ok, this question is based on the assumption that jesus lived a perfect life. that's to say he never broke one commandment, which nobody can really verify because none of us are mind readers. how would him dying for our sins be any different than someone with only one or two sins in their life, if not thousands? let's say i had 100 speeding tickets and i couldn't pay them myself. i seriously doubt any judge is really gonna care who pays off the speeding tickets, regardless if they have 0, 100, or even 1 million speeding tickets, just as long as they get paid. furthermore, how would it be just if someone else paid off my speeding tickets, or if i committed murder and someone else takes the rap for me? the fair thing to do would for me to accept the consequences that go along with my actions and not let someone else take the fall.
4 answers
asked by
just curious (A.A.A.A.)