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Religion & Spirituality - 14 April 2007

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We live a self-centered life... it's about our needs, our wants. Howvever there is something greater and it is God, Creator and sustainer of all things. Isn't it evident in our broken nature that because we find things (like creation or the existence of God) that are greater than us, that we cannot fully explain, we tend to deny it?
Sort of a self protection...when God has so much for us, that we were created for relationship with him, and are lost without that relationship?
Our rebellion from God, and seeking of ourselves, keeps us from the life now, and the eternal life, that God has for us.

2007-04-14 03:21:35 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Padre Pio suffered with unexplained stigmate "the wounds of Christ" for a very long time, doctors tried to figure out a reason, and put him under surveillance, to see if he was inflicting it upon himself. He was found to have true stigmata and lived with it for 50 years. After his death the stigmata instantly disappeared.
I am divided on both explainations
1. Stigmata is from God, thus why it "magically instantly disappeared.
2. Stigmata was brought about by Padre Pio's brain, thus when the brain stops functioning stigmata goes away.

What do you think?

2007-04-14 03:20:54 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you say to the parents of the 16 year old Catholic boy who committed suicide last week , the same day the Vatican declared that homosexuality, paedophilia and incest are "one in the same" ?

Your own words, please. God's may not be relevant.

2007-04-14 03:20:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

In Hinduism, Karma in the cycle of re-birth is akin to money in a luxury store. The more positive karma one has, the greater can one's soul afford good things in life and good things in the world. (This includes one's beauty, the family one is born into etc). The more negative karma one has, the more one shall have to pay for negative deeds.

In Hinduism, karma can be earned by many duties (dharma) which include; worship/prayer; meditation/yoga; the recitation of mantras; yagna; charity work; giving selfless love and help; Hard work; living a positive, healthy and fitness rich lifestyle etc.

According to Hinduism, is it possible to increase the positive karme of one's love ones??? An individual like me not only aspires to give his family comfort, security, protection, and wealth in this life but would like to do something to help them in their future lives. What do I do? Are there any special Hindu tasks which allow one to boost the positive karma of their loved ones????

2007-04-14 03:19:13 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

why is everybody so concerned about global warming? Clearly, the sea levels won't rise, so let's just get back in our cars and use up all the fossil fuel that has been bequeathed to us. Anything less would be a waste. Wouldn't it?

2007-04-14 03:18:48 · 15 answers · asked by Dr Know It All 5

were you once believers..........what made you change over....

2007-04-14 03:17:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I speak about God the way Jesus did, and worship God the way Jesus did why am I any different?

2007-04-14 03:13:50 · 17 answers · asked by Antares 6

Then why does George W. Bush look like a monkey?

2007-04-14 03:09:27 · 11 answers · asked by millajovovichsboyfriend 4

Darwinism regards the way that a living cell's chromosomes contain more coded information than a giant library as a miracle of blind chance. It insists that merely by the divine power of chance, unconscious atoms developed over eons into seeing, hearing, conscious human beings. For Darwinism, the deity that works miracles is chance.

Bow down to the God of chance.

2007-04-14 03:08:29 · 16 answers · asked by J D 2

...then what's with all the prayers already?

2007-04-14 03:06:51 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean, when it's blatantly obvious that the only reason they're asking is to have their ears tickled by their fellow believers and to find fault with the answers of the non-believers?

this is a non-sectarian question.

when i say "believers" i mean either the belief in evolution or the belief in a creator. both sides seem to do the same thing, so i want to know why do people leave sincere answers to insincere questions?

2007-04-14 03:02:52 · 18 answers · asked by Lexpressive 2

Aside from God continually speaking to His church through His Word and specifically by His Spirit - what do you think is the 'now' message God is speaking to the increasingly-Westernised church of the 21st century? And by this I don't mean that anyone should pretend to know the answer or that God has only one main message for His people. Perhaps God has put a message on your heart for the church or you have noticed a common theme in various preacher's messages.

2007-04-14 03:00:33 · 12 answers · asked by Sarrate 2

Open to all biblical religion followers. I never understand the logic in it. Why all knowing god let satan to convince eve to tempt the man to do sin? And after all why satan is ther in the story? God cannot distroy satan? If not how god can be almighty? Also how the original sin can come to their future generations? Please try to answer logically. Don't say , it is like that since it is there in the book. With great respect to all.

2007-04-14 03:00:10 · 15 answers · asked by Truthseeker 2

with those big dark baggy eyes, he looks like he's had a good session up the nunnery!

2007-04-14 02:58:26 · 21 answers · asked by Floppy Dick 2

2007-04-14 02:57:17 · 8 answers · asked by Steven C 1

Most atheists are appear adamant when they claim there is no God or higher power, whatsoever. Do they really or do they somewhere in the back of their minds wanting to find God.

Lets go back to 1917 Portugal, a large crowd,of believers, skeptics, and nonbelievers, come to see a miracle that is supposed to be performed that day. (Read up on the Fatima Marian apparitions if you would like to know more) the sun darts out of the clouds and begins to zig zag toward Earth (known as the Sun dance). The many thousands present are amazed, however, there are obviously skeptics. The nay-sayers either claim it was rare natural phenomenam at work (would require supernatural timing) or a mass hallucination. That is people expected a miracle and thus tricked themselves into seeing it. Well if atheists claim to not have a shread of doubt why would they expect to see a miracle they should have not even believed it for one second. Yet many atheist eyewitnesses gave testimony to the miracle.

