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2007-04-20 04:53:56 · 6 answers · asked by Khairi_MFI 1 in Music

If we make reality around us, then all faiths are valid because they all have faithful who adhere to their traditions and project their belief onto the world.
Is there a set standard to reality, we don't contribute to it, and the Truth is a stable thing that can be found and written about?

2007-04-20 04:53:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What sort of questions should I ask! I am a first time buyer!

Please Help

2007-04-20 04:53:26 · 53 answers · asked by nevergrowup 3 in Renting & Real Estate

about you that you wish ppl would not point out?

my THING is my size..im a petite "lil something" and i hate well dislike ppl saying "ohhh ure sooo skinny, ohhh do you eat? ohh wow maybe you should see a doctor..." its sooo annoying and hurtful!

2007-04-20 04:53:06 · 16 answers · asked by wolvie 6 in Polls & Surveys

I was told that you do that to protect them and keep them shiny. What other products I can use for that?

2007-04-20 04:52:38 · 6 answers · asked by irina p 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

And call it "Conspiracy theorist central". Because if you disagree with them, you will get kicked off answers. Dude, I am glad I am not with those hypocrites any more.

If you dare disagree with a theorist (9/11 was an inside job)
you will be booted or racked with violation notices.

Here is a video you may enjoy watching.

2007-04-20 04:52:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

You can't claim to be pro-life is you support the endless war with no victory plan.

2007-04-20 04:52:30 · 24 answers · asked by Villain 6 in Politics

My 23 month old daughter has hit a hard stage for me to come up with some ideas of how to solve,prevent and get through this stage... she bites, hits, kicks, and smacks me when she is frustrated or doesn't get her way... I do not believe in physical disipline.. i believe in time outs and taking toys away... but when it comes to this issue.. I feel helpless... if anyone has some ideas that do work either creative or traditional please share them with me... I love my daughter very much and I am clueless of what to do when this behavior occurs... I have tried time out ... remove toys from her play area and ignoring the behavior none of these have worked for me.... please keep in mind I will not bite,hit etc. my child to show her it hurts... in my oppinion that just reenforces the behavior I am struggling with... Thank you in advance for helping me get some ideas to get through this with my daughter.

2007-04-20 04:52:19 · 20 answers · asked by A W 3 in Toddler & Preschooler

We've been married for 4 years now and he doesn't give me any reason not to trust him. But I find myself scared that he still has the player in him; and that he's could be sneaky and I just don't know. How do I deal with these feelings of doubt? Especially when there are attractive younger women in is office?

2007-04-20 04:52:16 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-04-20 04:52:04 · 7 answers · asked by jelly24 1 in Safety

Like for example cropping only a face with actual boarders (not a square)!

2007-04-20 04:52:00 · 4 answers · asked by Ayman 2 in Software

Who is your favorite author? What genre do you like? and Why?

2007-04-20 04:51:54 · 12 answers · asked by phanti 3 in Books & Authors

i am one of those girls that have a very flat chest... i am farly pretty but i have trouble keeping a boyfriend. i asked my friend why i have trouble keeping boyfriend and she said it is cause i dont have big boobs! why do most guys like girls with big boobs?!?!?!

2007-04-20 04:51:40 · 19 answers · asked by iamagulliblemoron 1 in Other - Skin & Body

Do aliens exsist? Does area 51 have secrets? And did aliens get Beagle 2?

2007-04-20 04:51:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

i am going to try to build a case against my ex for custody of our daughter and i need to know how to get his police reports and court records from tennessee, but i have no spare cash.. is there a way to do it for free??

2007-04-20 04:51:19 · 6 answers · asked by lookingforthepines 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

me and my boyfriend are saved but not to long ago we stepped out of Gods will and we start having sex and and we both know its wrong and we want to stop and the only way i can think that can happen if we stop seeing each other and i love him to much to let that happpen so i just need some answers so i can know how we can be doing gods will and still be with each other.

2007-04-20 04:51:19 · 15 answers · asked by Niesha bonds 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-04-20 04:51:18 · 15 answers · asked by chris b 1 in Basketball

2007-04-20 04:51:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I'll bet he gets a shirt that says "Worlds Best Dad" this year for father's day....

2007-04-20 04:51:17 · 10 answers · asked by tapping toes 5 in Polls & Surveys

Just curious as to who is the most popular. 8 people have listed me as a contact.

2007-04-20 04:51:15 · 12 answers · asked by holy_see 3 in Religion & Spirituality

this month v noticed that our water bill is coming too much and consumption was very high as compare to previous months. so v thought it might be some leakage in the basement. then v checked the washroom bowl . as i flush it i found some water drops at the bottom , on the floor. and there is a continously sound from tank. do we need to replace it can anybody suggest plz?

