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Religion & Spirituality - 24 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-06-24 09:42:43 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ozzy Osborne is the guest speaker and he will be speaking of his Halcion days.( literally.)

Please bring a covered meat dish or dessert and no Tuna or hamburger Helper please.

2007-06-24 09:41:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-24 09:41:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've asked before what Christian women thought of those trashy romance novels and I got a lot of responses that they were just as pad as porn or erotica. So, what does this say for the authors of said novels? I'm writing one...am I in the same league as those who write, direct, and star in porn films?

just curious for opinions.

2007-06-24 09:31:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't believe in the once saved always saved thing some Christians teach. I've read the bible and I'm sorry but that kind of stuff it is not scriptural. I truly believe that with the power of the holy sprit I can be restored and live a sinless life. The problem with me is like lot's wife’s little problem of letting go of the things the world provides. I don't think I've truly turned to Christ even though I've repented many times. But as I read more and learn more of what the bible says it just seem I'm far from salvation. My point is, has anybody out there who truly repented and turned to Christ with all there hearts, lived at least one sinless day? If you have not read the bible through do not answer this question.

2007-06-24 09:29:46 · 27 answers · asked by tarquinn j 1

How does this film glorify God? Why is this film supported by most of the Christian radio stations? God gave us the rainbow as a sign that He will never flood the earth again. Movies like this just confuse people and mix in some false beliefs with the truth.

2007-06-24 09:26:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Gays, homosexuals, lesbians, false religions, atheists, agnostics, Jehovah's witnesses, Mormons, Wiccans, PETA(those who think animals have souls and/or better than humans)

To borrow from the Minister Paul Sheppard. Why are we so weak as Christians in proclaiming our faith? We don't have to beat someone down with condemnations but we can pray, witness and do other acts that proclaim our faith instead of wimping out by keeping it personal.

God called us to witness publicly and individually.
Where are you at?????

2007-06-24 09:24:36 · 6 answers · asked by hello T 7

Alchemy is a long held belief rooted in Christianity. Are atheist just afraid of showing kids both sides and making them think for themselves. Just admit that we don't understand Physics on the quantum level. Both theories should be viewed as equal and have equal time in the classrooms. Just because you don't believe in the Philosopher's Stone doesn't mean it isn't true. In truth, we have made great progress with transmutations, which just goes to show you that alchemy still has merit.

2007-06-24 09:24:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

So often I read questions here by creationists that scream, “I really know nothing about the science but I reject it because I’m supposed to.” I have to wonder how many of you have actually studied it prior to rejecting it.


2007-06-24 09:23:01 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have the following few questions about judgement.

To go to heavan, can you do this if:

You dont go to church.
You dont read the bible a lot, but understand how to try to live your life as a christian
You dont publicise the fact you are a christian.
You frequently lose faith, and question your belief in christ, but always return to it.
Have sinned and have repented, and always try to live a christian life, but temptation sometimes win.
You have not been baptised, as your parents were atheists and none of your friends have been christians.

!! - views please....

2007-06-24 09:22:45 · 13 answers · asked by someguysomewhere 2

2007-06-24 09:08:32 · 20 answers · asked by ? 4

What if Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley came out of the closet and admitted that he had an affair with another man while married to his wife? Would you still follow his lead in the church?

I have often wondered this myself. I guess that its a question that many Mormons have to ask themselves on a daily basis. I wonder if he ever cheated on his wife with another man or woman? If he did he probably is covering it up because that stuff doesn't look good for public relations.

2007-06-24 09:06:28 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-24 09:05:27 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

the christians and muslims are always getting a bashing, why not jews and hindus, or are they still god's (dogs) chosen people. Y!A failed to post my last two qustions.

2007-06-24 09:02:26 · 2 answers · asked by n j 1

How long have u been doing it and why?

2007-06-24 09:02:02 · 15 answers · asked by just-dave 5

2007-06-24 08:57:07 · 23 answers · asked by NONAME 5

Please backup your answer by quoting relevant scripture. Don't care which religion you are quoting from. If you think god doesn't have a favorite color please back up you answer with scripture too. Don't bother answering if you think the question is stupid or you want to know why I'm asking.

