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Religion & Spirituality - 25 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

since communism disallows all religion, would this be your ideal government? If not, what is your preference?

2007-06-25 08:03:46 · 36 answers · asked by Heart of Fire 7

Seems to me personifying God is degrading the true greatness of God. Saying things like "God wouldn't be happy" or "God is angry" etc., the common religious cliches, are wrong, because God is not a living conscious person in a room full of computer screens controlling things, getting mad at us and creating hurricanes and floods to "teach us lessons". If God is to exist, God is a powerful force, God is the universe, he is everything that surrounds us, we have just yet to realize. All souls are really one, so believing in yourself is the same as believing in God. As a society we have mythified God, when God is more than what we have made him out to be. I am not anti-religion, I was raised by a Christian mother and a Hindu father. Does anyone else share my view on God?

2007-06-25 08:03:11 · 14 answers · asked by Randolph 3

Not a 'once in your life' thing.
For example, you are a good Christian, but you are very envious of some around you. You haven't asked for Gods' forgiveness, but generally you've kept all the other sins, do you still go to Hell? Or, because you've tried very hard to stop sinning the all other sins you will go to Heaven because that's 6 out of the 7 sins?

2007-06-25 08:03:05 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

This passage has me confused....our preacher yesterday said that Paul ordered the church to expel the sinful man - but the way that the passage read, and from what I've cross referenced, it seems he is telling them to kill the man (in Deuteronomy it talks about stoning to death the sexually immoral man)...

1It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that does not occur even among pagans: A man has his father's wife. 2And you are proud! Shouldn't you rather have been filled with grief and have put out of your fellowship the man who did this? 3Even though I am nophysically present, I am with you in spirit. And I have already passed judgment on the one who did this, just as if I were present. 4When you are assembled in the name of our Lord Jesus and I am with you in spirit, and the power of our Lord Jesus is present, 5hand this man over to Satan, so that the flesh may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord.

2007-06-25 08:02:57 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

The existence of God cannot be proven or disproven so I don't want any answer similar to that. Mainly Christianity, why do Atheists believe it is not worthy to devote their life to a religion?

2007-06-25 08:02:28 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

i just recently became a Christian (like 2 years ago, i'm 15 now), and beforehand I had a pretty foul mouth, but afterwards, i did my best to "change my ways". I don't party, drink, or anything like that anymore (my parents say i'm a nightmare with a happy ending). But now ,occasionally, the fire of being a new Christian has long worn off. i'm not doing anything horribly bad, but the words come out occasionally. my friend told me it's alright to occasionally let one slip, but i think a Christian should not be with the ways of the world at all. but then i think my friend is right and swearing is not terribly bad. so is it wrong? should i just let what comes out come out, or really try to watch myself?

2007-06-25 08:02:15 · 14 answers · asked by Me, Myself, and I 1

2007-06-25 08:00:01 · 12 answers · asked by ? 2

The bible says we should not judge. But does this mean we should not judge people for when they do good as well as bad? If so, does this mean that compliments are really a sin?

2007-06-25 07:59:35 · 15 answers · asked by Rosebee 4

Or are all or most of the atheist you know good, caring people?

2007-06-25 07:59:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I love how asking difficult questions here leads Christians to personally attack others. Way to go Christians, way to take your blind faith one step further and blindly throw punches.

2007-06-25 07:59:14 · 3 answers · asked by vérité 6

Okay. So the Mayan calander ends in 2012. Who really believes this will happen? I have proof that the Mayans weren't really meaning the end of all things on this earth. What they were saying was that something better will happen. War will end and we will all reach enlightenment. I doubt anything will happen....do you?

2007-06-25 07:58:12 · 39 answers · asked by chuckiesgrl 1

So many who are against the theory of evolution insist that something as unique and complicated as a human being could not have been a "mistake" or simply "evolved" from a fish. Assuming that God is unique and complicated as well, where did "He" come from?

2007-06-25 07:54:31 · 39 answers · asked by panthrchic 4

I am anti-Israel (note: not anti-Jewish, well not anymore anti-Jewish than I am anti-Christian, anti-Muslim, anti-Hindu, or anti-*insert any other religion or faith here*). I do not believe that any country should exist on the sole basis of religion (meaning I am just as much agains Islamic republics). Of course then people will argue that Judaism isn't just a religion, it's an ethnicity. Well I dismiss that argument on the base of false premise. They're supposedly an ethnicity because they're decendents of Abraham's tribe. Unfortunately the figure and story of Abraham comes from the bible (or tora), a wonderful work of fiction. Since we cannot take the bible as historical fact, there's no proof for Abraham's existence. There ya go: false premise. No, they're not an ethnicity, they're just a religion, and as such I will argue against them just as I argue against any other direction of faith.
The world would be more peaceful if there wasn't Islamic,Jewish or Christian states.

