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Religion & Spirituality - 16 May 2007

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When one places their faith in a book written by man how can you be so sure it was inspired word from the Creator. just because it tell you what you want to hear. I am not picking on any particular groups by the way.

2007-05-16 16:08:46 · 35 answers · asked by Jesse B 2

2007-05-16 16:06:31 · 8 answers · asked by simon 1

I worked hard on this so please be honest.

I have to put it in details cause it is a little long, so hang on.

2007-05-16 16:06:14 · 15 answers · asked by HAND 5

Has anybody ever been able to speak to somebody who's passed away? Whether that's through a medium, or through soul-searching, or what? And if so, what did it take?

2007-05-16 16:02:22 · 11 answers · asked by Phantom 2

1900 - Present

2007-05-16 16:00:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Shouldn`t those be asked in biology or one of the sciences?
Whats the deal here ?

2007-05-16 15:59:55 · 20 answers · asked by Who? 2

I would like to know why it is that so many of you out there choose to ask disrespectful question concerning religious matters. Does it make you feel good, cool, smart or funny? How would you respond if people chose to mock the things that are important to you?

2007-05-16 15:55:38 · 27 answers · asked by Got Questions? I've Got Answ 3

Will the top of Mount Moriah be swept clean this Year?
Why are Gentiles up there?
What Method?

2007-05-16 15:55:29 · 2 answers · asked by section hand 6

I think that if you feel that gay marriage will destroy marriage perhaps you have some gay in you (or want to) otherwise, why would you fear that gay people get the right to marry. Maybe you feel you are not straight enough to stay with your wife when you can get a young stud, or maybe you feel your wife would be happier with a woman... is that it?

2007-05-16 15:55:18 · 29 answers · asked by loutejada 4

This question doesn't apply to bible literalists - I am quite familiar with the myth of Adam and Eve. I'm an atheist but am looking for answers from people who believe in a god.

My question is for other theists who believe our mission here on earth is to evolve and grow closer to god. Why? What possible reason could there be for creating imperfect beings who have to strive toward perfection?

2007-05-16 15:52:31 · 18 answers · asked by Mom 4

if you even believe in that....

2007-05-16 15:51:24 · 17 answers · asked by karma 3

it seems like the more i read the bible, the more i love God and try to get closer to him (im a teenager, teenage years are the toughest) anyways everyday i cry because my sister keeps on having nightmares that satan is chasing me and i give in and all that and now i feel like im going to hell or something! im trying my best to be a strong believer but its like everything is getting worse?? whats going on??

2007-05-16 15:49:16 · 36 answers · asked by californiadudette1991 2

the Jews with 39, the Protestants with 66,and the Catholics with 73?

Why did ancient Christians have even more books in their Bibles?

2007-05-16 15:45:58 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

When the nation of Israel were slaves in Egypt, they picked up some of the customs, specifically worshiping the Egyptian Goddess Qadesh, the goddess of love/sexual ecstacy (pleasure). The belief started in Syria but the Egyptians adopted this god.

Rabbi Caudill stated that there is no hebrew word for homosexuality. but the word "toeyvah" = rape which is an abomination, detestable.

Per the Rabbi: Do you agree that the Mosiac Law interpreted this to mean that when two males get together sexually, that one should not follow the cultic sexual practices where one male pretends or substitutes the other male for a preferred female body?

This is the abomination spoken about in Leviticus etc. and not homosexuallity with two men who love each other.?

2007-05-16 15:45:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

and why do humans have sympathy? if i'm walking down the st. in manhattan and i see a homeless man, i feel bad and give him a dollar. why did evolution make me have those feelings? isn't evolution supposed to make a stronger, better species? so, isn't a conscience and sympathy bad things for a species to have? by giving that man a dollar, i just slightly hurt myself financially when in the animal world it would be survival of the fittest. if a lion sees a starving lion in africa, he doesn't allow that lion to come back to his cave and eat the animal he just killed, even if he has plenty of food to go around. yet humans do it. and yes, i know humans are social animals, but to me a conscience goes against evolution. some humans are morally against war, abortion, and the death penalty, while others aren't. this clearly causes conflict and hurts the group. why would evolution make humans with different morals, since that can cause conflict and hurt human progress?

2007-05-16 15:43:24 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seriously -- if we believe what we say we believe, that God created the universe and all that is in it, why aren't more of us interested in looking at the fantastic universe He created?

