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Religion & Spirituality - 11 September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Do you "choose" every thought you have ever had, or did some thoughts occur without you ever choosing them?

2007-09-11 08:32:55 · 15 answers · asked by Meat Bot 3


Meows! =^-^=

2007-09-11 08:32:11 · 13 answers · asked by † God's Kitty † 2


It is research done showing sharks have fingers.

2007-09-11 08:30:29 · 15 answers · asked by meissen97 6

Seriouse answers from believers only please.

would the USA be a fallin country if we stopped supporting Israel such as rome, the persians, etc?

What religion is the RIGHT one? I am Baptist...but what if I get die and I am getting judged and I go to Hell because I followed the wrong Religion...how can we be sure? Is the King James version of the BIble the RIGHT version...or the WRONG one?

And how can I keep my faith alive? I am 15 and a sophomore in highschool, and yet I have evolution and other things saying God is just a fairy tale...what can I do to get away from it?!

And the Rapture...I hear he is going to come like a thief in the night to collect the followers and then I hear that we are going to have to suffer a little bit then he is coming.

Can someone (a follower with serious answers only) please explain this to me?

2007-09-11 08:28:35 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

It takes me (I timed myself) about 1.5 seconds to say, "Don't do it."

2007-09-11 08:27:51 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you believe there are limitations as to what type of sex you can have in the sanctity of marriage?

2007-09-11 08:23:06 · 36 answers · asked by stepphie aka Jesus Girl 2

1 Thessalonians 5:17 says Christians should pray without ceasing.

If you are born again then is God in you?
Did Jesus say "I will never leave you"?
Would prayer then be communication with God who is always with you and in you?

2007-09-11 08:21:47 · 14 answers · asked by A Voice 5

Like.....NO ONE, would ever feel and see things the way you do..as in a dreamer way.

Like, You have the strangest thoughts....and Your just a complete dreamer lost in your own thoughts.?

ever just have the rush of emotions that seem to trigger something inside of you...

2007-09-11 08:21:38 · 10 answers · asked by † God's Kitty † 2

Are you tired of believing in a myth about a man who walks on water? Are you tired of believing things that just don't seem to be true? Are you tired of that empty space "Jesus" doesn't fill?

There is a man, a humble man, who denies that he is special. And yet, he can perform miraculous feats. He DOES walk on water. And he lets you see it. He doesn't write it in a book and forget, he let's you see him as he performs his signs. He is the new, IMPROVED Jesus. Yet he asks only one thing from you;

"Believe," he says.

Who is like Him?
Who can compete with Him?

2007-09-11 08:20:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

It makes goosebumbs run down my back!

I hate politics, but it surprises me that some people actually think he's a symbol for Muslims and Islam.

Isn't that shocking?

2007-09-11 08:20:01 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-11 08:19:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My maintenance man at my apartment complex came to fix my fridge today, and when he was going to leave, he asked me if I knew whether I was going to heaven. When I told him I didnt believe in the heaven and hell of the bible, or the bible at all, he proceeded to take a good 45 minutes out of my time to tell me about how jesus saved his life and how the apocalypse was coming and how god is personal to every one of our lives.

Now, I told him that I was raised catholic, that I had been to 3 or 4 different churches (including the one he goes to) and made the descision based on everything I learned there that the god that is taught in the bible is just one facet of a god that we will NEVER be able to understand or explain, and every person needs to find what ever spiritual being satisfies them on their own, not through others. And I despise churches and all organized religion for that reason. And still he went on!

Why do christians feel the need to do this? I'm perfectly happy how I am!

2007-09-11 08:19:02 · 47 answers · asked by sami_sam 4

2007-09-11 08:18:21 · 24 answers · asked by Jeska J 4

Please can someone explain the connection between religion and education? Are publicly funded religious schools obliged to offer places to children who do not have a specific belief system. (or rather their parents don't.) I still find it difficult to square the need for schools to adopt a particular belief sytstem. It surely is time to segregate the religious from the eduction system. I find it hard to accept that, after a schooling in the forties and fifties, when religion was taught as a fact, rather than as a theory, that it is impossible for students to be exposed to many religious beliefs in the course of their education. Perhaps when they are older their parents will then allow them to choose a religion. Or none at all.
I know that schools which have a religious identity seem to produce good quality education. But to exclude those who do not subscribe to their religion seems well...uncharitable.
But why should their be a connection? It just does not seem to make any sense.

