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Religion & Spirituality - 3 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Does it go to Heaven?


2007-04-03 12:27:33 · 7 answers · asked by Contemplative Monkey 3

I was surprised when we learned in my Sociology class that whites are the least christian race in America (out of the three main groups white, black and Hispanic). Only about 60% of whites claim to be Christian while over 90% of blacks and 87% of Hispanics consider themselves "religious" Christians. What can account for the loss of faith among American whites and the resiliance of the minorities' faith?

2007-04-03 12:27:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know there is mixed opinion on this...
What's yours?

Should Christians be found in places where secular music is being played (that contains less than Christ like lyrics), where booze (alcohol) is being drunken, and should they participate in this party like atmosphere?

And if so, what are they celebrating?
What statement does this make to the unsaved?

Share your opinion. All our welcome.
(No condemnation on this end!)

2007-04-03 12:27:16 · 12 answers · asked by redglory 5

One of the things that led me to atheism was what I saw as arrogance of believers. It stuns me that someone would think that the being that supposedly made the universe, with its billions of possible worlds would be interested in the petty details of someone's life. Even the idea that mankind is the center of the universe seems born of incredible pride.

2007-04-03 12:26:36 · 5 answers · asked by in a handbasket 6

Then why aren't Christians practicing Judaism, since Jesus was Jewish?
Are Christians following a false belief system, or the person of Jesus?

2007-04-03 12:26:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is everyone getting divorced, who claim to be devout Christians. Why are we so greedy and ignore the homeless on the streets when we claim to be so moralistic and altruistic. Why were so many boys molested by priests? Why are christians so scared of change and differences in people? Why when we founded America, the south had slaves? I mean would Jesus have slaves. Why do republicans only care about money and power, but then they say they are the religious right? I wonder why many educated and successful Americans turn their backs to the church, now that i see the truth about the real christianity.

2007-04-03 12:22:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm totally in love, actually obsessed with a girl from work. I can't sleep at night, or when I do fall asleep I have very intense dreams about her then I wake up and can't go back to bed because I'm still thinking about her. When I'm at work with her I get very distracted and in my line of work that is not a good thing. I don't know why I am so obsessed but I don't want to feel like this anymore. Is there any type of spell that you can cast that will destroy my obsession for her. I almost feel like she has placed a spell on me. I don't know if she has but I don't understand how I can feel so strongly for someone that I've never even kissed. I don't wanna put a love spell on her because I think she is in a very serious relationship with another guy and I don't want to destroy what they have. I just want to stop thinking about her. If anyone can help please let me know, this is serious.

2007-04-03 12:19:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think teaching spirituality is the same as teaching religion? Do you see spirituality as a universal quality of humans? What do you think about addressing a child's spiritual nature without bringing religion into it?

2007-04-03 12:19:08 · 16 answers · asked by lottyjoy 6

Religious people scare me. I don't feel like going to church every Sunday. I went one time, and I was nervous. I just walked out in the middle and did not go back because I was embarassed to pray to some God that has not even been scientifically been proven to exist. It's impossible for such a force to exist, so great that I don't believe it. It's a bunch of boring stuff and does not make any sense. I would rather listen to something that is based on science. I don't believe in God because there is no proof of him existing. I need proof for everything I believe in. Nobody can make me believe something I don't want to believe exists and I don't believe exists. That is how I am. Science is the future, not religion. Scientists saves lives, not religion. Scientists advance civilization, not religion. Science gives hope, not religion. More and more people are thinking the way I do.

2007-04-03 12:13:26 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

What kinds of things can a witch do to me?

2007-04-03 12:12:24 · 20 answers · asked by exempt001 1

being christian means that you are a follower of christ..i am one....but so many christians today dont follow christ! instead they make up excuses of why they dont. for instance Christmas. so many christians celebrate it, and for what? Jesus didnt celebrate christmas nor did he celebrate his birthday, why? because birthdays were only celebrated by enemy's of god..like pharoah. but today many christians celebrate both birthdays and christmas! please explain such hypocrisy.

2007-04-03 12:10:48 · 45 answers · asked by star 2

For me, it was when someone asked "Do you believe in God, yes or no". This was before I decided to take issue with that particular question and rant and rave like a madwoman every time I see it. I replied at the time with a simple "No." and was given a Violation Report for "Chatting and Personal Communications".

What was your most confusing or ridiculous Violation Report?

2007-04-03 12:10:21 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Read John 8 but especially verse 45-47
This is Jesus speaking " But because I speak the truth, you do not believe
"Which one of you convicts Me of sin? If I speak the truth, why do you not believe Me?

I ask the same question - Why do people not believe the teachings of Christ and what is it that is so terrible in his teachings that make people turn away?
" He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God."

Is this not true today so how can one not believe when Jesus spoke this so very long ago and yet it is true even today. Is this not proof that what he said so long ago is true? He said many things that are true of today so how can it be that if it were said so long ago that it is not believed today?

2007-04-03 12:08:58 · 19 answers · asked by grandmabonnie 3

I know what happened to him, but his drive in christianity? People are letting everything and anything go on, instead of calling it out and being a warrior for GOD. I know not all christians are the warrior type, but man; it seems to me were getting beat by muslims, and other religions that have got it wrong, yet are bold; and us having everlasting life to gain are sitting back watchin news like another state is allowing gay marriage, or all religions are the right ones, you'll get into heaven regardless of what you do.
P.S.This post is talkin to me as well.

