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Religion & Spirituality - 4 November 2007

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One of the main arguments made against the idea of Sola Scriptura is the fact of denominations arising from it. If Sola Scriptura is wrong because of denominations then isn't oral tradition wrong too? If not why are the Orthodox church and Catholic church not in communion? The both claim to follow oral tradition and yet they do not agree with each other.

2007-11-04 08:32:27 · 6 answers · asked by Bible warrior 5

I've been an atheist for about fifteen years now. And I've never voted for president for anyone other than George W. Bush.

At 20, I voted for Bush thinking his "Compassionate Conservatism" was libertarian in principle; Republican tax cuts with Democratic interest in social issues. (Should have read a little beforehand, I guess. I was pretty young, that's my defense and I'm sticking to it.)

At 24, I voted for him again under the "Wasted Vote" theory; I preferred (marginally, this was still 2004) him to Kerry, and didn't want to "throw away" my vote for a libertarian or protest vote. (Although I considered voting for myself. Even though I was 11 years too young.)

Any other atheists who voted for God's Own President?

2007-11-04 08:32:01 · 18 answers · asked by Doc Occam 7

The worldwide flood that destroyed all life on earth except for Noah, his family, and the animals in the ark occurred in 4990 B.C. In 2 Peter 3 God refers back to this flood and then transitions to the destruction of the universe by fire. In verse 8 God says, "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." This is interesting because God told Noah to get inside the ark 7 days before He brought the flood (Genesis 7:4).

In verse 8 of 2 Peter 3 we read that interesting Scripture. If we add 7000 to 4990 B.C. (1 day = 1000 years) we arrive at the year 2011 A.D. Is this the year Christ will return as the "Lion of the tribe of Judah" to rapture the saints, destroy the universe bringing judgment on the ungodly, and create a new Heaven and Earth?

Remember God told Abraham and Lot before He destroyed Sodom + Gomorrah.

2007-11-04 08:31:06 · 32 answers · asked by JESUS means: JAHWEH is Salvation 2


did you know that Atheists can be every bit as moral as religious people .. some would argue more so given that they have no reward for the good that they do ?

did you know that there are people who worship a different God/Goddess than you and believe in him/her with every bit of their heart , just like you do ?

did you know that Witches/Pagans/Wiccans don't even believe in Satan let alone worship him ?

did you know that most Satanists don't believe in Satan either ?

did you know that Catholics love and respect Jesus as much as other Christians ?

did you know that evolutionists believe that we came from an ancestor of apes and not from apes themself and that is why there are still monkeys ?

no no no ... don't thank me
I just wanted to save you the points when you go to ask these questions
have a lovely evening

2007-11-04 08:28:53 · 45 answers · asked by ☮ Pangel ☮ 7

everyone just made him up for an answer to things like; where people go after death and how people/earth was created. sorry but i think people who believe in god are just retarded for believing this stupidity..and what even for? so they can waste all their life praying for things that never come true? you might as well just waste your time wishing on a shooting star, you'll have the same result. you god-believers just can't face the fact that we don't know what happeneds after death, you made him up to think it was all great and so you don't have to greive over someone b/c they're in a "better place" sorry, but i believe you're all retards who need to grow up.
-i have been atheist since 4th grade, when i could think on my own, when are you going to start? ღ-a 15 year old atheist.

2007-11-04 08:28:44 · 21 answers · asked by Danielle :) 4

I had a great day.... it was bright and sunny for the most part and 2 inches of rain on Saturday.

2007-11-04 08:25:07 · 19 answers · asked by Icy Gazpacho 6

im psychic by the way and this world is wwritten

2007-11-04 08:24:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Example: Pat tells Lupe about God, but Lupe scoffs and continues his/her life as it was, changing nothing. In your opinion what might cause Lupe's ongoing disbelief?

2007-11-04 08:23:09 · 23 answers · asked by Acorn 7

2007-11-04 08:23:05 · 19 answers · asked by louise d 6

As a fundamentalist Protestant these are two problems I see.

1) Putting too much time and activity campaigning against homosexual marriage. Why are we putting so much time and energy into this when the sins of divorce and adultery are rampant in many of our churches? I feel we purposely blindfold ourselves to this and not only will God hold us accountable, these sins are destroying the church from the inside out.

