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Religion & Spirituality - 19 July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Or is it because you know that it if you believe and there's no God, it doesn't matter, but if you DON'T believe, you'll be in trouble? Or, is it because Darwin recanted on his deathbed? Or, is it because you think we all came from monkeys? Or, is it because you know there's a God and you're afraid of judgement for your SINS so you try to deny Him? Or, is it because there are so many scientists that dispute the theory of evolution which is clearly not as scientific as the Bible?

Why ARE you here, anyways?

2007-07-19 07:13:57 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

The scriptures say, everything belongs to God. However in God's system of justice He has granted Satan the "right" to be the "Prince" of this world. The power of this title is fed by the default alliance of people who don't want God in their lives. My question is, if there is such a spiritual battle taking place why wouldn't you want to fight the enemy of your soul? His influence is more visible than God's because he applies carnal and physically brutal methods and these get our attention. Again, where there is smoke there is fire where are all the firemen?

2007-07-19 07:11:33 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just asking. but I need the answer.
its privet. so I can't tell you why.

2007-07-19 07:09:39 · 33 answers · asked by ellen 2

The Nazi's:

1) Sought to exterminate Jews
2) Sought global domination
3) Believed their way of life was the ideal
4) Were totally intolerant of those whose lifestyle and views differed from their own

And the world banded together to eliminate the scourge of this type of people trying to take over the world. But doesn't this also describe Islam, you know the "religion" that has the motto "We are the religion of peace and we'll prove it with some beheadings"?

And how weird does that make it that the nutty leader of Iran equates the USA with Nazism?

2007-07-19 07:09:02 · 18 answers · asked by Jacques LeStrapp 2

Ezra 2:62
These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but they were not found: therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood.

Which of you has a written genealogy connecting you to the linage of Aaron. Yet you "ordain" each other to offices in that priesthood.. Without genealogy the High Priest and prophet Ezra says you are polluted and should be put from the priesthood. Then again you always seem to believe the words of a man (Joseph Smith) over these that are the very words of God.... Jim

2007-07-19 07:08:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

This question is for those who spend a lot of time here as they are more likely to observe what religion is more rejected and more mocked here on yahoo.

2007-07-19 07:08:43 · 21 answers · asked by Even Haazer 4

2007-07-19 07:08:28 · 5 answers · asked by Lita 2

I'm hoping we're now over this irreducible complexity nonsense (if not: http://www.google.com/custom?q=eye+irreducible+complexity&sa=Search&sitesearch=www.talkorigins.org ) so can I ask whether you are wearing glasses or contact lenses? Chances are you have a pair of one or the other.

Now why would this perfect designer create something and give it imperfect vision in many cases? I am sure some of you are tempted to throw this on original sin. It's the safe fallback, isn't it? Okay, but then, won't God be pissed we correct this 'punishment' by wearing glasses or contacts?

2007-07-19 07:07:37 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

What does this mean to you?And you can't be saved and still have sin in your life.

2007-07-19 07:07:21 · 6 answers · asked by jj7 2

Its there choice no one elses!!!!

2007-07-19 07:07:16 · 15 answers · asked by Lita 2

Let me explain.

I have been going to evangelical churches and leading them for almost 20 years.

If I for example believe in asking the saints to pray for me , infant baptisim, transubstansiation, confession BUT also believe that Jesus died for my sins and that it is a free gift received by grace - am I a christian.

Do I have to get rid of the other stuff. Now some people will say that its not biblical blah blah blah.

I could argue and prove almost anything from the scriptures, I am sure I could have most of your heads spinning. However I want to see if we can agree that the other stuff isint that much of an issue.

I dont have to be like you and you dont have to be like me, I can say all the Hail Marys i want as long as Jesus is saviour as it doesnt negate or improve my salvation.

Do you agree?

2007-07-19 06:59:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Polygamy is a way of insuring the wellbeing of a society in which women are more numerous than men (70-30 at the time of our Prophet (pbuh), 60-40 today) while women have to educate their children they need someone to care for them, and if all women want children (come on, tell me who NEVER EVER wanted a child) they need a man...
Modern societies have another form of polygamy, even two : adultery and one-night-stands? does that make women happy ??

