I just think that Christians, especially have become overwelmingly intrusive to its everyday citizens. They invade our schools trying to bring prayer back, and teach creationism, (even though creationism isn't Science), have people like Roy Moore put the 10 commandments in a court house, and have judges being fired for Bushes religious right. I just think its hipocritical, since religion should be a universal appeal, and respect everyone who wishes to believe differently, rather then tell everyone else they are going to hell if they don't believe. Christians are so quick to judge others, but not when it comes to themselves. I think gays should have atleast same sex Unions, but we have people like Ted Haggard saying Gays are the Devil, yet paid for gay sex from a prostitute. If you are going to be a hipocrite, why don't you just go out and say so, rather then hide behind your religion to back you up ?
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