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Religion & Spirituality - 4 November 2007

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How do you know the bible we have now is what was written 2000 years ago? And if it was, how do you know it wasn't written (or maybe influenced) by bad people who just wanned to tell lies?

I asked this before, and someone told me "the bible is the word of god, cause god would not lie". I am seriously hoping for no circular logic this time, and hope you understand what I ask

This is not a way that I try to prove you wrong so please don't take offense, I just want to understand you

2007-11-04 01:37:08 · 28 answers · asked by larissa 6

What a jerk. He said my answer was best but he picked the other girl because she asked him to choose her. I'm feeling a little guilty because I'm a Christian. But I did tell the truth.

2007-11-04 01:34:20 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just curious!!!

2007-11-04 01:22:42 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mine isn't a very happy one. We lived on a major highway in our town, we were sitting around the table befoe our meal when we heard the screeching tires, screams and busting glass, we (3 generations of our family) went running out side and so did the neighbor's there were 6 people in one car all family who all died. One of the neighbors who came running to the accident site was the only remaining child a boy of around 8-10 years of age. He had stayed home with his Aunt because their was no more room in the car( they sat 6 or more back then) They had gone to pick up Grandma & Grandpa. This poor child had lost his whole family! He was of course taken in by the Aunt that he was with when they all died.
Over the years there had been many accidents right there but none as tragic as that Thanksgiving 1965. My family could not eat our meal but we all went back into our house and knelt down on our knees and prayed for that family and that boy. We would check with him from time to time.

2007-11-04 01:21:38 · 6 answers · asked by Pamela V 7

I have had it with my church. I feel like I should be eating popcorn and sitting in a theater chair. I go to a Baptist church, and our music minister even said something about it being entertainment. What happened to worship? Don't get me wrong, I love comtemporary Christian music, but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! My kids don't even know many traditional hymns. In children's church, the music is so loud I know it's going to damage their hearing - ask me how I know. HUH? (too much loud music over the years for me, too). We are going to try a new church this morning that has a traditional morning and a little more contemporary in the evening.
I won't even start on the watered-down preaching.

Any others agree with me? Are ya sick of entertainment/

2007-11-04 01:13:36 · 21 answers · asked by Suzi♥Squirrel 4

how come adam and eve were white and we have an abundance of blacks??

2007-11-04 01:13:20 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

"I have rejoiced in the way of thy testimonies, as much as in all riches." -- Psalm 119-14
I am an Evangelical Christian; this is a sincere question.

2007-11-04 01:11:04 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Def--> something that tempts, entices, or allures.
the fact or state of being tempted, esp. to evil.
I need Help...
Everyday i walk pass this boy, he looks at me, i look at him. Sometimes he smiles or sometimes he just doesn't notice me.[idk y] I'm a christian but he's not, i don't think he believes in God. I just feel tempted to be with him and sometimes the devil just leads me on to this guy meaning i really wanna be with him. The devil is tempting me to be with the bad crowd, i know down deep inside i can't but everytime when i see this guy i just wanna be with him"bad crowd" I know that God has someone for me, hand picked for me.
But for now how do i stop with this temtaion?
any scriptures you could give me?
i need some help! If You Are Close To God This Question Is for You!! Non Believers..don't answer..thanks:D

2007-11-04 01:02:53 · 15 answers · asked by DDR 2

Why does Easter sunday keep changing?

Why does Chrsits day of ressurection depend upon the new moon?

In fact not just any new moon, but why is it always held on the first sunday, after the first full moon after spring solstice

if this really a jig to make us celebrate spring solstice?
but after a union of sun-day and the moon?

Why is Christs ressurection named after a persian god ishtar

Ishtar was the goddess of fertility

Whose fertility was represented with Rabbits

and whose reincarnation was represented by eggs

so why do we eat bunnies and chocolate eggs at easter, or maybe i have naswered my own question?

Why do we congregate around av giant egyptian monolith at Easter in St peters Basilica

The same monoliths are used by the egyptians to worship isis and horus, who are false gods

infact the same monolith was taken by poper pius when he was in egytp and brouigh t back to rome in 6AD.

Why does the pope speak in 153 languages at easter?

2007-11-04 00:58:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

The appendix is a 'vestigial organ' - a left over bit that no longer serves its original purpose, that evolution is in the process of removing. When it was larger and fully developed (when we were something between monkeys and humans) it allowed us to digest cellulose (in grass and leaves).

But now it serves no purpose (besides getting inflamed and rupturing, which incidentally would have killed you before modern medicine came along).

The appendix has been found to contain infection fighting 'lymphoid cells' which seems to be the organs only function. Though that is a completely different a much more minor function than as we see it in all other animals with an appendix.

The human appendix is not used for the function in which it was developed. Which, by definition, makes it vestigial.

2007-11-04 00:52:59 · 23 answers · asked by Jason 6

I have prayed a few times but not out loud, does God know what I'm thinking? I'm going through a tough time at the moment and I need Gods help.

2007-11-04 00:50:17 · 14 answers · asked by Jay B 1

Hi guys, some of you may be aware of the New world order, if not reach into your pockets and see the reverse side of the dollar bill

novo ordo seclorum

It's a world in which was prophesized by daniel, and by John in the book of Revelations

Every person will be given a choice to accept the Mark fo the beast or die

that is to say, thast choice is to become a Luciferian and deny Christ as saviour, after all thats what the devil wanted all along a world in which only he is worshipped. He almost did it during the flood, so god had to wipe out the only person that did not worship him and start again.

Your bible made in the 1950's is the New World Translation

Note the similarity, New World Order, and New World Translation

Newo worlds order will make you Deny Christ, or face the chop, kinda similar to thast other religeon

The New World Translation has every aspect of Christ as a deity removed, in comparison to other bibles

2007-11-04 00:46:56 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

there is someone on the boards who is going through some hard times just now
she and I have been polar opposites on here since day one
and we never see eye to eye lol
but she needs some hugs right now and any words of hope and inspiration you may have
I don't want to give her name , but she will know who she is
can you guys give something uplifting to someone anonymous please
I know this would make her smile
from me ((((((HUGS)))))

what do you say to someone who needs lifted up
she is Christian so some nice bible quotes would be appreciated also

2007-11-04 00:40:30 · 32 answers · asked by ☮ Pangel ☮ 7

I'm not asking you to abuse me because you don't agree with what i think of your god , I am asking you if there will be a time when society is majority athestic rather than theistic, so answer it

2007-11-04 00:23:33 · 29 answers · asked by devilzhitman 2

The Christian church preaches that the only way to God is through Christ, yet Ghandi, who was a Hindu, lived a good, honest, selfless life and was an inspiration to us all. I know of no Christian who lived a more "Christian" life than Ghandi. Surely he, above all of us would have gone to Heaven.

Does the Christian church believe that he went to Hell because he didn't accept that Jesus was the son of God?

2007-11-04 00:18:41 · 32 answers · asked by Copper 4

I am speaking of the spirit of anti- Christ...

Christ means " anointing " . Like what you receive when you're empowered to spread the Gospel.

2007-11-04 00:16:02 · 15 answers · asked by Israel-1 6

Is it based on size? If so, how big? Based on belief? If so, is yours the only religion and all others are cults?

2007-11-04 00:09:02 · 12 answers · asked by Darculius 3

2007-11-04 00:06:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-04 00:04:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-04 00:02:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-04 00:00:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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