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Religion & Spirituality - 5 April 2007

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If I or anyone else was living in a "delusional" world by believing in deities or spirits? not really talking about christianity alone but also other religions. If the person isn't hurting anyone and doesn't try to convert them to believing them why is it bad? :)

2007-04-05 11:59:39 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today is Holy Thursday, and Catholic churches will celebrate the Mass of the Lord's Supper tonight. Something unique about this mass is that people take's Jesus' command to heart and wash each other's feet. (For those of you who aren't familiar with the concept don't worry, they're clean beforehand - this is a ritual washing, not a bath!)

I'm curious - do other Christian denominations do this? And for anyone who does, how does your church do it? Are all welcome, a select number of people? Do people participate?

2007-04-05 11:58:57 · 11 answers · asked by Church Music Girl 6

2007-04-05 11:54:15 · 7 answers · asked by AL Inc.Smackdown 2

It's apparently something in the Catholic faith.

2007-04-05 11:52:46 · 5 answers · asked by Heron By The Sea 7

Is it because of:

A) They are insecure of their faith, if they think the other one is wrong, to their logic theirs is right.
B) Xenophobia.
C) They're just mean, sadistic, and have no real life friends.
D) Cucumber.

2007-04-05 11:51:58 · 30 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4

"A formidable disease is on its way and almost nobody has heard of it. Ug99 is a virulent strain of black stem rust fungus that attacks wheat plants - a crop that feeds more people than any other food source on Earth. Since the Green Revolution of the 1960s, farmers have been successfully growing disease-resistant wheat varieties. But Ug99 has evolved. There are now precious few wheat crops anywhere that are resistant to it. The blight has already crossed from Africa into Asia and there are fears it will spread further into regions where a billion people depend on wheat for their survival"

- New Scientist

2007-04-05 11:51:23 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

If Jesus was the only saviour?

2007-04-05 11:51:11 · 13 answers · asked by Antares 6

Some observations to think about!

The Bible is the most misinterpreted book in the whole world. If you have an axe to grind you have plenty of verses in it to do the job for you.

"Amen, Hallelujah, Blessed be His name, God is living, Praise the Lord. His will be done" - these are some of the most fat-rendering, misused expressions utilised entirely for self-aggrandizement.

The Christianity at its origin was fat-free. Now it is fat submerged thanks to some of its wily followers.

If you have an option to choose what would be your choice – the original one or the corrupted one?

2007-04-05 11:50:46 · 20 answers · asked by Nimit 2

I think this can be enlightening. For example, one day, I forgot about all the scientific knowledge I have learned and tried to see the world as the ancients may have seen it. I could see why many in the ancient world thought of the sky as a dome. Thinking of it this way, the world felt all small and cozy, since with the sky as a dome, you feel like you're "inside" all the time.

Then you realize that your food resources are more limited to what actually grows in your area. It's very interesting. It can help you understand the thoughts of the people of the Bible and other ancient Scriptures.

2007-04-05 11:50:08 · 13 answers · asked by Heron By The Sea 7

the meaning of life is the development of one's soul, how you choose to live you life to develop it is up to you.

2007-04-05 11:49:46 · 11 answers · asked by chezenrice 1

If it is a Mormon heresy to say that we must strive to keep the commandments if we wish to receive eternal life, then why did Christ say "keep the commandments" when a man asked what he must do to gain eternal life (see Math. 19:17)? By the way, don't say that the only commandments are to love God and our neighbors. Jesus Christ said "If ye love me keep my commandments." He also commanded His disciples to break bread, to love their enemies, to be baptized by water and the spirit, and a host of MANY other things.

2007-04-05 11:49:32 · 8 answers · asked by Arthurpod 4

We recieved a visit the other day from a few of them, and they handed us some literature, but it wasn't a lot of help in answering my questions about their faith. What do they believe happens when one of them dies, and what do they believe happens when one of us dies? How does one get to heaven? Is there a hell? Who was Jesus Christ?

I am not asking what your opinions are, because I happen to know what I believe, and can defend it, but I want to know what the JWs believe.

2007-04-05 11:47:36 · 17 answers · asked by Brad K 3

Be Continually In Your Mouth?

2007-04-05 11:47:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

anyone know who made that stuff up?

2007-04-05 11:46:09 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there anyone who belongs to any atheist organizations? If so how do the Atheists' feel about same sex marriages?

2007-04-05 11:45:50 · 15 answers · asked by cheesussinclair 2

Isn't it supposed to be the rebirth of your lord and savior?
Where does the Bunny and the egg hunt come in.

Praise Ishtar!
Can't have a religious celebration without an animated mascot!

2007-04-05 11:44:15 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Revelation 4:11 says, “Thou hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they are and were created.” Colossians 1:16 reiterates the point: “All things were created by Him and for Him.”