2007-04-20 04:51:11 · 3 answers · asked by sara 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2007-04-20 04:51:04 · 54 answers · asked by prsnmchll 1 in Movies

2007-04-20 04:50:43 · 5 answers · asked by werdn w 1 in Biology


1. an attribute is a further description of the tag

2. you can use two tags at once to affect the same text

3. The
flag creates a line break and skips a line (creates a double space)

4. There are six different font size tags availiable to use

5. when you create a linked image, it automatically creates a border around it

6. you can make horizontal reference lines different lengths


1. What tag should you use to start every html document?

2. Where does the show up when viewing your actual web page? Be specific<br /> <br /> 3. write the code to right-align the sentence: This sentence is aligned to the right. <br /> <br /> 4. What does HREF stand for?<br /> <br /> 5. What does HREF do?<br /> <br /> 6. Write the code so that you delete the blue border that shows up around a linked image. Use "computer.jpg" as your image.<br /> <br /> 7. </p> <p> <small> <a href="/en/2007-04-20">2007-04-20</a> <span>04:50:30</span> · <span>3 answers</span> · asked by <u>Anonymous</u> in <span><a href="/en/category/computers-and-internet/programming-and-design">Programming & Design</a></span> </small> </p> </div> </div> <div class='question'> <div class='question-top'> <div class='question-top-left'> <b> 3 <span style='color:green;'>⤊</span> </b> </div> <div class='question-top-right'> <h2 class='question-title' lang="en"> <a href="/question/20070420085029AAQYYaM" lang="en">Im not really academically intelligent whatsoever, and I really need a scholarship.?</a> </h2> </div> </div> <div class='question-main'> <p class='question-content' lang="en"> Where can i find a scholarship program that doesn't require a good academic performance or something? pls help,...thanks so much </p> <p> <small> <a href="/en/2007-04-20">2007-04-20</a> <span>04:50:29</span> · <span>7 answers</span> · asked by <u>maro</u> <b>2</b> in <span><a href="/en/category/education-and-reference/financial-aid">Financial Aid</a></span> </small> </p> </div> </div> <div class='question'> <div class='question-top'> <div class='question-top-left'> <b> 5 <span style='color:green;'>⤊</span> </b> </div> <div class='question-top-right'> <h2 class='question-title' lang="en"> <a href="/question/20070420085027AABaZUJ" lang="en">If your cat swallowed your computer mouse, what would you do?</a> </h2> </div> </div> <div class='question-main'> <p class='question-content' lang="en"> </p> <p> <small> <a href="/en/2007-04-20">2007-04-20</a> <span>04:50:27</span> · <span>41 answers</span> · asked by <u>Anonymous</u> in <span><a href="/en/category/entertainment-and-music/polls-and-surveys">Polls & Surveys</a></span> </small> </p> </div> </div> <div class='question'> <div class='question-top'> <div class='question-top-left'> <b> 7 <span style='color:green;'>⤊</span> </b> </div> <div class='question-top-right'> <h2 class='question-title' lang="en"> <a href="/question/20070420085024AAg6zZw" lang="en">my husband has been insulting me , i just wanted to know if its considered emotional abuse?</a> </h2> </div> </div> <div class='question-main'> <p class='question-content' lang="en"> also please advise me on how to handle the situation, what to do,how to answer him.we have been married for 13 years and over the last few years he has put me down, by saying that i am stupid, good for nothing.i dont work its by mutual choice, we have 2 kids.i have put on a bit of weight over the years, i am not a little over weight, and he calls me beached whale.(i am far from being that) he often shouts at me and orders me around, tells me what to do, by helping him , he gives me small asignments to do.which i do.and if i dont do them to his satisfaction, he tells me i am lazy.<br /> anyway i just wanted peoples output <br /> thanks in advance </p> <p> <small> <a href="/en/2007-04-20">2007-04-20</a> <span>04:50:24</span> · <span>27 answers</span> · asked by <u>the s</u> <b>2</b> in <span><a href="/en/category/family-and-relationships/marriage-and-divorce">Marriage & Divorce</a></span> </small> </p> </div> </div> <div class='question'> <div class='question-top'> <div class='question-top-left'> <b> 3 <span style='color:green;'>⤊</span> </b> </div> <div class='question-top-right'> <h2 class='question-title' lang="en"> <a href="/question/20070420085015AATiUOL" lang="en">Can this be legal?????