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Religion & Spirituality - 3 November 2007

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I believe that some of the Bible is God's words being a Christian myself but the bible was never written by God it was written by Man and at the time it was written it was said it was wrong to be gay or lesbian, etc and also men were meant to be superior to women and the chances of people putting in their own words to match their is very high and you can tell some Bible verses couldn't have possibly been the words of God as there's one that says, "A good wife is a silent wife" which is sexest towards women and then there's one that says everyones equal and them to verses go against each other so Man must have added his own meaning not everything the Bible says can be taken seriously. I bet all the verses that say being lesbian or gay is wrong were made up by Man and not by God and I think seen as Man wrote it, it had to have been corrupted in some way.
Do you agree with this?

2007-11-03 23:52:11 · 22 answers · asked by Lily R 6

I just woke up and my date is gone. Can't remember what went on. I thought my buddy stole her but it turns out he is a homosexual with designs on me.
Should I go back to church?

2007-11-03 23:48:09 · 8 answers · asked by capekicks 3


How can we see stars that are millions of lightyears away if the world is only 6000 years old?

The only explanation is that the stars existed before the Earth?

2007-11-03 23:46:14 · 11 answers · asked by Jason 6

Meaning fashionable, out there and just be downright FAB U LAS .
Reasons as well, Muslims need not apply- they are stuck in the 50's --oh no you didint.

2007-11-03 23:34:57 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-03 23:18:19 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

my understanding is all atheists believe God is only a Theory ..with a small t...right? i sincerely cannot fathom God as only a theory. to me He is Very Real. i have heard Him call my name and i have felt His warm embrass. what do i gain by lying to you?...and what do you hope to gain by "converting" me to your version of the Theory?

2007-11-03 23:06:12 · 23 answers · asked by Orita 3

As a child I read the Hardy Boys and never once thought I was a boy detective. As an adult I read Crime and Punishment and never wanted to be a criminal like Rashkolikov. Why do people think that Harry Potter will make warlocks out of children?

2007-11-03 23:03:35 · 4 answers · asked by Peter D 2

Satan makes problems for the human being either worldly or eternal.How can they protect themselves from his attack or terrorism ?

2007-11-03 23:03:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Such as healing, nature, exorcisms etc.

thanks for your help

2007-11-03 22:45:48 · 4 answers · asked by i ♥ milo 3

"humanitys highest purpose is to glorify god" is this the ONLY reason he created us?

2007-11-03 22:45:26 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-03 22:34:48 · 36 answers · asked by C S 2

One of the reasons I won't read fantasy literature is the names.
I can't get past names like Dumbledore. When I read the Bible if I see names like Malchisidec, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego I get frustrated. I don't like those names. They make me just utterly unsympathetic to their owners. Some of the names like Sarah, and Deborah I actualy like, though. I like the name Rebecca and have read her story many times.

2007-11-03 22:28:25 · 22 answers · asked by Peter D 2

i have problems in life for that i am seeking god for answers when i do the prayer i feel sad i dont know why

2007-11-03 22:24:38 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Even a special time for forgiving.

As forgiving is apart of the healing process!

