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Religious people scare me. I don't feel like going to church every Sunday. I went one time, and I was nervous. I just walked out in the middle and did not go back because I was embarassed to pray to some God that has not even been scientifically been proven to exist. It's impossible for such a force to exist, so great that I don't believe it. It's a bunch of boring stuff and does not make any sense. I would rather listen to something that is based on science. I don't believe in God because there is no proof of him existing. I need proof for everything I believe in. Nobody can make me believe something I don't want to believe exists and I don't believe exists. That is how I am. Science is the future, not religion. Scientists saves lives, not religion. Scientists advance civilization, not religion. Science gives hope, not religion. More and more people are thinking the way I do.

2007-04-03 12:13:26 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

19 answers

I think you assumptions on scientifically proving God are wrong.

The universe is controlled by laws which govern the way we live. Gravity, Law of Thermodynamics (Energy is neither created or destroyed but instead transferred & All things are detirating a contast pase), physic equations. My question to you is what holds all these laws together. Where did the initial energy come from. Look at the most tiny structure of blood vissels and then gaze into the star systems you will notice a similiar pattern in everything in our galaxy. There is order there are govering laws. There is life and death and their is a notion of our imoratilty. "Come let us reason together." - Isaiah 1:18

There are many scientists who believe in God:
Nicholas Copernicus, Sir Fancis Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Rene Descartes, Isaac Newton, Robert Boyle, Michael Faraday, Gregor Mendel, William Thomson Kelvin, Max Planck, Albert Einstein, etc.

“A God who let us prove his existence would be an idol”
-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

2007-04-03 12:43:30 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

I used to think the way that you do and in some respects I still do. For instance I never went to church because I didn't believe in God for sure and I figured that it was boring so why waste my time when I could be out having fun with my friends.

Anyhow, God worked circumstances around in my life and called me to faith in Him and turned my life around. If He isn't calling you then maybe it's not your time or maybe you are not one of the people that He's going to save.

Anyhow, I hope that He will call you and show you that He is real. If you want to examine some of the scientific proofs of the Christian faith then click on the Answers button @ http://web.express56.com/~bromar/ or check out some of the links on the Free Stuff page that look scientific to you.

Don't let ignorance keep you from knowing all sides of the question about whether or not there really is a Creator to whom you will one day have to give an account of what you did about Jesus.

2007-04-03 12:21:22 · answer #2 · answered by Martin S 7 · 0 0

you said science advances civilization, yet religion birthed them. you said science is the future, yet science could not fortell events of the future as beautifully and fully as the prophets have, and that is a dated historical fact from any History professor or theologian. You say science saves lives, yet Jesus( one of the ones who prophesied the accurate truth of those things that were coming) gives us life eternally, something science-even the best of it, can't deliver. We can't make you do anything, friend. We can only urge you while their is still time. This is the proving grounds. If science is right then were all released back into the Ether and all is well for both the believer and the nonbeliever, yet if Jesus is right then only the believers are covered and you are left out in the cold(or should I say HEAT)! I don't want that for ANYONE! so don't begrudge them for trying to save you from what we've been shown as judgement. we are only looking out for you.

2007-04-03 12:29:43 · answer #3 · answered by stetson 3 · 0 0

because God loves you and he wants you to be apart of His family and i ma reading the book
"know why you beleve" by paul E Little and there is a chapter called science and nature you should read it but U should become a christian and be saved if you read the Bible then more and more of God will make sence just try IF you give God some of your time he will give you some more if u look at all of the ppl who have theLord and notice something different about them they will always be loved and if you look at animals and how everthing is so compelx there has to b a creator there is so much u need to know i wish you would know that this choice will change your life so much in a great way and you will nnot regret this choice if you do, just trust God in all that you due. iam happy that u went to church and tryed but give God more he wants to be in u he is knocking on the door to you heart he sent his son to die for u ! i will pray for u and i would read thoses books and go talk to a pastor who can help you get started! Gods wants you to be in His family and when u die u will go to heaven read revaltion in the BIble it is the last chapter and see what will happen to the rest of the earth and who thoses who are His ppl will go to heaven then live with God on the earth at the end! it truly is amzing God bless

2007-04-03 12:34:01 · answer #4 · answered by Rebecca 3 · 0 0

i don't agree with everything you say,i believe in god....as for the last part of your reasoning for science bringing hope etc......

science has brought abortion
science has created the most devastating weapons of destruction including the deadliest of all the atomic bomb.

science is NOT the future if anything science will bring about the consumation of the world- all those bombs dropped on foreign countries,nepalm being dropped......the list is endless. science can be postitive in some respects but don't act like it is the future whether or not you believe in god. i recommend you find christ but i am not going to push it down your throat or anything, i offer this as something of interest so you can see better gods plan of salvation for humanity,you won't agree with everything but it may show you why people are suggesting you become christian. it is a free study course and can be done at your own pace,don't be ofended i offer it respectfully....

2007-04-03 12:32:04 · answer #5 · answered by fenian1916 5 · 0 0

People say you should be Christian because Christianity has given them a lot of happiness, comfort and security and they want to share that with you.

I gave a friend of mine a copy of Halo earlier because I've had a lot of fun playing that game, and I think he would enjoy it too.

Religion has a deeper and more profound impact than a video game, but the motivation is the same.

It can be kind of annoying but the intentions are good. Think of it that way and it's a lot easier to bear.

"Nobody can make me believe something I don't want to believe exists" Although that is sort of hypocritical...you're criticizing theists for not being open to the possibility that God doesn't exist, but openly declaring yourself closed to the idea of God's existence. Or a god. Or gods. Whatever.

2007-04-03 12:25:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Having God in your live is very enriching, but you don't need to be Christian to believe. A belief and trust in God trancends any sort of religious struture.

I would tell anyone that having God in their life would improve it, but as to what religion/church they should belong to, I really couldn't say which, or even if they should do so...I go to a Lutheran church because I love the atmosphere.

As well, any scientist worth his or her salt will tell you that NOTHING is proveable or concrete in this universe and science is about exploration, not hard truth.

2007-04-03 12:21:32 · answer #7 · answered by Voodoo Lady 3 · 0 0

You make a really good point. We need proof for alot. But what about love or trust. Do you make someone prove that they love you? How do we know love exists? Even though I am a christian I often want proof too but in those moments when I can let go and just believe---it is pretty amazing.

2007-04-03 12:19:37 · answer #8 · answered by Abecedarian 2 · 0 0

Man, I hear what you are saying, but I am a christian. I wouldn't base my opinion or belief because of lack of proof from unbelieving scientist. In my opinion people can manipulate facts or findings to say what they want to. You can't see fear or loneliness, but you can see the effects of them. If you just give two weeks and say let me give this a shot. Read some of the bible, and pray that God will minister to you. If it doesn't work then do what you want to. But, from first hand experience if you do wholeheartedly, you will change your mind.

2007-04-03 12:26:38 · answer #9 · answered by Empower 1 · 0 0

Hey, go for it man. But, near the end, if you think you were wrong-remember that the Bible says that as long as there is breath there is hope. Just make sure you don't die or get killed before you change your mind. There are no returns or refunds in the afterlife.

2007-04-03 12:21:50 · answer #10 · answered by John S 3 · 0 0

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