</a> </h2> </div> </div> <div class='question-main'> <p class='question-content' lang="en"> I live in Illinois and I was demoted a couple weeks ago because my employer found out that I wanted to further my education which might possibly involve my moving therefore they demoted me. I earned two weeks of vacation before I was demoted and had requested and been approved for one of the vacations prior to demotion as well. The week before I was to go on vacation is when they finally demoted me and lowered my pay. The check I received for my vacation is under my new pay not the old pay rate in which I earned the vacation. Shouldn't they have to pay me under my old pay rate cause hell If I ran a business and wanted to save money anytime someone took a vacation I would just demote them before hand and lower the pay rate so that I wouldnt have to pay them as much for the time off. I have never been reprimanded for anything nor caused any problems so I don't get why on earth they want to jerk me around when they wanted to promote me the day before they knew I wanted to pursue school </p> <p> <small> <a href="/en/2007-04-20">2007-04-20</a> <span>04:50:15</span> · <span>7 answers</span> · asked by <u>john</u> <b>1</b> in <span><a href="/en/category/politics-and-government/law-and-ethics">Law & Ethics</a></span> </small> </p> </div> </div> <div class='question'> <div class='question-top'> <div class='question-top-left'> <b> 37 <span style='color:green;'>⤊</span> </b> </div> <div class='question-top-right'> <h2 class='question-title' lang="en"> <a href="/question/20070420084940AAOA6EZ" lang="en">What evry American person is missing in their lives is a strong belief in Allah?</a> </h2> </div> </div> <div class='question-main'> <p class='question-content' lang="en"> If America empraced Allah it would not have had the Virginia Tech massacre. </p> <p> <small> <a href="/en/2007-04-20">2007-04-20</a> <span>04:49:40</span> · <span>17 answers</span> · asked by <u>Anonymous</u> in <span><a href="/en/category/news-and-events/current-events">Current Events</a></span> </small> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div style='margin-bottom:16px;'> <div class="pagination"> <p class="pagination_title"> Questions asked on 20 April 2007: </p> <p class="pagination_description"> Showing <span class="font-medium">6601</span> to <span class="font-medium">6630</span> of <span class="font-medium">8233</span> questions </p> <div class="pagination_body" role="navigation" aria-label="Pagination Navigation"> <a href="https://fedest.com/en/2007-04-20/page-220" rel="prev" aria-label="&laquo; Previous"> Previous </a> <a href="https://fedest.com/en/2007-04-20/" aria-label="Go to page 1"> 1 </a> <a href="https://fedest.com/en/2007-04-20/page-2" aria-label="Go to page 2"> 2 </a> <a href="#" aria-disabled="true"> ... </a> <a href="https://fedest.com/en/2007-04-20/page-218" aria-label="Go to page 218"> 218 </a> <a href="https://fedest.com/en/2007-04-20/page-219" aria-label="Go to page 219"> 219 </a> <a href="https://fedest.com/en/2007-04-20/page-220" aria-label="Go to page 220"> 220 </a> <a href="https://fedest.com/en/2007-04-20/page-221" class="active" aria-current="page"> 221 </a> <a href="https://fedest.com/en/2007-04-20/page-222" aria-label="Go to page 222"> 222 </a> <a href="https://fedest.com/en/2007-04-20/page-223" aria-label="Go to page 223"> 223 </a> <a href="https://fedest.com/en/2007-04-20/page-224" aria-label="Go to page 224"> 224 </a> <a href="#" aria-disabled="true"> ... </a> <a href="https://fedest.com/en/2007-04-20/page-274" aria-label="Go to page 274"> 274 </a> <a href="https://fedest.com/en/2007-04-20/page-275" aria-label="Go to page 275"> 275 </a> <a href="https://fedest.com/en/2007-04-20/page-222" rel="next" aria-label="Next &raquo;"> Next </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="pagination" style='margin-bottom:16px;'> <p class="pagination_title"> Questions asked on other days: </p> <div class="pagination_body" role="navigation" aria-label="Dates Navigation"> <a href="/en/2007-12-31" class="" aria-label="Go to 31 december 2007"> 31 december 2007 </a> <a href="/en/2007-12-30" class="" aria-label="Go to 30 december 2007"> 30 december 2007 </a> <a class="" aria-disabled="true"> ... </a> <a href="/en/2007-04-24" class="" aria-label="Go to 24 april 2007"> 24 april 2007 </a> <a href="/en/2007-04-23" class="" aria-label="Go to 23 april 2007"> 23 april 2007 </a> <a href="/en/2007-04-22" class="" aria-label="Go to 22 april 2007"> 22 april 2007 </a> <a href="/en/2007-04-21" class="" aria-label="Go to 21 april 2007"> 21 april 2007 </a> <a href="/en/2007-04-20" class="active" aria-current="page"> 20 april 2007 </a> <a href="/en/2007-04-19" class="" aria-label="Go to 19 april 2007"> 19 april 2007 </a> <a href="/en/2007-04-18" class="" aria-label="Go to 18 april 2007"> 18 april 2007 </a> <a href="/en/2007-04-17" class="" aria-label="Go to 17 april 2007"> 17 april 2007 </a> <a href="/en/2007-04-16" class="" aria-label="Go to 16 april 2007"> 16 april 2007 </a> <a class="" aria-disabled="true"> ... </a> <a href="/en/2006-06-01" class="" aria-label="Go to 1 june 2006"> 1 june 2006 </a> <a href="/en/2006-05-31" class="" aria-label="Go to 31 may 2006"> 31 may 2006 </a> </div> </div> </article> </section> <div style="background:#888;padding:8px;margin-top:16px;"> fedest.com, questions and answers </div> </body> </html>