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Religion & Spirituality - 11 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

My friends and I stumbled across this website last night. It claims:
"Marry Our Daughter is an introduction service assisting those following the Biblical tradition of arranging marriages for their daughters."

Just browsing through it and reading the FAQ, I thought it was for real. But then I read the "testimonials" and was convinced it's fake. Some of my friends still insist it's serious.

I know it seems out-there, but there are still nutters in this world.


2007-09-11 09:22:38 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so, why?

2007-09-11 09:21:57 · 43 answers · asked by happy wife and mum 5

2007-09-11 09:20:48 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

How To Forgive...(WOW)

One day a while back, a man, his heart heavy with grief, was
walking in the woods. As he thought about his life this day, he
knew many things were not right. He thought about those who had
lied about him back when he had a job.

His thoughts turned to those who had stolen his things and cheated

He remembered family that had passed on. His mind turned to the
illness he had that no one could cure. His very soul was filled
with anger, resentment and frustration.

Standing there this day, searching for answers he could not find,
knowing all else had failed him, he knelt at the base of an old oak
tree to seek the one he knew would always be there. And with tears
in his eyes, he prayed:

"Lord- You have done wonderful things for me in this life. You have
told me to do many things for you, and I happily obeyed. Today, you
have told me to forgive. I am sad, Lord, because I cannot. I don't
know how.
It is not fair Lord. I didn't deserve these wrongs that were done
against me and I shouldn't have to forgive. As perfect as your way
is Lord, this one thing I cannot do, for I don't know how to
forgive. My anger is so deep Lord, I fear I may not hear you, but I
pray that you teach me to do this one thing I cannot do - Teach me
To Forgive."

As he knelt there in the quiet shade of that old oak tree, he felt
something fall onto his shoulder. He opened his eyes. Out of the
corner of one eye, he saw something red on his shirt.
He could not turn to see what it was because where the oak tree had
been was a large square piece of wood in the ground. He raised his
head and saw two feet held to the wood with a large spike through

He raised his head more, and tears came to his eyes as he saw Jesus
hanging on a cross. He saw spikes in His hands, a gash in His side,
a torn and battered body, deep thorns sunk into His head. Finally
he saw the suffering and pain on His precious face. As their eyes
met, the man's tears turned to sobbing, and Jesus began to speak.

"Have you ever told a lie?" He asked?

The man answered - "yes, Lord."

"Have you ever been given too much change and kept it?"

The man answered - " yes. Lord." And the man sobbed more and more.

"Have you ever taken something from work that wasn't yours?" Jesus
And the man answered - "yes, Lord."

"Have you ever sworn, using my Father's name in vain? "

The man, crying now, answered - "yes, Lord."

As Jesus asked many more times, "Have you ever"? The man's crying
became uncontrollable, for he could only answer - "yes, Lord."

Then Jesus turned His head from one side to the other, and the man
felt something fall on his other shoulder. He looked and saw that
it was the blood of Jesus. When he looked back up, his eyes met
those of Jesus, and there was a look of love the man had never seen
or known before.

Jesus said, "I didn't deserve this either, but I forgive you."

It may be hard to see how you're going to get through something,
but when you look back in life, you realize how true this statement

Read the following first line slowly and let it sink in.

If God brings you to it - He will bring you through it.

Lord I love You and I need You, come into my heart, today. For
without You I can do nothing.

When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you! If you are

one of the 7% who will stand up for him, forward this with the
Title 7.%

93% of people won't forward this.

2007-09-11 09:20:01 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous


Okay, yet again I will explain this because clearly some people don't seem to be able to use the "search" function. People are still asking "Why are Atheists in R&S?"

--Atheists do not believe in a god/goddess, but they can be spiritual. This is Religion and Spirituality, not just a Religion section.
--Atheists discuss religion because a lot come from a religious backgrounds. Also, some just like the topic like other people enjoy discussing art, works of poetry, music and the like. Religion is just another work of humanity.
--Atheists are entitled to an opinion just like religious folk are entitled to an opinion. We're all human.
--Atheists do not believe. They just don't-- they aren't secretly denying something. How hard is that to realize? It's as difficult for an Atheist to believe in God as it is for you to believe in unicorns.

So did I miss anything? Can someone please add something else (kindly, this isn't an arguement)?

2007-09-11 09:16:14 · 34 answers · asked by mathaowny 6

What happened to them sucks but hey that's life. People die everyday. Why not feel sorry for the millions of people who are alive and can't even get the basic necessities such as food, medicine, and clean drinking water. 9-11 was just another string in the line of religious intolerance. And I don't just blame Muslim extremists, I blame all of you religious zealots. Don't think you're any better Christians...lets not forget about the Crusades. And America is just as terroristic. Lets not forget about the thousands of innocent people who have died in this senseless greed motivated war. So I don't feel sad for anyone today, I feel disgusted by the entire selfish arrogant human species.

