Personally, I would like to see it happen again being a boxing fan and boxer and all. People talk about Hatton vs. Mayweather, personally it would be a waste in my opinion, Mayweather is just all around the perfect counter for Hatton's type of fight, being amazingly bigger and faster and more defensive than Hatton is.
De la Hoya vs Mayweather again would be something to see, but does anyone else think that this would happen again? Thats what I'm really trying to ask here, I'm not asking about how the fight would turn out ( although comments on it would be interesting to see ) but I just wanted to get some of you people's thoughts on this fight ever happening again, hopefully Oscar will use his damn jab to take down Mayweather
seen around 2:30 Oscar jabs Mayweather and it seems to actually work... unfortunanetly he didn't throughout the fight and well... yeah...
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