2007-09-11 08:17:13 · 6 answers · asked by patriciaharrison9 1

Prior to the supposed covenant between god and the Israelites, what is known of the beliefs followed by that group of people? Were they polytheistic, and if so do we know anything of the pantheon they followed?

Any references can you recommend for further reading welcomed.

2007-09-11 08:17:04 · 20 answers · asked by Raygun 2

Just want some opinions on if you believe people are born good and then things happen that have them turn out "bad" or if you beleive that people are born just bad.

2007-09-11 08:16:16 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

do you consider to be the same? or does it offend wiccans when they are called pagan? or offend pagans when they are called wiccan?

how do you view eachother exactly?

2007-09-11 08:13:56 · 17 answers · asked by Chippy v1.0.0.3b 6

Truthfully, Out of all the people I admire, my inspiration would be my friends. They are the ones who helped me get to where I am.
But of course there's always gonna be the hot guitarist and that especially hot magician.....; )

Meows! =^-^=

2007-09-11 08:13:17 · 11 answers · asked by † God's Kitty † 2

and that is why such things as birthday, christmas etc are not celebrated. Your publications state that something that has its beginnings in paganism cannot be from God, then or at any time. So, I ask, "Have you ever considered your own beginnings?"
From all that is truly known of your beginnings, I would have to submit that the WBTS is of pagan beginings and therefore by your own standards of beliefs spring from paganism and are therefore NOT from God.
Your insights please...

2007-09-11 08:13:13 · 25 answers · asked by Carol D 5

2007-09-11 08:12:25 · 4 answers · asked by mutterhals 2

jesus peace be upon him fasted as muslims do . 40 days and nights,. where us muslims only fast from sun up till sundown yet christians say oh you are starving yourselves and thats terrible yo uhave to fast like that. cant you drink something?? and most chrsitians i know they say they are fasting , and eating all meals, i asked how is that fasting, they say oh today i am fasting from hot dogs. by God i can fast like that i only eat those maybe 1ce a month wow i could rack in the fasting points if i did it like that and it is not difficult at all. where is the struggle? where is the faith? muslims go all day with nothing no water no drink all for God the same God christains worship . so why have christians given up the proper way to fast as jesus did? with nothing to eat or drink not just picking a random food. ??

2007-09-11 08:09:29 · 46 answers · asked by ? 3

I do Reiki, crystal healing, herbalism, colour healing and am studying aromatherapy, Indian head massage, life coaching and past life therapy.

2007-09-11 08:06:56 · 18 answers · asked by Diane 4

Other ridiculous birth examples are used, but here's what they don't understand:

A monkey giving birth to a human would be an act of creation! not evolution. Evolution is the gradual change of allele frequencies in a poplulation, which in turn may give rise to a new species over enough time.

That's even worse than the low chance argument (in which people assume the theory says all of life's features arise by chance, therefore disregarding natural selection).

What is the best argument you've seen against the theory of evolution? And if you don't agree with the theory, what's your major reason why?

2007-09-11 08:05:51 · 22 answers · asked by khard 6

and if so, do you theme it to the seasons and festivals?
What have you got on there for Mabon/Autumn Equinox?

2007-09-11 08:05:03 · 18 answers · asked by Diane 4

2007-09-11 08:01:52 · 19 answers · asked by A Voice 5

(i got it from wikipedia, when i searched trinity)


for those that dont want to click the link it basically says that:

God is the Father
God is the Son
God is the Holy Spirit

the Father is not the Son
the Father is not the Holy Spirit
and the Son is not the Holy Spirit.

basically saying A = B, A = C, A = D
and that B != C != D


yes no maybe so? interpret as you will?

2007-09-11 08:00:40 · 46 answers · asked by Chippy v1.0.0.3b 6

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