2007-06-24 08:56:14 · 13 answers · asked by Dustin W 1

I got into a discussion with a friend the other day about whether or not the Bible is something that we should trust undoubtedly. I have the feeling this question is going to make some people mad...

The Bible has been through a lot, you must admit. How are we to know that some king, or religion, or pope, or... someone... hasn't changed bits and pieces of it over the years? For example-the Catholic church, in the beginning, was a more political religion than it was spiritual. Even history books record that back then religion was used to keep people ignorant, under control, and from thinking for themselves. So...if the catholic church was run by the government back then, how can we know that somethings were not ommited, and others added, to get people to do what they wanted them to do?

Before you start jumping to conclusions, I am a Christian. I am not being blasphemous, and nowhere in the bible does God promise to protect it. I've already received those answers, and I am...

2007-06-24 08:55:54 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cannot see any point.I know I should not question it,because there must be some reason,everything has a reason,purpose...

2007-06-24 08:54:02 · 23 answers · asked by I dont know 4

This isn't really a question as much as a survey. It consists of just one simple question. When answering this, only state YOUR opinion. DO NOT sit here and bash anyone else's. I'll state my own opinion in the added details section.

Q: Should everything written in the Bible be taken literally?

2007-06-24 08:51:34 · 34 answers · asked by Dan L 3

One does it an old way, one does it a new way. In the end, shouldn't they merge?

I would say that Science is ahead in this argument because Science questions itself and the "truth" about the universe, (physics, mathematics, etc...), on a fairly regular basis. Theories are proven and disproven and nobody gets offended much. Religion seems to be more of a, "because I said so! Now NO MORE QUESTIONS!", type mentality. Religion also cast Science as heresy back when scientific minds were first emerging. I would also say that there is a lot science cannot explain that religion has views and insights on. I am not trying to bash either side here.

Ideally, both would be explaining the same thing right?

2007-06-24 08:50:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Over and over I am told to "seek out the Lord".

Yet over and over I am told that the Lord chooses those whom he will to be amongst His flock.

If it is by the grace of God I am granted faith, what purpose is served by me seeking Him?

I can't find Him unless He chooses to reveal Himself unto me.

So why spread the Word? If nothing you do and nothing I do makes a difference because it is all up to God to decide to whom He will grant grace, why spread the Word amongst those who do not believe?

2007-06-24 08:48:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have believed in and loved God since a very young age. I have accepted Jesus as my personal savior and I love him. I go to church, and pray for forgiveness for my sins. I have a problem, though. I have feelings for another man. I feel a powerful emotional attraction to him, as well as physical attraction. He is gay as well. He is also a follower of God, like me. We have know each other since the second grade. I belive that being gay is okay, and that God loves me. I and not sure anymore, as people how want to make me hate myself quote the Bible to hurt me.

Does anyone have any advice? No one word answers, just full explanations. Thanks.

2007-06-24 08:46:19 · 58 answers · asked by Anonymous


There is evidence that suggests the existence of a non-material, non-physical universe that has a
reality even though it may not as yet be clearly perceptible to our senses and scientific instrumentation. When we consider out-of-body experiences, shamanic journeys and lucid
dream states, though they cannot be replicated in the true scientific sense, they also point to the existence of non-material dimensions of reality.

2007-06-24 08:45:45 · 14 answers · asked by Architect 2

or that yesturday is all in the past.

2007-06-24 08:44:56 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

and presenting me with papers supposedly signed and dated two hundred and fifty years ago, and saying that thiers what washington did do really only presents this problem
Umm............are your sources on crack or something?
Why accept the constitution so matter a factly,
yet what Mark, Luke, Paul, and John co oberated each other goes unaccepted simply because the co oberation sits beside each other in some orderly fashion in the same book???? you forget so quickly, so what makes History valid? The Bible is a History, worth being taught in schools..........do not get me wrong, im not saying history class' should preach it like the sciencetist preach evolution, just present the History of the World, presenting the Bible to the students for examination..........

2007-06-24 08:41:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-24 08:40:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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