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Religion & Spirituality - 4 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Would the Supreme Court declare God unconstitutional if He tried to stick me in a lake of fire for my religous beliefs? I have freedom of religion you know.

Would the President have to defend the Supreme Courts decision? I guess he'd have an excuse to nuke something...

2007-03-04 03:50:23 · 2 answers · asked by Jedi 4

Some Bible scholars feel that ... since the Jews have fulfilled their role in delivering a Messiah ..... and salvation has been opened to the Gentiles also .. that ... the current nation of Israel has no significance. They say the Jerusalum of the Bible is a spiritual nation ...... not one confined to the earthly land mass now known as Israel. What is your opinon ????

2007-03-04 03:50:18 · 7 answers · asked by burlingtony 2

In the Bible God CLEARLY states in THE FIRST COMMANDMENT "THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS OR GRAVEN IMAGES IN MY NAME." where in this commmandment by God himself states that Jesus Christ .Peace Be Upon Him. is an exception. this is a serious Q so serious answers. I am not of your faith but i respect it. i just don't understand that the Bible claims 2 be the easiest book to follow, yet their r contradictions. such as this. i'm not trying to change anyones faith just trying to be open minded of other culures and religions. but this commandment is in writting from God himself right? then why do you assoicate God with another partner when CLEARLY He tells you and everyone not 2. plz help me understand. is this considered disobeying God?

2007-03-04 03:50:16 · 4 answers · asked by baba where art thou 4

The most common similarity of NDE's is the feeling of peace, tranquility, spirituality, and oneness with all. This occurrence has been discovered to be associated with the release of endorphins as well as reactions between the right and left superior parietal lobe. The right portion of this area of the brain is known to be responsible for the sense of physical space and body awareness. The left portion of the parietal lobe is responsible for the awareness of the self. During an NDE neural activity in these areas shuts down. The result of this is an inability for the mind to have distinction between the self and non-self. However, other aspects of the brain are still functioning and thoughts are occurring. These other thoughts are believed to be associated with the visions perceived.

so what do you think?

2007-03-04 03:49:30 · 7 answers · asked by tandypants 5

I just don't understand why the Bible has forced us to refrain from expressing ourselves. We can't get mad or even say whatever we want to. So tell me what do you think? Another thing, bible thumpers need not answer this question because I don't want to hear any of them spewing their garbage.

2007-03-04 03:45:25 · 11 answers · asked by brian 2010 7

I recieved an email this morning about someone who used YA
they have passed away
the email was from his friend simply to thank me for making them smile
I did not know this person was dying and i felt very humble and had a little cry that my words make a small difference
I dont want to go into details about this person as it wasnt made public
but please guys remember
that behind the words on the screen there is a person
and we never know the effect our words have on others
so make them good ones ok ?

2007-03-04 03:45:08 · 32 answers · asked by Peace 7

I like coffee beer and se*, am I the only Atheist like that?

2007-03-04 03:38:30 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is a story in Islamic history about a mission that prophet Muhammed sent with the name "Sareyat Al Fuls". That mission was led by Ali Ibn Abu Talib and they raided a village that worshipped a stone god, destroyed the temple of that stone god, looted the whole village, and took many women captives (as slaves).

As for men captives, the story tells that Muslims had them to choose either to submit to Islam or to be KILLED. The story goes on and tells that many people submitted to islam while others refused and had been KILLED.

Does this mean that early Muslims did not allow anyone who did not submit to islam to live?

(P.S. From my reading through Islamic history, I found that conquering Mecca was the only bloodless battle during prophet Muhammad's time)

2007-03-04 03:32:00 · 19 answers · asked by Bionimetiket 2

I put the word Atheism in a question and people click on it. Why?

*** NOTE: I am an Atheist, this question is NOT - Atheists why are you in this category?

This question is specific, why do people see that word Atheist and click on the question more often. Or rather, why do questions with the word atheist in the title get more answers.

2007-03-04 03:30:20 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

hello. :) thanks for looking into this question...
in my world histrory class im doing a project over relgions and really need help.

so.. we had to make a bored game and my setup is kinda weired but what ever.... its too late to redo all that I have done.. but what I need to do is to find whats common between......
hinduism and buddhim, then buddhism and christanity, then christanity and judaism, then judaism and islam...

then... idk please help, even if u want to help me with bored game set up...

alll I really need is website that tells me so I can look it up so I dont feel like im cutting a turn too fast... you know?

but if u want to help me more then do so :)
so far.. i wasthinking askig 3 questions for each religon.. then 1 about every 2 in simmalirs... then same thing.....