2007-11-03 22:10:55 · 12 answers · asked by white_painted_lady 5

Suppose I ask you tht there is an object for instance lets say an Unidentified flying object which no one in the world has seen,no human being in this world knows about this object and if it is brought in front of you and I ask you who will be the first person to tell the mechanism of this object which no one in the world has seen. After you hear my question you might say the person who would no about this object is the creator, manufacturer or producer or whatever .
Now I have some more questions:
1. How did the universe come into existence? –You will say the “The Big Bang Theory”. When did we find out about it , you will say recently , recently in terms of science is 30yrs,50 or 100yrs. The quran speaks about the Big bang theory 1400 years ago. The bible also speaks about the big bang theory but has many unscientific points in it such as the earth was formed bfore the sun where as science tells us earth Is part of the parent body which is the sun, the light was existed before the source of the light, the bible also says the vegetation was created on the third day and the sun on the fourth day how can the vegetations be created before the sun which is the source of their energy, But the quran does not make any such false claims. For more light on this subject pls aquire a vcd of the debate The quran and the bible in the light of modern science-between Dr.Zakir naik and Dr.William Campbell, Dr.William Campbell is the author of the book The bible and the quran in the light of history and science in which he alleged the quran to be unscientific and plagiarisation, which have all been proved false in an open public debate and none of the wrong things in the bible was proven right. Then Dr.Campbell agreed to not have any answers for them.
2. The moon is reflected light it is not its own light, science found that out around may be 50 yrs or 100yrs ago but the quran speaks about it 1400 yrs ago, who could have wrote it in their.Many ppl say that Aristotle wrote about it way before the quran but this topic is also covered in the debate.
3. We thought the sun was stationary, but recently we found out that it rotates and revolves around not more than 20 yrs ago, but the quran mentions this 1400 yrs ago. Who could have mentioned this in the quran?
4. How was the universe initially , Any person with knowledge would say it was smoke, the quran mentions it was smoke 1400 yrs ago.
5. The quran also says that there is an unseen barrier between salty and sweet water which is forbidden to be tresspassed(meaning the salty water though flows into the sweet they do no mix), science found this out 1400 years later.Who could have mentioned this in the quran?
6. Quran says that iron was flown from the heavens, science tell us that to create one atom of iron we need the energy or around 4 galaxies like ours hence stating Iron is an extra terrestrial metal. Who coud have mentioned this in the quran ?
These are only 5 or 6 of the points which I mentioned above from more than 1000 verses in the quran which speak about science. Established science doesn’t conflict with anything the quran has to say. For more info on what the quran has to say about science science pls purchase the vcd The Quran and Modern science- Conflict or conciliation by Dr.Zakir Naik. It is a 5 disc set of vcd’s and scientifically gives an explanation of the verses in the quran.
Let us talk about the theory of probabilities
If you have two choices out of which one is right , the chances that you will make the right choice at random is one in two.For example if I toss a coin it can either be heads or tails, the chance that I will be rite will be one in two, if I toss it twice the chances that I will be right both the times will be one upon two multiplied by one upon two tht is one upon four i.e 25% chance.If I toss it thrice the chances I will be right all three time will be ½* ½* 1/2 = 1/8 i.e is 12 ½ % . A dice has got six sides , if I roll a dice, the chances that I will get the side I chose will be 1/6 , if I throw it twice the chances that I will be right both the times will be 1/6* 1/6= 1/36, this is called as theory of probability. If I roll the dice twice and then toss a coin and all three being right will be 1/6 * 1/6 * ½ = 1/72. So I ask the athiest tht the chances of only three of the verses from the thousand verses that speak about signs of god through science is 0.05%, if you apply the theory of probability to all the scientifically proven facts established by science mentioned in the Quran coming right at random is zero or negligible and in math anything 1 in 10 raised to 50 it is equal to zero. So I ask the athiest , who could have written all this , the only answer any person would have is that it is the creator ,Science tells us today tht it is not eliminating “GOD”, science is only eliminating models of God.
For any one to understand the total concept of existence of God pls refer to the VCD – The quran and Modern science –Conflict or conciliation by Dr.Zakir Naik
For ppl who assume the Quran to be plagiarised from the Greeks and The Bilbe pls refer to the vcd The Quran and the Bible in the light of Modern Science between Dr.Zakir Naik and Dr.William campbell.-5 disc set

I am not forcing you to believe what I am saying , Watch the above two vcds and decide for yourself.

2007-11-03 22:02:30 · 26 answers · asked by nocturnal_monk 2

2007-11-03 21:54:03 · 35 answers · asked by Flavor Flav 2

SDW, The Book of Job does not involve god letting satan test Job. Satan tells god that Job only worships him because he is so blessed. So God, being tempted by satan, kills Job's sheep and his family and plagues him with disease, and makes him watch the view.

The story makes God look pretty petty.

2007-11-03 21:53:40 · 21 answers · asked by Erick 2

In my faith, (the christian faith) we believe that Jesus died on the cross to save our sins. Right? Right, so did everyone go to hell before Jesus just because they sinned? OF course not, people sacrificed the best of the best livestock for er....Forgiveness. So basically, Jesus died to save alot of animals but for us; so that we dont have to buy a fricken cow every day because we cuss. so....Did Jesus save the animals because he was a vegetarian and he believes in animal rights? oh and second note
Jesus= Gods chosen son

I dont mean to be sacreligious, this question is for knowledge purposes only

2007-11-03 21:52:42 · 25 answers · asked by supamariobro46 2

do I have to die to live? Do you understand where I'm coming from?

2007-11-03 21:52:41 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Catholics were the "first", anyway. How can somebody whose denomination only developed some 400 or less years ago say that the ones who made up the whole thing 2000 years ago are not the "true" ones?
Don't get me wrong, I don't like either very much. I just want to understand what's the big deal all about.

2007-11-03 21:50:01 · 11 answers · asked by Ymmo the Heathen 7

and the Founder Hon. "Olivia Robertson" is 90 years old!

Hon. Olivia was in Chicago not to long ago, she is really livley for 90.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=MKghmSmo210 part 1 of the interview
http://youtube.com/watch?v=t3sG25Uy9q8 part 2 of the interview

whatcha think?

2007-11-03 21:49:38 · 6 answers · asked by Bobby The Wolf JPA 3

im a catholic, born, raised and baptized catholic. but my girlfriend she is christain, my parents and i have no problem with that its her parents, the only time i get to see her is at school or if i attend to her chruch events. that was at the beging of our relationship but now we been dating for about an year and im at a point where im good with the parents. so can i stop lying to myself and everyone else that im christian. and tell them that im happy being a catholic and wont changes view. what to do

2007-11-03 21:48:44 · 49 answers · asked by Eddie P 1

I have heard a lot of negative comments about porn but it is all religious stuff. I was wanting to know if there is any scientific evidence saying it is good or bad. Are men naturaly drawn to porn, or is it the enviorment.

2007-11-03 21:46:09 · 27 answers · asked by john smith 2

2007-11-03 21:45:09 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

my parents EARNED their respect and love. and ofcorse i talked back every kid does.

2007-11-03 21:45:00 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

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