2007-07-19 06:59:19 · 20 answers · asked by yunaaisha 2

Some folks here tend to preach at the Atheist, but once we have planted the seed, should we simply show them the love of Christ, and allow the Holy Spirit to water our seed unto salvation?

All people regardless of beliefs should be afforded a certain amount of human dignity and respect, irreguardless of whether or not they believe, or if we disagree with their theology. Do you do that?

2007-07-19 06:56:18 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

So many people (who do not choose God) make the argument, "God is a forgiving God" (Therefore He will disregard all of my sin and I don't have to worry about it).

But are we not forgetting, God is good and just as well. And because He is just, He will judge everyone. Would a just God not punish those who do evil? If someone murdered your child or family member, showed no remorse, and said they would kill again, would a good judge let the murderer go free. Of course not, the good and just judge will see that justice is served. In the same way God will ultimitely judge everything.

On the other hand, yes God is merciful and forgiving. When a person repents and turns from sin and to God, then yes, He forgives them. They are not condemned.

But if the person chooses not to repent, then what do they expect?

2007-07-19 06:53:59 · 30 answers · asked by Consuming Fire 7

2007-07-19 06:53:52 · 7 answers · asked by nikki2ricki 2

Please provide Biblical verses to support your answers.

2007-07-19 06:53:28 · 23 answers · asked by Mutual Help 4

Thanks in advance for all answers.

2007-07-19 06:51:26 · 17 answers · asked by Carlito 3

Deuteronomy 22: says women may not wear a mans clothing. So what should a woman wear?

2007-07-19 06:51:13 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think, I THINK, too much.

2007-07-19 06:47:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

In a few days I am sitting for the Illinois Bar Exam and let me tell you - I am exhausted from all the studying and the practice tests. Honestly, it is as bad as people say it is!

So, I was wondering if any folks out there would be kind enough to send out a prayer for my success. As I get to a saturation point with information it seems to me that I need a little divine intervention.

I appreciate anyone who is kind enough to do this for little ol me - hopefully another future law license holder.

Best wishes, David

2007-07-19 06:47:18 · 17 answers · asked by David B 3

Now that your on the right page. Darwin's one sided development of his brain, and the wasting away of the rest of his brain and many finer qualities, Darwin was not fully capable
of making correct conclusions from the facts he collected. It is ironical that while Darwin himself confessed his doubts in his own theory, people later adopted his theory as a new religion. Darwin himself lamented about it, for during his life-time, people had already adopted him as their hero and had begun to think that there is no God or no Supreme Soul whereas Darwin himself, in the last days of his life, had begun to turn more and more towards God.---- Om shanti

2007-07-19 06:46:48 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

It has never been proven that Jesus was anymore than a rich kid on the block. So if you worship Jesus you are an atheist.
Anyone who claims a prayer never works is plain stupid.

2007-07-19 06:45:48 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Days of Good is VERY IMPORTANT worldwide event which can help to change the whole World for BETTER and can improve the LIFE through joining all people over the World...

This majestic worldwide event takes place from 9. – 18. September 2007 and all those people of the whole world will join it (regardless of nationality, religion or spiritual traditions, cultures, philosophy, sex, education, profession, age, or race) who are not indifferent to their own life or life of their relatives and friends, life in their surroundings, village, town or city, their region, country and life on Earth in general!

Let's HELP everywhere we can see and feel it is necessary to help. For example: children, old, disabled or sick people, homeless people, or other underprivileged inhabitants, poor countries, animals, devastated nature or our environment ...


More about this event at: http://www.thedaysofgood.org/

2007-07-19 06:44:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I heard this I got shocked, this is a chritain nation, and God should be first. God first is in our money& words and don,t disrespect thousands who have lost their live on the American soil for the sake of christainity. Our congress and jurdges are corrupt and should be replace with God fearing wise men. When good men fail to act the inoccent suffers, our generation are going to suffer this stupidity, children are not going to feel secured because of this great pervertism.

2007-07-19 06:42:59 · 55 answers · asked by Scotch 1

Thanks in advance for your answers.

2007-07-19 06:41:37 · 32 answers · asked by Carlito 3

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