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1. an attribute is a further description of the tag

2. you can use two tags at once to affect the same text

3. The
flag creates a line break and skips a line (creates a double space)

4. There are six different font size tags availiable to use

5. when you create a linked image, it automatically creates a border around it

6. you can make horizontal reference lines different lengths


1. What tag should you use to start every html document?

2. Where does the show up when viewing your actual web page? Be specific<br /> <br /> 3. write the code to right-align the sentence: This sentence is aligned to the right. <br /> <br /> 4. What does HREF stand for?<br /> <br /> 5. What does HREF do?<br /> <br /> 6. Write the code so that you delete the blue border that shows up around a linked image. Use "computer.jpg" as your image.<br /> <br /> 7. </p> <p> <small> <a href="/en/2007-04-20">2007-04-20</a> <span>04:50:30</span> · <span>3 answers</span> · asked by <u>Anonymous</u> in <span><a href="/en/category/computers-and-internet">Computers & Internet</a></span> <span> ➔ </span> <span><a href="/en/category/computers-and-internet/programming-and-design">Programming & Design</a></span> </small> </p> </div> </div> <h3 style="background:#fff;border-bottom:3px solid green;">3 answers</h3> <div style='margin:6px 0px;'> <div id="answer20070420051919" class='answer answer_best' > <!-- <b>Answer #1</b> --> <p class='answer-content' lang="en"> 8. http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp </p> <p> <small> 2007-04-20 05:19:19 · <a href="#answer20070420051919">answer #1</a> · <span>answered by <u>Anonymous</u></span> · <span>0<span style='color:green;'>⤊</span></span> <span>0<span style='color:red;'>⤋</span></span> </small> </p> </div> <div id="answer20161028132516" class='answer' > <!-- <b>Answer #2</b> --> <p class='answer-content' lang="en"> An liquid crystal demonstrate via its nature blocks a persevering with mild source it doesn’t count what the colour they are going to be no strengthen in capacity intake as quickly as the change has been made, have been you're able to get a upward thrust could be if the demonstrate is shifting or changing like a movie. </p> <p> <small> 2016-10-28 13:25:16 · <a href="#answer20161028132516">answer #2</a> · <span>answered by <u>?</u> <b>4</b></span> · <span>0<span style='color:green;'>⤊</span></span> <span>0<span style='color:red;'>⤋</span></span> </small> </p> </div> <div id="answer20070420053253" class='answer' > <!-- <b>Answer #3</b> --> <p class='answer-content' lang="en"> Part I. 1-6. (all answers) Not necessarily<br /> Part II 1-6 (No one correct answer for any question: questions too vague)<br /> Part II question 7: Answer: Yes </p> <p> <small> 2007-04-20 05:32:53 · <a href="#answer20070420053253">answer #3</a> · <span>answered by <u>fjpoblam</u> <b>7</b></span> · <span>0<span style='color:green;'>⤊</span></span> <span>0<span style='color:red;'>⤋</span></span> </small> </p> </div> </div> </article> </section> <div style="background:#888;padding:8px;margin-top:16px;"> fedest.com, questions and answers </div> </body> </html>