2007-04-14 02:57:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm gay, and i'm an Atheist. Can i think of my boyfriend in church? Oh dear, I wonder if i'll make it back alive. If i do get back does that mean that God loves us gay ppl? We'll see if i get back...

2007-04-14 02:52:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Evolution is based on Darwin’s theory that ape became man.
This theory was proven by bones of man apes...which later turned out false. http://www.evolutiondeceit.com/chap...

Today evolution is a religion followed by scientist who still believe that man came from ape, even though we still have no proof of that. http://www.evolutiondeceit.com/chap...

But some Christians are also accepting the idea that maybe God caused evolution. Well if man was created in Gods image, that means God is a monkey.

Why do Christians abandon the bible truth of the origin of man?

2007-04-14 02:51:12 · 19 answers · asked by J D 2

i keep hearing reports of individuals being granted wishes, healings, even feeble stuff like 'god make the traffic lights green'

i want an answer other than 'god says wait'

can people see how crazy this stuff is, and see the real reason behind religious beliefs, its just a coping mechanism

2007-04-14 02:51:06 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Steve Hays: "Unbelievers deny the existence of God because that gives them sexual license. Unbelievers deny the existence of God because they’re afraid of divine judgment."

Doug Jesseph: "As an atheist, I deny exist of all Gods: those of the Mayans, the Hindu, the Ancient Egyptians, and the God of the Old and New Testaments. If I am right, all of these are fictional constructs invented by clever humans for purposes, a variety of purposes, ranging from psychological comfort to entertainment."

2007-04-14 02:50:28 · 9 answers · asked by MIND QUIZZER 2

Did Fear put anyone through something mental, that Did Not Come To Pass?

Fear hath Torment--satan can play tricks with your Mind.
satan uses the "Illusion of Failure", alot.
Did any go through anything Fearful that did not happen?

2007-04-14 02:49:40 · 8 answers · asked by maguyver727 7

1) most people are too offensive

2) most people feel offended too easily

2007-04-14 02:45:54 · 22 answers · asked by ? 6

If its Manipulation....which is the most Manipulative?

2007-04-14 02:42:38 · 17 answers · asked by TheDiciple 2

To me it seems that without Roman Emperor Constantin there would be no fricking christian-mess-insanity.
He sponsored the Christians to use them and manipulate them to stay in power. Like a CEO of ancient times he ordered the chaotic christians to clean up their act, tidy up their fairy tales choose 4 "gospels" out of a dozen or so so that he could use the christian 'party' to stay in power and defeat his enemies. Just plain old fashioned politics.
Without Constantin's sponsorship endorsement there would be no Christian-insanity.

2007-04-14 02:40:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Genesis 7:20 indicates that the waters of the Biblical flod rose so high that they covered all the mountains. That means that the ark was at an elevation equal to or greater than the higherst mountain-tops.

Now, when people climb Mount Everest, they wear high-tech thermal gear and carry oxygen tanks. Even so anyone who makes an ascent returns the same day or probably dies. It's not because snow and hiking wears them out! It's because at that elevation, there is simply not enough atmosphere to retain heat or to breathe.

Noah, on the other hand, was at that elevation for 150 days (Genesis 7:24)! How is this even possible? Was the ark air-tight and equipped with enough oxygen for himself and all the animals? They can't even burn things to keep warm or it will make their oxygen problem far, far worse! Even if Noah was endowed with an almost superhuman respiratory ability, what about the multitude of animals?

2007-04-14 02:40:26 · 13 answers · asked by Judas. S. Burroughs. 3

Our local hospital hit the headlines the other day by banning hot-cross buns in case it offended non Christians! Surely the non Christian patients could have said 'no thank you' if they had been offered one!
The only answer so-called politically correct people have is to ban things. Ban this, ban that ban everything then everybody will be happy! I don't think so! Let's not forget we are a tolerant Christian country at the end of the day and we allow other religions to join us in this green and pleasant land. Christians do not get on their high horse when muslims, jews etc have their traditions, no one will be offended by a hot cross bun surely? What do you all think of it?

2007-04-14 02:37:19 · 25 answers · asked by purplehairsarah 2

ok I have seen in some posts that a universal religion or belief in God is from Satan
can I ask please .... is this why my questions and answers dont go down well
is asking for world peace in your eyes Satanic ?
dont worry about offending , I really am curious and need to know
even those who are tolerant of me , have you heard this before ?
can someone explain this to me ?
yes fundies welcome

2007-04-14 02:34:44 · 24 answers · asked by Peace 7

a neighbours son rises up one morning and claims to be the son of God and expects everyone to leave everything that they own and follow him ,accoirding to the natuere of man do you think what jesus expects from us is possible? Do you think it is good for god to throw this world in to fire because of the above reason?

2007-04-14 02:33:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

If I were to look at a black person and say that I don't trust them because they may steal my car, that would be racist. If I looked at a white person and said they can't dance because they are white, that would be racist. Isn't calling Christians hypocrites racist as well? You are assuming that because one Christian is judgemental and hypocritical that we all are. That is ignorance and raceist!

2007-04-14 02:31:51 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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