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Religion & Spirituality - 5 December 2007

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Will I for not believing in him?

2007-12-05 05:47:02 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why push, put down, beg, augue, slander, condemn, plead, warn, dangle them over a burning hell, roast them and then judge. No man knoweth the heart, it is excedingly wicked. Does that included the hearts of just athiest or does it apply to christians also? Live the life, walk the walk and don't talk the talk.Did Jesus harrass those who did not come unto Him? No, by invitation only, He knew that it was no use until the Father would be the one to draw them unto Himself. Aren't your heads sore yet for butting them together just to satisfy your ego, maybe? Judge not lest ye be judged, so the good book says.

2007-12-05 05:43:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I often see athiests denying the exsistence of God on the basis that He couldn't "logically" be omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, etc. My question is this: If there is a supreme being we call God(and there is!), then would not His intellect surpass our own? If this supreme being created the universe and everything therein, would not His knowledge and wisdom exceed our own? And how could we as mere creations understand the power and majesty of such a being? In the Bible God says, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart." (1 Corinthians 1:19) So again I ask, how could man, a creation, question the logic and intellect of his creator?

2007-12-05 05:42:57 · 47 answers · asked by Kobols.Hope 3

What would be the short and long term effects of this?

2007-12-05 05:42:09 · 36 answers · asked by Lex Fok B.M.F. 3

Here is the rest of it!

"God sent the Trash Man by House. In 2006 he said greater is he that is within me than he that is within the world. God said you have to much clutter in your life, throw in the trash, he said you have closets, garages, basements, drawers, broken promises, divorce, failed marriages, sickness, throw it in the trash. He said I am the trash collector I will heal it from your mind and body, I will bless you with miracles that no one will be able to speak a word. The Devil is a lie and he can take up root in this place. So I personally am thankful for my children, health, my home, my parents, my job, my peace of mind, love and mercy but when I say I can run around with no junk, no trash I say thank you! "

Is there ANYONE out there that can INTERPRET this for me ...??
English , please ...!
:) S. P.

2007-12-05 05:40:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just read another answer that said that 'good or bad, g-d will forgive us, and we will find salvation.' or something of the sort.
So you're saying that if you commit a sin or DON'T commit a sin, it's okay because you're Christian, and you'll be forgiven no matter what. Soooo...what's the point in the religion? Just to scare you about where you're goin when you die?

2007-12-05 05:38:43 · 13 answers · asked by Liv 2

A woman I work with sent all of her employees the following email [see below].
What in tarnation does it MEAN ....?
Can someone PLEASE interpret this ....?
Thanks, all! :)

"I hope this word touches your heart and soul and know that I am not everything that God has called me to be; but I am thankful I am not what I use to be and that I am fit for the future of success, favor, health and prosperity.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear) but He has given us a spirit of power and love and of calm and well balanced mind and discipline and self control@ 2 Timothy 1:7

Paul talks about these secrets in 1 Corinthians 2:7. He calls them "hidden wisdom": "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory." It's always an exciting and glorious thing to discover God's wisdom. Because when you encounter His wisdom you run right smack into his goodness.

2007-12-05 05:34:43 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean, if you think about it, Christians, Jews, and Muslims aruge and fight over stuff that happened thousands of years ago. Why not just forgive - TRULY forgive - and move on? What's happened cannot be undone, and we are not responsible now for what Abraham did or didn't do, any more than we are for Mohammad, Jesus, or anyone else. If we can never move beyond that stuff, aren't we pretty much all doomed to live in a world of fear forever?

2007-12-05 05:33:56 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I'm wrong which I',m not and I die I',m just dead. If your wrong which you are, you die you end up in hell. So I have nothing to lose you have nothing to gain. I think I'll choose to believe in God and life after death.

2007-12-05 05:31:17 · 67 answers · asked by Anonymous

Maybe there is a creative, loving force in the universe other than yourself and other living things, and it doesn't really care if you go to church, or eat communion wafers, or eat pork, or meditate properly, or pay homage in the precise direction, but maybe this possibly conscious force in the universe just wants life to succeed, to become less painful for all those involved and live in creativity and harmony? And just maybe this entity doesn't care if you believe in it, or if you question it, but is stable and testable in nature. Maybe even it's not really real or conscious, maybe it's just made of the information of the fundamental values we have as people, values that can change slightly with time as life changes and adapts. Maybe your concept of it is completely different than mine and maybe that's just fine.

It's not about anger or jealousy or force or whatever label you want to place on yourself, it's just a concept of what is real, testable and promotes life.

2007-12-05 05:30:40 · 8 answers · asked by l m 3

Of course this is a generalization, but the vast majority here don't seem to believe in biology.