2007-06-25 07:54:06 · 16 answers · asked by Robert P 4

God has said," No man is good", but he himself in heaven.
Let me prove it to you. Let us use the10 commandments.
Have you ever told a lie? Most Atheists have.
Have ever hated anybody. Most of you have, God calls that murder. Have you ever lusted after the same or opposite sex? God calls that adultry. Have you ever said God's name in vain. Most of you do and yet you do not believe in him.
According to your own omission most of you are liars,
murders in the sight of God,adulterous and blasphemers.
One day you will die and IF, I said IF there is a God, would you be innocent or guilty before God. Would you go to heaven or hell. God says unbelievers go to Hell.
Did you know what God did for you so you would not go to hell.
He Jesus died for your sins. You see, you broke God's law Jesus paid your punishment on the cross. If you repent of your sins and believe Jesus, you will be forgiven and be granted everlasting life. Don't believe this, Hell still real you're still going. Rev. 21:8

2007-06-25 07:53:13 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know they here see it out of respect, but it is forbidden for us Muslims to do.

What can I do, and how can I go about it, to not shake people's hands when they reach?


2007-06-25 07:52:16 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wonder if the elderly people who sent her their social security checks are going to have tea with her in the afterlife?

2007-06-25 07:50:49 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

How can I get info. on the prizon witch Joseph Smith was shot
How old was he? Can I get any free Mormon books CDs DVDs or free other media (including Mormon news

2007-06-25 07:49:49 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

why in the bible do these people live so damn long? unreal,,unbelievable. people do you actually believe this.

2007-06-25 07:47:50 · 21 answers · asked by shawna 3

since i was a kid, i loved snakes, lizards, frogs, that sort of thing.

i currently have a free roaming 5' long iguana named Taco, my albino rat named Vermon, my 3 kids each have their own rats (Gary, Digs & KitKat), and we have 3 cats (Rusty, Thunder & Shyla) i would have snakes if my hubby wasn't so afraid of them. i used to run a reptile rescue in my house and at one time had 13 iguanas.

i'm pagan and would rather have a big lizard than a dog.

i know christians often associate snakes with evil, so are they more likely to stick with cute fluffy things?

so, what's your religion and what type of pet(s) do you have/want?

(sorry that i rambled lol)

2007-06-25 07:47:31 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

Give a living proof of an animal changing its genome and converting into another specie?

If some one win the lottery, and earn 200 millions, then the same person earn the lottery again, and then again, and then again. And again the same person earn 250 more millions. That person earn the lottery every time he plays. Coincidence?

That is how evolution is to creationists, too much coincidence. Everything created by coincidence?

2007-06-25 07:47:08 · 20 answers · asked by geeks_gadgets 2

You only have time to do one. Honest answers please. Thanks. Love and peace.......

2007-06-25 07:43:31 · 35 answers · asked by C.O.G. 3

What do you think about church marriages?
Since you don't believe in God can you just get married in a church for your family and possibly your significant other? Or is this idea ridiculous?
I am in that middle position...just trying to figure this whole thing out and find myself on the atheist side of things, however I have not mentioned that to anyone yet, and want to know if gettting married in a church is looked at like just getting married in a building with the person you love since you don't believe?

2007-06-25 07:43:25 · 17 answers · asked by *♥Tarita♥* 3

2007-06-25 07:43:02 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Even if Charles Darwin did recant on his deathbed, who cares,

the Theory of Evolution isn't dependent on Charles Darwin believing it.

2007-06-25 07:42:04 · 15 answers · asked by ? 3

so because atheists don't believe in a god or an afterlife, they therefore do not have a valid viewpoint and thus should not be in this forum, right? that seems to be the view shared by pretty much everyone who asks the old "why are so many atheists (often spelled athiests) in this forum?". so simply because we don't have a belief in a higher power, that's supposed to disqualify our thoughts on issues of religion and spirituality? do the people who believe this hold this logic to everything in their daily lives? so, if you don't believe in using illegal drugs, does that mean you don't have a valid opinion on whether people who use them should go to jail or not? shouldn't only the people who abuse drugs be allowed to make that judgment, based on your narrow-sighted reasoning?

2007-06-25 07:40:25 · 21 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

2007-06-25 07:40:02 · 12 answers · asked by wooper 5

We all speak of going to heaven as our eternal home... but whenever heaven is mentioned it has the distinct emphasis of God's authority.. His administration to carry out His will ON THE EARTH...
HOw does the hearts of men .. those who believe into God and have recieved this seed of Life into them become this ONE HOME for God to habitate

When you look at some characteristics of the CHurch...
She is the Dwelling place of The Father
The Body of Christ
The HOusehold of God
She becomes the New Jerusalem

HOw crucial is our heart being the right kind of earth to the Lord.. dealt with by the Lord from being Hard.. Full of Stones.. Thorns... ( Mark 4) for God to carry out His Desire to make a Home . an Mutual abode of God with Man

2007-06-25 07:39:10 · 4 answers · asked by Broken Alabaster Flask 6

I am reading a book which is supposed to answer the 20th toughest faith questions.

One of the points that God exists is that God accounts for the objective of ethical values.

Obviously, we all have moral values whether you believe in God or not. We all have basic intuitions that murder is wrong, it's right to be loving and truthful, courageous, and compassionate... These values appear to stand distinct from the human mind and will.

The author who is Christian says that moral values are incompatible with all forms of ethical relativism including naturalistic, atheistic, and evolutionary theory. Since ethical relativism is incoheent and cannot serve as an acceptable moral theory. In the absence of a personal God, morality can only be conventional and subjective in nature.

Atheism has no foundation upon which to ground man's conscious awareness of moral obligations. Christian theist are grounded in the morally perfect nature of God.

Is this true?

2007-06-25 07:39:00 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

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