Sarah Silverstein is a comedian whose act makes Don Imus blush.
She tells a very good joke though, which is perfectly safe for all ears, and begs the question - what is, and is not, forgivable?
A Jewish American Princess talks with her neice who is enthusiastically learnring Jewish heritage, history, practices, traditions and all other important things for those God loves best. The neice (a God chosen being of pure pulsating light and love) tells the older, wiser, street smart gilded phragohm that is Sarah Silverman, that in school, she is being taught all about the holocaust, and how the Germans killed 60 million Jews. The elder chosen then reminds her neice that in point of fact, the Germans only killed 6 million Jews. There is a pause, and the younger girl kind of laughs and says "Sarah, what's the difference?"
And Sarah says "honey, 60 million would be unfogivable."
So what is and what is not forgiveable? I hypothesize there is not one sin that can not be made forgiv
10 answers
asked by
Doris G