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Religion & Spirituality - 25 June 2007

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if it's any wonder why moderate, sane muslims never speak up!!! their relgion is full of murdering scum.

question: Will islam ever rise out of the 7th century with barbarians like this in its midst? What will it take to reclaim the religion? can it be done?
Mohammad Sarwar, who became Britain's first Muslim MP in 1997, said he feared the lives of his family were also in jeopardy.
He was instrumental in arranging the extradition of Imran Shahid, Zeeshan Shahid and Mohammed Faisal Mushtaq after they fled to Pakistan.

The three were jailed for life last year for the abduction and racially aggravated murder of teenager Kriss Donald, who was kidnapped, tortured and killed in Glasgow in 2004.

2007-06-25 06:29:28 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do we try so hard to change other people, show them the righteous way. We Judge others, call them homosexuals, liberals, ungodly. You know who you are. But when someone looks into your character and find a worse sin, you tell them "who are u to judge" Lets look into ourselves. Where is the love and undying compassion that jesus tought us. Where is the tolerance and grace that we admire and serves as the roadmap to our beliefs.
Lets stop to criticize others. LEts stop looking at the Homosexuals, and Muslims, the liberals and the ungodly as enemies. LEts take the plank out of our own eyes and fallow jesus the way he intended. Lets treat everyone with Love and compassion. Only in this way will we be able to make a real change. Lets start being the light that jesus wanted us to be. Lets be an example to all and then with love can we help them overcome their shortcomings. This is the way it must be, lets start our mission to bring to all Gods Kingdom!

2007-06-25 06:29:27 · 15 answers · asked by ANyone but you 2


i asked the aboev question. however i did not get to chose what i thought was the best answer and i dont agree with the answer chosen. what do you think? i think the person who answered doesnt really know about JW's.

2007-06-25 06:27:26 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need this really bad...can you pray for me ? I miss my father so intensely and so deeply that its affected my life. He is so busy but I have literally begged him to let me go with him on his travelz and to work. I feel like I hardly know him but I love him with all my heart. I beg, I cry, I beg my Mom to tell him to let me just have time with him. Im going to keep it up until he says yes. I cant think of enough things to say or do to get his full and undivided attention. Please pray for me that I get tons of tyme with him. Im 18 and I feel that this is forming my outlook on life.

2007-06-25 06:26:30 · 9 answers · asked by ? 2

May I know, in the shortest and most clear knowledge to the three fires of Nachiketas as mentioned in the Katha Upanishad?


2007-06-25 06:26:12 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am going to buy some things for my church on to take on a missionary trip. I have a mental block. Please list some basic necessities and also baby items. Thank you!

2007-06-25 06:25:47 · 9 answers · asked by Ida T 4

would you find it rude if you were in a room with a group of people and you sneezed and not one person said god bless you or kazuntite?

2007-06-25 06:25:20 · 3 answers · asked by rein31590 1

2007-06-25 06:25:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-25 06:24:43 · 27 answers · asked by LottaLou 7

The gospel of Thomas was discovered over 50 years ago in the Egyptian desert. It is believed that this gospel existed long before the 4 canonical gospels were written. At the very beginning of the twentieth century three separate fragments from Greek versions of the Gospel of Thomas were discovered during archeological excavations of an ancient library in Oxyrhynchus, Egypt. The three papyrus fragments of Thomas – known as the Oxyrhynchus fragments – date to between 130 - 250 CE.

Translations of the sayings were found in these Greek fragments, followed by versions of the same sayings as they appear in the Coptic manuscript found at Nag Hammadi.

Therefore, it is an uncensored biblical book and was translated in this century. Why do Christians ignore this book and the knowledge gained by reading it?

2007-06-25 06:23:32 · 15 answers · asked by Soul Shaper 5


2007-06-25 06:20:58 · 22 answers · asked by Muhammet 2

This is what I think. atheists have nothing to fear. Not a God to believe in. What would this country become?

Don't take this question bad, it is just a question.

2007-06-25 06:19:34 · 69 answers · asked by geeks_gadgets 2

I see those questions almost daily: "so many people believe in Jesus, it has to be true!" or "there are so many copies of the Bible sold, it has to be the truth!!"

There seem to to be people who actually believe that truth is measured in numbers. Which is fine, everybody is free to believe as they please.

Now, I always see people answering such question, explaining that simply because Britney Spears sold 200 million albums, doesn't automatically mean that she is an awesome singer/composer. Those answers usually get at least 15 thumbs up.

However, the asker usually picks an answer that says "Jesus is great!!", with 27 thumbs down.

I'm always interested in how people's minds work. Anybody can explain to me why people who believe that the truth is in numbers, don't actually believe that the truth is in numbers?

