Really. If creationism should be taught in biology classes, shouldn't astrology be taught in astronomy classes?
Astrology is based on faith rather than science, as is creationism.
There is absolutely no scientific basis for either postulate, and both are in fact inconsistent with scientific observation and evidence, and thus refuted by science.
Almost every reputable scientist (without a personal or religious agenda) disparages both as mythology and/or pseudoscience.
Both claim to be "scientific" & legitimate "alternative" theories to those established by scientific study, observation, logic and deduction.
So if we're going teach creationism as science, shouldn't we give equal time to astrology? And alchemy, phrenology, personal auras, occultism, Christian Science, Scientology and occultism?
If not, why not? All are based on faith, refuted by science and rejected by the scientific community. So if one, then why not all?
Or are only Christian theories allowed?
20 answers
asked by
Don P