Why is it, that if I as a Christian, don't believe the same doctrine or interpret God's word differently, I am ridiculed and/or ostracized? Why if asked my opinion about a subject am I verbally attacked for giving my opinion because it doesn't coincide with some other Christian's opinion? For instance, when talking in a small group where other Christians were present, the subject of same sex marriage came up. I was asked my opinion by a fellow Christian. I responded that I didn't see a problem with it as long as churches weren't forced to perform the ceremony if they didn't approve. I said that I figured if they were happy than that is what counts the most. I was immediately verbally attacked and told that I was unChristian. That it was against the bible and therefore I shouldn't condone it. I wasn't condoning, it was my opinion. And how was I being unChristian when Jesus himself taught about compassion and love of our fellow man despite our differences.
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