So why do so many people think they are here so GOD should please them? where is that written?

2007-04-05 11:41:50 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

I see many questions and answers accusing Christians of participating in pagan holidays. That's correct. Jehovah's Witnesses have recognized this and rejected them. The trinity as well has pagan origins and no Biblical basis. So they have rejected this. They are accused of changing their beliefs over the years. But honestly, what is worse: admitting when you are wrong and doing something about it, or clinging to false beleifs out of pride and adapting the truth around your doctrines? The apostles had wrong ideas and assumptions. They took years to get a real grasp on the truth. God said that "the light would get brighter," not that truth would be known all at once. For those of you who are bothered by their preaching why do you answer the door? They are doing what they feel is right. To people who say they have a false translation, have you really researched this or are you just parroting what you were told?

2007-04-05 11:40:32 · 5 answers · asked by greenage05 1

I have been saying this for years.

We could have avoided Bush if we could get every eligible American to vote. I have no doubt that the fanatical fundies are in the minority.

Do you want your children taught creation instead of actual proven science? There are bills in 17 states right now to force schools to teach creationism. Yes, it is true!!!!!!!!

I don't know about you, but I don't want the education of my son hindered or set back by illogical bible thumpers.

2007-04-05 11:39:04 · 15 answers · asked by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7

If we all have an individual purpose, what do you think your's is? I'd love to here people's view's on what they think their reason's are for being here and whether they have got in touch with their inner-selve's and understood their purpose. I think were here to learn from each other and understand each other's purpose's, to love one another, care for one another and forever live in peace and perfect harmony for eternity and beyond. That's my personal belief. To one day live united as one, just like we were in the begging and then we move onto the next level. In the process I think it's supposed to be good fun, well some of it anyway. Unfortunately we live in war, and to reach this ultimate goal we first need to cut out war and find a way of dealing with our issue's instead of fighting each other. This is the main question of all, how do we end war when everyone want's the same thing? Nothing is our's to take from someone else, we are meant to share the world not think we own it!

2007-04-05 11:37:55 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was told that many christian holidays like Christmas and Easter are pagan holidays, but my husband doesn't believe me. Does anyone know for sure if they are or not? If they are, does someone know of a website that gives good information about it? I tried searching on yahoo, but didnt' find anything that gave good info about the holidays. Thanks!

2007-04-05 11:37:31 · 18 answers · asked by jlwils005 2

i i bleive in god

2007-04-05 11:33:29 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

THis makes no sense to me when Christianity has spawned the most free societies in the world where even Atheists are tolerated while Islam has only one Liberal Democracy (Turkey) out of 53 states. Christian nations give rights to women, minorities and allow other religions to practice freely while in almost all muslim nations freedom of religion and expression are hindered by Shariah Law.
What do you all see at all worth while in Islam?
You know your head would not be connected to your neck in any Islamic nation if you said one tenth of what you speak here? Respect both or neither. Or better yet realize the vast differences and thank Christians for creating societies that allow you to thrive.

2007-04-05 11:33:24 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

No one in the nineteenth century could have known that cement, in fact, was extensively used in Mesoamerica beginning largely at this time, the middle of the first century B.C.(See Matthew G. Wells and John W. Welch, "Concrete Evidence for the Book of Mormon," Insights).

One of the most notable uses of cement is in the temple complex at Teotihuacan, north of present-day Mexico City. According to David S. Hyman, the structural use of cement appears suddenly in the archaeological record. And yet its earliest sample "is a fully developed product." The cement floor slabs at this site "were remarkably high in structural quality." Although exposed to the elements for nearly two thousand years, they still "exceed many present- day building code requirements." (David S. Hyman, A Study of the Calcareous Cements in Prehispanic Mesoamerican Building Construction (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1970), ii, sec. 6, p. 7.)

For more info visit http://www.jefflindsay.com/myturn.shtml#cemen

2007-04-05 11:32:33 · 9 answers · asked by Arthurpod 4

After a really upliffting conversation with a friend today - we got pretty deep into an area we have not spoken about before and I learn that she is into the spiritual side of things (which I myself am to) but we have not actually had chance to speak about it as there are always others with us - anyway she went on to Karma and I have been looking on the net and having certain readings done etc., but want more opin;ions on same - any thoughts welcome.

2007-04-05 11:32:27 · 23 answers · asked by deep in thought 4

From a non-Christian, let alone non-religious. A lot of non-religious people are indeed the latter. We are not all vulgar, prideful, arrogant people.


Peace and Love

2007-04-05 11:32:04 · 6 answers · asked by digilook 2


So like i want to witness to people at the library and stuff but im always so shy i don't know what to do help?

2007-04-05 11:31:12 · 10 answers · asked by LovingGOD 3

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