wake up and start reading the book again, I get really confused because I think that the part that I dreamt about was actually in the book. Why is this?

2007-12-29 06:32:23 · 9 answers · asked by Tomboy with girly tendencies 4

Ok, I'm behind the wheel of a car driving. (Not sure of the color of my car) But I see my hands on the wheel. I feel myself excell in speed. I'm on a four lane street, two oncoming, two ongoing. There is usually a white colored car,(not a truck ever) but sometimes a dull red colored car in front of me. I feel anxious, scared, then panic, as I slam on the breaks....trying to prevent a rear end collision. Tightly Swearving... I'm almost in the collision, then I awake suddenly! Sweating and outta breathe. This is all that occurs, Nothing before...Nothing after. I want to know why I keep having this same dream? And why the color of the car changes somtimes from White to Red? And Why does start where it does and end so abruptly? Thank you

2007-12-29 05:38:34 · 7 answers · asked by balloons_in_the_skys 1

okay..in my dream i dated this guy
who i've never seen in my life
and usually my dreams come true
so does that mean im gunna meet a new guy?

DO any of u have these dreams?

2007-12-29 05:30:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

so i keep having this dream about this boy i really really like and i think he likes me to and one night i had a dream where we were in a car holding hands and i looked over at him and there was a window between us but we were still holding hands wierd i know. so i dont know what this means can you please tell me if you do ...thanks

2007-12-29 05:28:16 · 15 answers · asked by wolstenholmy 2

My friend had a dream about me and a close guy friend of mine, and this is what she told me (a little background, the guy is named Eli, and my name is Elise):
"All right, well ... I asked Eli ... (prepare yourself) if he would want to 'make love to you' (but he never answered). Then, later, when you walked by him, you were all like "Love you, Eli!" (but you meant it as like a friend) we keep walking, and I turn around to look at his reaction, and he had stopped walking and was looking at you with his mouth hanging open.
So later, we watched a recording of all of this (because for some reason I was recording it all with a video camera) and I remember saying "Look at Eli's face after she says I love you! It's hilarious!"
Anyway, so everyone was sitting at the lunch table except you, and me and [your best friend] were questioning Eli, and we found out that basically a small part of him ddn't want to like you, but a larger stronger part was in love with you.
The End!"

2007-12-29 05:08:33 · 1 answers · asked by Elise 2

both the last times I have stayed at my parents house I have dreamt about terminal cancer in people, not necessarily anyone I know, but its quite freaky. The house used to belong to a widow. This lady used to have all her husbands clothes in the wardrobe. You think this is a co indcidence? I have no idea what he died of

2007-12-29 04:41:59 · 14 answers · asked by gill 4

I am admittedly quite paranoid about dirt and germs and about being contaminated by them - I do not know why. Recently I have been having dreams about dirty toilets. With wee and pooh etc on them.

About 3 years ago My coat brushed against a public toilet and it still makes my skin crawl and when I was in hospital (UK) the toilets were foul but this was ages ago. What does this mean please.

2007-12-29 03:29:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and the wife are both mid 50's. Last night I had a dream we were in one of those little smart cars and got hit by a train, then we woke up on a beach back in our 20's, tan and paddling surfboards at a beach in Hawaii. I remember the beach from our honeymoon. The rest of the dream was us riding giant tsunamis all over the world and visiting different tourist sites.

2007-12-29 02:59:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Recently, I had a dream about my ex-best friend and me at a train station. I was heading to school and saw her there. Suddenly, she just grabbed my arm and went into the train which has just arrived. Then, we chatted together in the train. When I woke up from that wonderful dream, I thought: It's just a dream! She won't be best friends with you anymore! But that always makes me sad. Before becoming enemies(well not really)we used to eat together during lunch and laugh together about some small funny matter. Then a few months, she started to feud(argue) with me about a small matter. But this isn't the first time I dreamt about her. Quite a couple of times she appeared in my dreams, talking to me. But in reality, she would avoid me and make a long face when she sees me. And she will NEVER EVER talk to me. Just because of that feud.

2007-12-29 02:12:38 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

what do people who were born blind see in their dreams?

2007-12-29 02:09:47 · 1 answers · asked by Sheb Q 3

my mom was there, but wouldn't help and I think it was my dad's turtle. It's jaws were big and it's sharp jaw was cutting my skin. It was very scary.... I did end up fighting it off. what was this.

2007-12-29 02:01:02 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


ok..i had a weird dream a few years back..
i was looking out of the window..and then my mum appeared from nowhere..talking to a guy..then the guy hit her..and then i woke up.. it really freaked me out.

also. once..i dreamt that my dad was trying to kill me..in a helicopter.

they didnnt have a violent relationship..very loving in fact..so i know its not that.

any ideas?


2007-12-29 01:28:26 · 12 answers · asked by davesbigpants 2

Ok in my dream my mother is a serial killer who kills young ladies and I'm her sidekick. Late at night we go to my primary school (elementary school) and murder some lady and my mum writes her name on a piece of paper. Then the scene changes to my aunty's house were I'm in the bathroom and seriously anxious about getting caught for the crimes. Then my mum walks in and tells me we've gotta go kill another person. And I go on a complete rage and start yelling at her and crying and tell her that I don't want to go and kill people anymore and I don't want to end up in jail.

Can someone please tell me the meaning behind this dream ? It's been on mind since it occured

2007-12-29 00:57:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous



I haven't had a wet dream yet and I'm really nervous of having one!

Should I be?

2007-12-28 23:46:02 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

if your worried about doing something and then you dream that you are doing it and you dont feel scared about doing it at all..do you think that is just your brain telling you that you shouldn't be scared and should just go for it..or that your not actually scared of it you just think you are?

2007-12-28 20:38:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-28 20:24:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

What does this mean? Is he going to die? It's everynight and its always some horrible and bloody death and when he dies I always end up laughing or smiling...

2007-12-28 20:16:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-28 19:36:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous