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Religion & Spirituality - 16 May 2007

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..if your answer is yes, then get over the fact that God cannot destroy all evil and make the world perfect without taking away our free will..without all the evil that exists in the word, we would not have free will.
Just thought I'd share..seen too many questions asking about this.

2007-05-16 14:43:31 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

A Mormon told me the following in a question on this site.

We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory.

i have a couple of questions. Why America? Why not in the promise land mentioned (israel) in the bible?

2007-05-16 14:42:23 · 5 answers · asked by mwj81 2


I have always been a very spiritual person. I believe in God. I have always felt him near me. I know that he has saved me many times in my life. I was a Sunday school teacher. I participated in church activities. I love God and felt His love for me. I went to a Christian school. Then, I started having all this stress in my life. There were things that I couldn't figure out about myself and why I did some things that were totally out of character for me. I had a lot of guilt. I was really depressed and anxious. There were some major changes in my life and I didn't do well w/ them. Where is God when I need Him the most? I've begged and pleaded for Him to show me a way out of this mess. I feel as if He has left me. I feel empty inside. I no longer feel His presence. Am I in the "desert" as it is referred to? What about footprints, is this when He's carrying me? I feel so alone. Any thoughts?

2007-05-16 14:40:55 · 20 answers · asked by candy 1

I would like to chat with more christians human to human but I can't seem to when they pull this stuff out of a book for which I don't believe in. I have read the entire book! Don't talk to me giving me bible versus talk to me as a human. From you to me and me to you and then I will listen

2007-05-16 14:38:03 · 26 answers · asked by Jesse B 2

With the descriptions of the Antichrist in Christianity and the Dajjal in Islam, would it make sense that these descriptions refer to people whose actions go against fundamental tenets of the respective religions (e.g. the Antichrist/Dajjal would be someone who glorifies the harm of others)?

Both Jesus and Muhammad preached guidelines for attaining peace.

Wouldn't it make more sense that the descriptions of the Antichrist/Dajjal would be guidelines of how not to attain peace rather than a warning of look out for this guy?

Personally I find it hard to accept that something is going to come about and the world will end. I think mankind does enough to jeopardize the world.

2007-05-16 14:37:41 · 2 answers · asked by Yahoo Sucks 5

Why islamic religion has such attraction to it, it is based on such simple logic..... especially the idea of God in islam is so pure and perfect. If you think out of the box of your own religion and keep all media and other stereotypes aside , how many here will agree with me ?

2007-05-16 14:36:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

if you think it is real, do you consider it as a form of witch craft.

2007-05-16 14:32:02 · 16 answers · asked by pot roast 1

Last night I was with a friend at a hospital clinic. I was staring into space when I suddenly saw the shadow of a tall person cross the waiting room. I immediately looked up to find myself completely alone in the room. Has anyone else had this kind of thing happen?

2007-05-16 14:30:41 · 19 answers · asked by Taliesin Pen Beirdd 5

I don't know about the other Christians, but it seems like there are the same questions asked over and over and over....

So, atheists, do you keep asking the same questions, or is it truly different people on different days asking these questions.

Do you ever ask questions about other religions, or just prefer asking questions about God.

2007-05-16 14:30:22 · 30 answers · asked by Searcher 7

As I asked:
"So the pope Didn't abolish Limbo?
& every one is going nutty.
According to the catholic family i live with in italy (who's son went to a private catholic school 5 minuets from vatican city) say that Limbo is where the unbaptised babies go.
Limbo was never IN THE BIBLE but it was part of the indoctornation.
and here: says babies don't go there any more: abcnews states he made a 41 page statement about it why would he if it was never a part of the ideology?
this states it is a less popular feature laitly but still there.
Google the words "pope" and "Limbo" 611,000 hits for you right there!
To the question.
I've heard that this is to only save the babies, or to get rid of it, or to say it never existed. I'd like to know what this announce ment exactly means. Anyone know? Does anyone know where to find the documents?

And why can't I ask an objective religious question without being accused of bashing?!

2007-05-16 14:23:46 · 9 answers · asked by Hit me with it 3

2007-05-16 14:23:29 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Pro-choicers - I have never seen any of you run around in a T-shirt with the words "I'm pro-abortion. Please abort!" on it, or have riots in the streets when people choose not to terminate their pregnancies.

I am sick and tired of anti-abortionists acting as if pro-choicers are advocating abortion. We advocate a woman's right to choose. Nothing else. Nobody wants to have an abortion or have a friend choose to, but that doesn't make it any less a woman's right.

If men could get pregnant, do you, as an anti-abortionist, believe abortion would be illegal?

2007-05-16 14:22:37 · 16 answers · asked by Gunning4Jesus 3

Christians, let's face it. We're judgmental, and it really is wrong. Even though we are trying to help others, we are constantly criticized for this. And it then defeats the entire purpose of trying to help them.

So, let's think for a minute like Jesus...how would he have us hate the sin, but love the sinner?

Analogies would be definitely appreciated!!

2007-05-16 14:17:37 · 27 answers · asked by Searcher 7

just declare a truce. First let’s talk about the atheists. Ok atheists, maybe Christian’s beliefs are really stupid and maybe they have no scientific proof to back up those beliefs. Who cares what they believe as long as they aren’t hurting anyone or forcibly shoving their beliefs down your throat. Remember that although they have no proof that God exists, you have no proof that God does not exist. And as for Christians, just accept that not everyone is going to agree with you. You may not like it when atheists denounce your beliefs, but atheists hate it equally as much when you try and force your beliefs down their throat. Enough with threatening people that they will go to Hell if they don’t convert. Threats do nothing but piss people off. Just get along people.

2007-05-16 14:13:54 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Try to have an opened mind. Thankyou

2007-05-16 14:13:50 · 16 answers · asked by XMIrish 3


2007-05-16 14:12:57 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous


Do you ever want to tell God to "take this job abd shove it"
It must be exhausting trying to convince people on YA of your beliefs.

2007-05-16 14:09:40 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've got respect for the buddhists, muslims, hindus, mormons, etc, even if I don't agree with them. Whenever I ask a question of these other religious groups, I get thorough, informative answers for the most part. From the christians I mostly get abuse (though not all). Is it because they constantly try to force their beliefs on society, or because they are so pompous about it, or for another reason? Why do we go after the christians with such fervour?

Not that it isn't fun, mind you.....

2007-05-16 14:09:24 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-16 14:09:02 · 1 answers · asked by Calvin James Hammer 6

Today my apartment was infested with ants so I sprayed them with a can of raid and watched them curl up and twitch in agonizing pain as they slowly suffocated to death. Was this wrong? I felt sorry for killing the bugs but what could I do, they were everywhere.

2007-05-16 14:08:55 · 28 answers · asked by Bob L 2

Pakistani Christians face Taliban deadline
Militants demand 500 people living near Afghan border close churches, convert to Islam by Thursday — or face bombings

2007-05-16 14:03:13 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Go ahead and IM if you want too.. i like talking to ppl about it

2007-05-16 14:02:09 · 26 answers · asked by Chalkhead 1

Hi I was wondering if there is anyone who convreted to Christianity from Judaism, or who is Jewish, or raised Jewish, who wouldn't mind me asking them some questions for a religion project that I have to do. SO if you're interested let me know ASAP it's very important. Thanks!

2007-05-16 14:00:02 · 6 answers · asked by shorti9389 1

Do you think that Gays and Lesbians choose to be attracted to members of the same sex as they are?

Tall people do not choose to be tall.
Brown haired people do not choose to have brown hair.

But people do choose to commit crimes.
People choose to use drugs.
People choose to be selfish.
People choose to be greedy and seek riches.

I guess my point is that if we are considering whether or not homosexuality is truly a sin, then we must consider whether or not it is an actual 'lifestyle choice".

My church, the Anglican/Episcopal Church is in the process of deciding whether or not to perform same sex marriages and ordain openly gay persons. It is a matter that has caused great division and disharmony in the church.

I myself am not of one mind on the subject. I am not certain that homosexuality is a sin. It may or may not be. If it is, its only one sin among many far worse sins that people commit all the time.

Any thoughts or insights of Christians here would be of great value.

2007-05-16 13:59:13 · 16 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

I have recently read an article in a Jewish newspaper that stated that a lot of Jewish Day Schools are struggling to keep the student quotas and some are closing down. The only schools that are growing are the Orthodox schools.

My question is this why do Reform and Conservative Jews afraid to be Jewish or to send their kids to get Jewish as well the best secular education? I asked one parent to why he was taking his two kids before they graduate the 8th grade out of the school where I teach. His response was that he wanted his kids to know that there are non-Jews around and he wanted to take extra vacations instead of paying for school. Another parent told me the reason to why he took his child out of the Day School was because he was afraid that his kid might ask him to light Shabbas candles when he start learning about Shabbas and that he wanted his kid to be like the other kids in the neighborhood.

My questions are as follows:

1. Do you think if the Day schools went free would the enrollment increase or remain the same?
2. Would you send your kids to a community Jewish Day School if it offered the best Judaica and secular education?
3. What should teachers or administrators do to increase enrollment?

Thank you for your time.

2007-05-16 13:56:10 · 7 answers · asked by Teacher 4

If you have a 1 month year old child and you let it starve to death, I would consider you unstable and deem you a threat to society. But if a person had an abortion, are they just as unstable and threatening?

2007-05-16 13:45:43 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

can a man (male) possess it fully

2007-05-16 13:35:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Lets say 2 boys are hangin' out. One of them (lets call himChris) has an extremely annoying habit of tickling (lets call him Norm) in the neck with a feather.
Would it really be......you see where I'm going..

2007-05-16 13:33:30 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

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