2007-03-04 03:30:18 · 13 answers · asked by Shelly 3

and what are its powers if any

2007-03-04 03:28:46 · 31 answers · asked by Barry 2

what if he came back and was talking aloud to god in the street, and was seen doing this, but was thrown into an institution because everyone thought he was crazy? think about it before you answer in haste, how many times have you walked past some guy in the street talking to himself and it creeped you out so you ran to the other side of the street to avoid him. what if that guy was jesus?

2007-03-04 03:28:18 · 16 answers · asked by tandypants 5

Epicurius who lived some centuaries before Jesus was a firm atheist. But he is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible

2007-03-04 03:26:47 · 6 answers · asked by Born again atheist 3

John 16:12 is widely accepted as referring to the Holy Spirit.
How can this be when you consider the following?

1 By using the words (that one) to describe the subject, Jesus is most lightly referring to a single individual.

2 Jesus calls the subject the spirit of the truth and not the Holy Spirit, (not the same thing),

3 The Holy Spirit has no mind of its own, so it dose not have the option of speaking of its own impulse.

4 It is not ignorant, needing to be told any thing.

5 the subject declares to the disciples the things coming, so he must be separate from the little flock.

If you agree with me and you would like to know my opinion on this, think about what Jesus continues to says at John 16:14. and compare it to Lev 16:7

2007-03-04 03:26:35 · 4 answers · asked by trefrog56 2

How many genocides have been commited by God in Bible?

2007-03-04 03:24:06 · 10 answers · asked by Born again atheist 3

Will we loose the Bunny and Cadburie eggs?

2007-03-04 03:23:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can anyone tell me how i can find information on the life of a cluniac or cluny monk and how they prayed?

2007-03-04 03:14:54 · 4 answers · asked by Lee Lee 5

2007-03-04 03:13:33 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was speaking to a Muslim friend the other day and I asked him if he can understand what is written in the Qur'an as he cant speak or understand arabic. (The little that he can understand is not enough for him to even communicate with anyone) And he said no. And that when he was younger he went to lessons at his mosque, but all they did was recite pages of it, but did not learn what it meant. How does this work, how are people like him supposed to know what is written in their holy book if they cannot even understand it themselves? Are there translations?

2007-03-04 03:13:18 · 11 answers · asked by Eryn v 3

How do you prove to me that it hasent been re-written changed or amended with evidence.

If we had followed shariah law would the world have succeseeded in such a techological way?

2007-03-04 03:13:12 · 9 answers · asked by kalloggs40 3

I know some countries go on Christianity & make those days public holidays (christmas,easter,etc) but what about other religions such as Islam,Judasim,Hinduism & all other religions. Why are all of those new years & religious days not celebrated & have the day off as a country holiday.

I aint know it that makes sense but just a question.

2007-03-04 03:09:25 · 4 answers · asked by MEHNAZ B 2

2007-03-04 03:07:50 · 15 answers · asked by Rahul 3

Is it because the "think" that if they accept something new, they must throw everything they have already learned "into the trash"?
ADD what you learn to your knowledge.


2007-03-04 03:06:01 · 10 answers · asked by Sadeek Muhammad 2

Hebrews chapter 11 holds up several people for Christians to emulated, and the list is primarily comprised of people in polygamous relationships, specifically Abraham, Sara, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and David. All the Old Testament A-listers. The other names in the chapters we don't know enough about to know what their marital arrangements were, but this group I named are clearly portrayed as polygamists. And Rahab was a ho. And the writer holds them up to Christians as examples. Why, unless polygamy is not the bad thing we are told? Please don't tell me how these households, especially David's, were problematic because of polygamy. I'm not asking if polygamy is a workable lifestyle. I'm asking how can the Bible hold people up as examples to Christians when they have such a glaring "fault", unless it is not a fault at all?

2007-03-04 03:05:54 · 6 answers · asked by El Charangista 1

Someone who doesn't exist

2007-03-04 03:05:42 · 6 answers · asked by Erodian Crowley 1

Are you that much naive? sort of idiot or what?

2007-03-04 03:05:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

For a long time it was African Americans. It must have been centuries before society accepted African Americans with equal rights what with white people ruling over. Also going on around that time was non-equal rights with woman. It was a long time until woman in general could have equal rights and vote like white males. Boy, do I feel sorry mainly for those black females in the olden days. They must have really been put down. Anyway, luckily now, women tend to get the same rights as men do. As far as the black issue goes, I was feeling pretty good up until the whole Michael Richards incident. Veiled racism seems to be lingering now but at least it's a lot better than the olden days. Right now, we seem to really be working on homosexual people getting the same rights as heterosexuals. Luckily, there is being some justice out there, disallowing people to use the "F" word in the entertainment business. However, once we finally take care of these homophobes, what group is next?

2007-03-04 03:02:14 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

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