Thank you for sharing this insight, and I totally agree with you.
A few days ago, I asked a question in the Gay/Lesbian forum and wanted to hear from their perspective about a question. My first boyfriend has since divorced his wife and is now living as a gay. He's also a Christian.
So, I asked the people in that forum why a man would change from a heterosexual lifestyle to being in a same sex relationship (this guy is now living with another man).
I was touched by the non-judgmental answers of almost every respondent. And their actl of kindness has made me realize just how narrow minded, I can be.
The lesson I learned is that when I start to understand their heart and their reasons, I start to want to walk in love to them. I feel that these people deserve our compassion and not our hatred or judgmentalism.
If we have any hope of having people want to seek Christ, we cannot treat them as lesser people. They will see right through that treatment and they won't be won over to God - after all, why would they want to join a group of narrow minded people?
Instead, I think we need to rethink our views on this issue. That doesn't mean to support their causes, but it sure does mean to stop criticism and that we should treat them as the wonderful compassionate people they are.
As far as their sin is concerned, I'll leave it up to God to convict them of what is right and wrong. I can share with them, but that is only when the situation is appropriate. Think of how Jesus witnessed. He did it by reputation and by first showing compassion to others. Not by simply preaching at them.
2007-05-16 16:05:50
answer #1
answered by Searcher 7
What does "against the gay lifestyle" mean, anyhow??
There's no "error" in being gay. Perhaps you'd know that if you'd paid attention to the relevant authoritative literature from the past FOUR DECADES.
You're just as bad, you know. You aren't overtly hostile, sure. You don't get into faces and you don't hold up signs declaring homosexuals to be "bound for hell", etc etc. What you do is put a smile on your face as you try to sell your snake oil.
NO ONE NEEDS TO BE "CURED" OF HOMOSEXUALITY. That won't change no matter what attitude you or anyone else adopts. The REAL problem is that ANYONE still sees homosexuality as something that needs correcting. You need a change in your outlook just as much as those you're addressing.
2007-05-16 22:43:27
answer #2
answered by ZER0 C00L ••AM••VT•• 7
While I admire your post, I still can't get past the reasoning behind discriminating against someone based on their sexual preference.
If you really want to preach about something that's detrimental to the sanctity of marriage, then preach about the evils of divorce.
Here's an idea for a new amendment to the Constitution. How about if you get divorced, you're not allow to remarry, as your previous divorce is detrimental to the sanctity of marriage, and we'd rather not give you a second chance to screw it up a second time.
2007-05-16 22:48:43
answer #3
answered by Adam G 6
You and many other Christians are under the impression people decide to be a homosexual.
Homosexuals are born not made Stop worrying if will somehow rub off on your children, it is not contagious. It is impossible to make a straight person gay!
2007-05-16 22:48:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Very true statement. Christians are to welcome people into the kingdom of God, showing them the error of their ways if need be. To be harsh and mean towards anyone shows that that a Christian needs to grow more or get filled with the Spirit of love. Homosexuality is not the lifestyle that God intends for mankind but neither is meanness and harshness towards those that are 'not saved'.
2007-05-16 22:48:23
answer #5
answered by Eskimo Hammer 4
I want to commend you for your principled stand coupled with your compassion, sir. You are a decent human being, and the world needs more level-headed people like you. Despite the hatred that many will unload on you for your views, know you stand head and shoulders above those who would otherwise claim to be the more "tolerant" between the devout Christian and the secular thinker.
2007-05-16 22:46:43
answer #6
answered by Daniel 3
It's like crappy diapers. If the person doesn't change quickly, everybody can smell something is wrong.
As a Christian you need to join a church like Unitarian Universalists where they treat their gay members as people and they don't worry who is screwing who.
Good thoughts and words. Thank you.
2007-05-17 00:16:22
answer #7
answered by humanrayc 4
The BIBLE says to PREACH the TRUTH, we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but powers of darkness, this is the act of the devil.and to set the record straight, the scientist that were doing the test, on genes to see why homosezuals, were homosexuals, never finised those test, Because the gay rights were putting pressure on the top dogs, IF you know what i mean, and was told what to put in those findings, and they were FALSE..In FACT the problem is not in the genes its in the HEAD ,NO MORALS. People will turn the BIBLE around, OR skip pages lol to make it say what they ant it to say. BUT the FACT is, only the truth will get you to heaven, you can live ANYWAY you want, but inless its GODS way, your going DOWN.
2007-05-16 23:02:10
answer #8
answered by theladylooking 4
My views on this subject...
I see in the bible that it says not to engage in homosexual acts, but I see a hundred times more that it says to love your brother. If Christians read their bibles, they would see that we are not meant to judge others, we are only meant to love them. I do not think it is our place to make laws to force people to have our same views, rather we should love them and show them why we have these views and why we believe in our God! Also, the bible says not to be gay, but it also says not to do many, many other things that I'm sure people who hate gays have no problem doing. And furthermore, the bible says that a sin on any level is the same. That means whether you cheat on a board game, deny God, have gay relationships, murder someone, eat too much food, it's all equal in God's eyes and all forgiveable by placing your faith in Jesus.
So, love God and love others, and leave the judging to Him. Go Jesus! :)
2007-05-16 22:52:28
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
We have a responsibility to speak out against sin,however, we should be presenting truth,in love...not bashing others,by using condescending remarks. We need to enlighten those who do not know,and warn those who are trapped in known sin....And further...that there is a loving God that will accept them when they turn to Him with a repentent heart. God does not hate Homosexuals,muderers,abortionists etc.His will is that everyone would accept the grace that he so desperately wishes them to reach out for.
2007-05-16 22:53:36
answer #10
answered by bonsai bobby 7