2007-12-05 05:29:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Doesn't that mean he created evil? If he didn't want evil to exist, it wouldn't. Why make innocents suffer?

2007-12-05 05:29:09 · 13 answers · asked by isnrblogdotcalm 5

If a religion needs to have a concept of God and Scientology doesn't have it, where does that leave Scientology if that's the case?

2007-12-05 05:29:08 · 6 answers · asked by Papucho 5

if so, why prayer request?

if not, is he worth worshiping?

2007-12-05 05:29:08 · 10 answers · asked by Jeff S Phoenix_AM 3

I'm not a discriminate person, but really, why do Christians want to make everyone else part of their religion?! It's kind of irritating sometimes. It's not that hard to not worry about what everyone else is doing. If some Christians would just learn to love, maybe they'd end up in heaven, like they want to. And I'm NOT Athiest. Don't assume so just because I want to say something on the ongoing discriminative subject. It's just irritating how some people have the NERVE to say some of the things they do. Every other religion does a better job in loving everyone else than the many Christians in the world. Could WE just go to heaven? We follow the rules better than the Christians do! I don't want to hear rude responses. If you have an INTELLIGENT answer, then go ahead, but if it's discriminatory then I don't want to hear it. I know that this question WASN'T what you would call NOT discriminate, but really? Can't I just say SOMETHING?

2007-12-05 05:28:17 · 52 answers · asked by Liv 2

Please dear God think of the homeless children who will not have a meal tonight, children with diseases and no medication, the elderly whose family doesn't visit them, the neglected, abused, emotionally starved, and all peoples who need prayer, and me too. Peace.

2007-12-05 05:28:08 · 7 answers · asked by Born Valentine's Day 5

you kow when it says "a woman must learn in quietness and full submission, I do not permit her to speak, I do not permit her to usurp authority over men" what would happen if the wife was disobedient? would he punish her sexually and emotionally and socially but not loving her or responding in a pleasant manner to her conduct or would he hit her?

2007-12-05 05:27:40 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-05 05:25:50 · 32 answers · asked by STFU Dude 6

To believe in God and not to obey his "rules" or not to believe in God?

2007-12-05 05:25:03 · 14 answers · asked by Zivko V 1

In a universe where all actions are based on the results of previous actions how is human thought NOT part of that?
Sure we can do what we desire to do but we cannot decide what it is that we desire most.
An illusion of free will is experienced due to the generation of infinite behaviour from the interaction of finite-deterministic set of rules and parameters. Thus the unpredictability of the emerging behaviour from deterministic processes leads to a perception of free will, even though free will as an ontological entity does not exist.

2007-12-05 05:23:20 · 23 answers · asked by Clint 4

I wasn't trying to preach to a guy on the 'net, just trying to describe Salt Lake City (he never heard of mormons or SLC & thought I lived in a lake!

2007-12-05 05:21:46 · 11 answers · asked by strange-artist 7

How can one be a "Mary" rather than a "Martha" when stuck in this rat race of a world? Furthermore how can one even keep a hold on what the means?

2007-12-05 05:20:57 · 12 answers · asked by Consuming Fire 7

2007-12-05 05:18:07 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you are against Christians attempting to legislate what they believe in, what exactly are you for?

Don't Christians have the right to try to have laws made to reflect what they believe? I'm sure most of you that would say homosexuals have that right...but at the same time when Christians do the same, they are somehow forcing their beliefs on you.

Lets look at abortion...one group believes it is murder and one does not. It just so happens that the one group is mostly Christians. Why is it wrong for them to try to stop what they think is wrong, but it is ok for others to try to promote what they think is right?

This is supposedly a free country, but it seems that ahteists would like to prohibit Christians from being free to legislate what they think is right. When the opposite side is trying to do the exact same thing, legislate what they think is right.

So where is the conflict here? And by not wanting Christians to legislate their beliefs,are you against freedom?

2007-12-05 05:17:57 · 50 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-05 05:16:40 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'll start....I like the way all of you stick up for one another! *Respectfully*

2007-12-05 05:15:59 · 23 answers · asked by Lilli 2

just curious

2007-12-05 05:15:26 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because so many christians have told me "god is real".
Reality is testable and quanifiable. Yet when asked for evidence that can be tested, said christian always reverts to the old cop out of "but you have to have faith!".
Not only is that worn and pathetic, but proves conclusively that they have NO evidence to support the existence of thier magic sky pixie.
So, please, unless you're willing to provide ONE single shred of credible (remember that word, it's important) evidence to support the existence of your imaginary friend, I suggest you stop referring to it as "real".

2007-12-05 05:13:58 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

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