2) Hyper-Israelism. Because of several past efforts to wipe Israel off the map I support Israel's right to exist, including giving humanitarian and military aid. But Isreal is guilty of doing evil things itself. I believe it's wrong to say whatever Israel does is right because they are the chosen people, it is prophesized in the Bible and so it's God's will. I think this plays into Satan's hands and turns away Palestians and Muslims who might otherwise be open to the Gospel. They recognize the hypocrisy that some of us don't consider Israelis and Muslims to be equal.

2007-11-04 08:20:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-04 08:20:13 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

seems like the very foundation of their different denominations is to just protest against Catholicism. so, what would happen to them if there's no Catholicism?

2007-11-04 08:19:35 · 14 answers · asked by Ťango 3

everyday. If there is a God that u loser fundimental freaks keep obsessing about, then explain why the hell he would allow this ?

2007-11-04 08:17:35 · 4 answers · asked by Thumbs up 2


It's the missing link between fish and reptile which Creationists claim doesn't exist. It's a 6-foot long fossil found in Canada.

2007-11-04 08:17:12 · 5 answers · asked by I'm an Atheist 3

Time Has An End

We read in God's Holy Law Book the Bible in Zephaniah 1:14-15:
The great day of JAHWEH is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of JAHWEH: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly. That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness.

2007-11-04 08:17:10 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Be specific here. Many people on Y! Answers discredit the Bible on a regular basis.

So, I'm wondering what part of the Bible you have proven to be false?

Please reference the exact Scripture.

Obviously, there are parts of the Bible that must be taken on faith. I'm not talking about these parts. Faith must be used to believe in Evolution, Creation, etc.

If you believe the Bible is just a mix-match of stories, surely there are parts that contradict themselves or have historically been proven to be false or inaccurate. So let's hear it.

2007-11-04 08:14:35 · 15 answers · asked by RedThread 2

Yes, it is. God’s Word, the Bible, discusses God’s judgment and eternal Hell from beginning to end. In fact, the Bible tells us that most people who have ever lived will be there.
The wicked shall be turned into Hell, and all the nations that forget God. (Psalm 9:17)
And Jesus went about all Galilee teaching…(Matthew 4:23)… Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)

2007-11-04 08:11:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not asking this to bother anyone so please understand that it's not my intention to argue or question your beliefs. I am a Christian but I'm cool with what anyone else believes, I'm just asking because I'm interested.

2007-11-04 08:10:46 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

do what you do when there is a loving God in heaven that
cares about people and does good things for us. Has mercy on us that he saved us through his son, but he could of just
destroyed every one and every thing and started over, but he
didn't. Love joy piece kindness longsuffering faith meekness
goodness temperance is who God is and about and his
kingdom is forever and ever. Everthing that is not of him has
a short time then their over for ever. Piece and love always.

2007-11-04 08:09:45 · 30 answers · asked by jonathin l 2

2007-11-04 08:08:31 · 16 answers · asked by JJ 7

Therefore what is the need for a god.

2007-11-04 08:08:19 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-04 08:07:16 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Time goes wherever you are,
time is your guiding star
That shines all through your life,
makes you feel and move

Windmill by Helloween

My dreams are out in the far,
so are yours apart
Of secret fairy tales,
dripped on the wings of the
mystery mill

Windmill, windmill, keep on turning;
show me the way, take me today
Windmill, windmill, hearts are yearning,
longing for love and a chance to be free

Don't feel alone and depressed,
someone will come at last
To soothe your stumbling mind,
to keep it away from the evil storm

Windmill, windmill, keep on turning;
show me the way, take me today
Windmill, windmill, hearts are yearning,
longing for love and a chance to be free

2007-11-04 08:06:19 · 6 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5

Why do churches send out missionaries to "witness" to tribal people? If people that haven't heard about Jesus yet won't go to hell because of thier ignorance of Jesus, then telling them about Jesus makes it possible for them to go to hell, when it wasn't possible before. Wouldn't it be better to just leave them alone and let them go to heaven?

2007-11-04 08:06:14 · 12 answers · asked by sydstranda 2

fish too, facing each other.

Personally I think that it was a forward thinking person.

2007-11-04 08:05:46 · 7 answers · asked by Layla 6

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