2007-06-25 06:16:54 · 16 answers · asked by ? 6

2007-06-25 06:12:31 · 21 answers · asked by Mann 2

So let's take your views..As you say *Imagine* like John Lennon professed in his song *No Religion*

First off that will never happen but if it did would people inheritantly love other's to diminsh poverty, racism, sexism?

Would people happily give up what they worked for to give to the have not's?

Would the world be a kinder, loving tolerant society?

You know this proably could be achieved with a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT and maybe the United Nations can establish this....Your thoughts on the world, your atheistic views and solutions for nothing accept live and let live is an opening for the Anti-Christ, you say this is *Delusional* thinking yet you have no answers, accept a daily reminder to yourself that GOD does not exsist, you have established that in your mind but no answer to bring PEACE? At least Christians will admit human beings cannot bring PEACE or love in man's heart for his neighbor and wait for GOD, but you just wait for everyone to kill each other off...

2007-06-25 06:11:39 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

If a man and a woman live together in a loving relationship without being married but abstain from sex would you consider this to be a sin?

2007-06-25 06:11:25 · 28 answers · asked by rosbif 6

It is in a book of his and from the sermon on the mount

2007-06-25 06:10:49 · 2 answers · asked by Irish49 1

1. A man named Noah built an ark. Any living thing that was not on the ark died in a flood that covered the earth.
2. Dinosaurs roamed the earth a few thousand years ago.
3. Jonah was actually swallowed by a whale and survived.
4. Jesus rose from the dead.

2007-06-25 06:08:54 · 19 answers · asked by wooper 5

in hell
and not heaven,

or heaven
and not hell

2007-06-25 06:08:42 · 20 answers · asked by Ask Away 1

Was it a process or a sudden moment of revelation?
Did you suffer at all?

2007-06-25 06:07:31 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

it seems to some christians i know having a vehicle makes you more chrisian than christian, it seems if you don't own a vehicle your in sin.is something wrong with me because i don't own a car? who doesn't want to own a vehicle ? i do

2007-06-25 06:07:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Am i right?

2007-06-25 06:04:51 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

They are many ways to get to San Francisco. They are many ways to peel a potato. Is there only one way to do something?

2007-06-25 06:04:28 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

are the equivalent of those following the Book of Mormon telling Bible believers what to do ? Only the Mormons don't do it, but the Islamists do. Do you think that this is a reminder of what would happen if Jerusalem fell into the Islamists hands ? They might wipe out traces of Christianity and Judaism to pretend that it never existed ?

2007-06-25 06:03:49 · 8 answers · asked by defOf 4

i mean after all, you have to have 'faith' in order to believe in the one we've got right?...if i were god, i would make damn sure my creation knew exactly who, what , and where i was at all times so that it could pay me the homage i deserve...

2007-06-25 06:01:51 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why should all life have evolved to terminate?

2007-06-25 06:01:10 · 21 answers · asked by JayDee 2

Going to heaven, why don't they think their chances are slim? If heaven is reserved for 14400, will it consist of mostly blonds or brunettes? If it's only 144000 people, what religion will be the majority in heaven? What country is mostly on that list? If there are 72 virgins in heaven for every radical Muslim terrorist already, isn't heaven getting too crowded? I wonder who's on the 144000 list and who's not on it. Oooh, I know who's on the list.

I want an exchange of ideas (not bashing). If you're offended by this question, then you obviously don't know that God has a sense of humor.

2007-06-25 06:01:10 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

and that there messiah died for there sins. kinda sounds stupid don't you think. a man can not be as rightous as God, and God sent his son to die for them because he can not do all things, one is to make a man perfect.

God: one who is all powerfull, a spirit were all things are possible.

christian God: throws his son on a cross to save them from their sins, because there is no other way but to kill his son.

2007-06-25 05:58:44 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

For those of you that believe witches are evil, bad, or are going to hell - why do you think this? Why do you believe that witches are evil, bad or going to hell? What do you base these beliefs on? What documentation, conversation or information in the news or historical facts do you base these beliefs upon? If possible please provide links or scripture or something to explain your belief bases.

If you are basing your beliefs on the Bible, share passages & why you believe this way today.

Does your Bible give you or any human the right to pass judgment on another human, no matter how immoral or moral you believe that they may be? If so please share this scripture or a link here as well to support your bases of beliefs.

Do you specifically know a practicing witch? & if you do, what is your honest personal opinion of that witches lifestyle and morals?(This is asked of anyone - if you know, then share your opinions of their lifestyle, and personalities with the readers. Thanks

2007-06-25 05:58:36 · 12 answers · asked by Shewolf Silver Shadows/Author 3

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