For me, every session at the telescope is a chance to be awed at the marvels and the beauty of creation. The first time I saw Saturn (with Titan thrown in) through the large telescope at our university observatory was a religious experience... "God did that!" (and, no my prof didn't flunk me... I made an A in that course, I'll have you know).

Let me offer you a joyous challenge... most good-sized cities have a public-accessible observatory with open-house nights. Believe in God? Believe in creation? Go to one -- and feast your eyes on the handiwork of the Lord.

Why don't more of us do this? It's an awe-inspiring experience. The times we have taken our telescope to Bible study group and let the kids see the planets, they're just delighted...and their moms and dads are too.

2007-05-16 15:43:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

AIG ( http://answersingenesis.org ) is openning a Creation Museum in the greater Cincinnati area.

2007-05-16 15:42:51 · 16 answers · asked by Kurt 1

I am a Christian, and I disagree with the homosexual lifestyle, and if you disagree with me, then hey, this is America. But anyway, I just have one thing to say to all the Christians who are downright mean to gay people...your condescending, harsh, mean attitude is going to do absolutely nothing except create a stronger homosexual. There's an old saying: "You can catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar". If you're trying to change someone's mind, or show them the error of their ways, you just can't be rude and hateful about it. That is not what Our Lord would want.

2007-05-16 15:40:30 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am already paying "reduced" dues so they won't go any lower.

2007-05-16 15:36:11 · 2 answers · asked by smatts 1

Does he hate followers of Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Pagans, Wiccans, etc?

Is it all the same devil, fighting against the variety of religions in the world, all of the different Gods? Or, does each religion have their own devil out to subvert his own personal God/Enemy & his followers - who doesn't really care what the other Gods' followers are doing, as long as they aren't following the God who he hates?

There are all kinds of people who say that their God is the one true God. Is there only one true devil, then?

2007-05-16 15:34:20 · 19 answers · asked by Maureen 7

were he wrote something in the sand. that said somthing like anyone who hasnt commited a sin go ahead and throw a rock at her.

2007-05-16 15:31:35 · 4 answers · asked by mokasmoothie 1

I dont mean to disrespect anyone and i ask that nobody else here post disrespectful answers. My question is whether or not athiests believe in love. im not sure how this might sound to people but its an honest question. thanks! and remember, no offensive remarks!

2007-05-16 15:28:41 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

this entire debate is a matter of 'do you believe in cause and effect'?

there is a reason you believe what you believe. that reason caused you to believe that way. YOU do not control and choose those causes, nor do you choose those effects. therefor, you do not choose your beliefs.

example, i do not believe in pixies; the reason being is because evidence has never been pesented to me and no one has any known documentation on them. so i came to the conclusion that they do not exist. i did not decide to not encounter evidence of them. i did not choose to never witness any documentation. i did not choose to not believe in pixies, because i did not choose or control the reason i do not believe in them. that simple.

does that make sense?

2007-05-16 15:26:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

keyword = possible

given enough time+matter+chance anything is possible right?

2007-05-16 15:25:03 · 28 answers · asked by The Angry Stick Man 6

You know how, when something is really delicious or yummy, people describe it as "sinful"? What's up with that?

There is certainly nothing in Scripture that indicates that eating something pleasant is a sin. Proverbs does say, "If you find honey, eat just enough" and warns against overindulging, but nowhere is there any verse about "don't eat that yummy thing, it's a sin."

If pleasant food and drink were sinful, Jesus wouldn't have attended the wedding in Cana, and He certainly wouldn't have made water into the world's most fabulous wine there.

So, is that a carryover from the Puritans, or what? It's a pop-culture thing -- but it still bugs me. Enough actions really ARE sins, that hearing people say that is annoying.

Does anyone have a clue about the origin of this?

2007-05-16 15:23:42 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jesus told me he is at the door

To hold fast to his hand and to hold tight to his hand

As I see the day approaching and now is .................

Don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing.......

That is an interpretation of the spirit..............

It makes my heart flutter to know that he is really at he door and

waiting for the Father say:

Son Go Get My children..............

How does it make you feel to know that Jesus is coming in

our day and that the time is very near?

2007-05-16 15:22:58 · 31 answers · asked by Gifted 7

Intelligent answers only please.

2007-05-16 15:20:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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