2007-09-11 09:16:00 · 58 answers · asked by Moxie! 6

Muslims keep saying Christians did the inquistions and killed Indian and tortured people and they are bad stuff.
Maybe that is true and I am sure it is even hitler was a bad dude. But that was before I was born and you are either hating dead people or some old man with alheizmers in a rest home that someone is changeing his diapers and he doesn't even know what he done.
How many people like me do not want our religion blamed or us blamed on anything that happened before we were born?
Those born in the 1940's are senior citizens and dead people.
They are at least grand parents.
So me and any others on here who wishes to make a statement from this time onward I refuse to be blamed for what happened on the earth prior to my being born.
Who is with me?

2007-09-11 09:15:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

give Criss Angel powers? Is it because he wants us to believe in Him? Is Criss Angel a sign to show us the true path? Am I the only one impressed that he walked on water?

Who is like him?
Who can compete with him?

2007-09-11 09:15:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-11 09:15:09 · 19 answers · asked by $mitty Cent 2

2007-09-11 09:13:10 · 39 answers · asked by goodfella 5

IF the new testamnet is called the gospel....what is the old testament called?

2007-09-11 09:12:56 · 18 answers · asked by R.C. 3

2007-09-11 09:12:25 · 17 answers · asked by Sir Nigel 6

A previous answer to one of my questions by WWJBU explained that Islam refers to a state of belief in the absolute oneness of Allah, and the message of his prophets, and that a Muslim is one who submits himself wholly to Allah.

Further, WWJBU suggested that, for example, Abraham would have been a Muslim, because he complied with the two statements above.

What interests me is, would, say, Moses have considered himself Muslim, and that it was desirable to live in a state of Islam? Or are these notions a modern interpretation (as followed by today's Muslims) quite alien to a man living in that age?

2007-09-11 09:12:04 · 16 answers · asked by Raygun 2

when they clearly do not want to hear other people's ideas of spirituality.

2007-09-11 09:11:44 · 32 answers · asked by Sapere Aude 5

Does 911 cast dark shadows on your celebration?

2007-09-11 09:10:45 · 7 answers · asked by TfourL 3

2007-09-11 09:09:52 · 8 answers · asked by Cosmic I 6

i feel like strangling someone - argh!!!

i don't mind sending some positive energy to people in need, if they think it might help, but this really isn't the place for it.

and as far as the drinking question - well, i like to drink as much as the next person (or sometimes more) but come on!!!!!

is anybody else as frustrated by this today?

2007-09-11 09:09:50 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

How the hell do you know what hell is like? Hell could not be that bad? It could be more torturous than we even can imagine? It could be watching "Roseanne" for all eternity.

2007-09-11 09:09:27 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are any of you familiar with 'Spirit of Ma'at' the work of Dr. Dr. Masaru Emoto


This reminds me somewhat of what Raymon Grace has been working on for several years.

I'd be interested in hearing whether any of you have tried using it for anything yet?

Pagans and crystal workers only please.

Serious replies only.

2007-09-11 09:08:57 · 4 answers · asked by Jack P 7

Are you facilitating this ? How?

2007-09-11 09:07:12 · 22 answers · asked by ? 5

are you or the person on the receiving end of the prayer open to prayers from faiths other than your own???
This is a very important ethic of mine that I have permission first.


2007-09-11 09:06:53 · 12 answers · asked by Keltasia 6

When Jesus died, he was only dead three days. When firefighters die, they do not resurrect. Jesus says he only saves people who worship him. Firefighters save everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs. Jesus is omnipotent and omniscient, so everything is easy for him. Firefighters are regular people, so saving people is very difficult for them. When people do great sacrifices like saving each other at the expense of their own lives, they do not resurrect and become divine kings. This makes their sacrifices greater.

2007-09-11 09:06:21 · 13 answers · asked by razzthedestroyer 2

How do you feel about being grouped with countries such as China and Russia?

Do your countries impose atheism on believers, the same way that communist countries do?

2007-09-11 09:02:54 · 4 answers · asked by Sapere Aude 5

like stealing a medicine that you cant afford, if its the only cure for yours, or someone elses illness. lying to an authoritative figure about something thats none of their concern, or would use agianst you. escaping jail, because you were wrongfully imprisoned. calling in sick for a job at a store or restaurant, because its on a holiday. lying about your age, because you were wrongfully discriminated.

2007-09-11 09:01:56 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a little puzzled as to why athiests come into this forum when they claim to have no belief system....do you think they are perhaps looking for some answers they cannot find in their "logic"?

2007-09-11 09:01:49 · 101 answers · asked by Andy 3

lindsey p!

2007-09-11 09:01:48 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

People pray for healings, new jobs, a husband, or money. Do you believe this may be the reason many prayers go unanswered? That praying amiss means not considering God's will?

2007-09-11 09:01:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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