2007-04-03 12:08:47 · 2 answers · asked by Empower 1

The earliest Islamic sources say that Muhammad inspired 75 terrorist raids - all for monetary gain - during the first ten years of the Islamic era. So to justify such behavior, the revisionists now errantly claim that he was defending Islam. Their argument, however, is in complete defiance of what the Hadith and Qur'anic eyewitness accounts reveal - and thus contradict the whole of the Islamic scriptures. If they are right and if Muhammad was a peaceful man, the Islamic scriptures cannot be trusted because they say the opposite.

Source: Quran, Hadith
Site: http://prophetofdoom.net

2007-04-03 12:05:42 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Many people believe there are different ways to God, but not according to Jesus" words, He says "I am the WAY", sounds non-negotiable, so what WAY is this?

2007-04-03 12:05:16 · 20 answers · asked by cookie 1

that the Bible is a fairy-tale and creation is also, and evolution is right, why aren't you in the science section discussing this instead of insulting people who don't dis-believe like you do. We, a lot of us BELIEVE in God and the Bible. It's your right not to as is ours TO BELIEVE. Do you feel superior when you insult people? It's juvinile, rude, and rather small-minded.

2007-04-03 12:04:53 · 17 answers · asked by creeklops 5

Poor bloke,

He got both his arms nailed to the cross, then he had to put his legs together cos they only had one nail left, and then after all that suffering, God gets all the credit in churches throughout the lands. How does that work out.
If you all believe, and I dont, surely it was Jesus that made himself known to us and God just kept himself in the limelight through word of mouth through him. Cowardly freak..!!!.

Tell you all what...!!!! If it was my son getting nailed up and I had the powers that the book says I did. Im pretty damn sure i would do something to stop it happening... But then again, I suppose if you was in that situation with your own son and you were as religious as you say you all are, you would just stand back and watch it happen just like your God did...

2007-04-03 12:04:05 · 24 answers · asked by pop c 2

I'm doing research on "scientists" who support intelligent design. However, all of these "scientists" turned out to also be evangelicals/religious fundamentalists. Or, they happened to be on the payroll of "Discovery Institute," which is a creationist think-tank. (No relation to the Discovery Channel)

My question is, are there any ID-supporting scientist who is NOT affiliated with a fundamentalist religious group?

2007-04-03 12:01:41 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think the "I need evidence" line is meaningless. If we need so much evidence it means we don't even trust our own instincts or even our own sanity. There is probably never going to be empirical evidence for a God or at least not for a ridiculously long time. If there is somekind of God out there (I personally doubt it), it is currently beyond scientific testing. Therefore, our current beliefs regarding the matter cannot be on scientific grounds. Furthermore, the word "improbable" means absolutely nothing in science. For all we know there is a pink unicorn floating around the center of the andromeda galaxy.

It seems to me that time is running out to think about reality, every square inch of eternity, and every square inch of eternity that will never be the same again for all eternity. What we do not imagine of this is wasted by us.

If you are a sane, stable-minded person, what does your spirit say? You a feelin the Swartz or no?

2007-04-03 12:00:51 · 22 answers · asked by Zeek 3

Getting married next year and have tried a few places...however very pricey...$1200.00 pricey. If you know of any, please provide area and name of church so I can research.

no interested in chapels or civil ceremonys...

2007-04-03 12:00:48 · 2 answers · asked by CUTE C 2

...the week or the month or the year? Jesus said that "no one knows the day nor the hour", but I think it would be wise for everyone to ask themselves "Did JC really say 'no one will know the week or the month or the year'"? I don't think so.

2007-04-03 12:00:36 · 7 answers · asked by spacethe55 1

That doesnt seem fair really. If you grew up in a country dominated by the Islam religion, you would probably be a muslim right now.

2007-04-03 11:57:36 · 17 answers · asked by Ignorant Guy. (Is Back) 1

According to my research, about 60% of all the preachers in non-denominational churches have crime records. Most of the offenses are DWI or sex crimes.

2007-04-03 11:55:04 · 16 answers · asked by randy_plrm 4

Hell i'd even settle for an agnostic one.

2007-04-03 11:52:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is tivodan1116 naive or just putting on a show of being naive about our great constitution?

Could any free nation's compnies or businesses legally flout a persons rights and freedoms for long just because they do not like those people?

In nations that teach and believe in justice for ALL?

Naive or not tivodan1116 opened up a door for us to talk about our constitution with our freedom of speech on Yahoo Answers true? I will after posting this click on his name and see his thinking on other things. I just looked and belive he might be in law but not sure. Once posted I will go back.

See what he said below at website:


2007-04-03 11:52:54 · 3 answers · asked by Constitutionally Sound U 1

I have a devotional/reading Bible, a HCSB with giant print, the jewel-verse reference system, and a sleek brown cover. It's very nice looking. I have a hardcover wide margin NIV that I'm having fun using (a wide margin NASB should be arriving soon) and a God's Story ESV that I take to church and also read/memorize from. I also have dozens of others, but those are my favorites.

Anyone else? (And if you're a KJV onlyist, please, please, go away, or read James White's book about it)

2007-04-03 11:52:51 · 6 answers · asked by Stop 1

2007-04-03 11:51:40 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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