As illustration of those who come by way of Holy Trinity and those who come by way of Allah, lay claim that:
“In order to understand scared text, one needs to first believe; a person must use their minds and be afflicted with divine intervention.”
The fallacy of this line of argument conceivably be that of the other thousand or so religions, beliefs and philosophies in present circulation, a handful will claim similar conditions to understand their way.
Should this person then not ascribe to all the above belief systems to try to sort the wheat from the chaff to determine the one True belief, and in the process risk being burnt by all the other false beliefs and Gods ?
Are not all authoritative sources preaching one belief over another no different to the transient nature of each other ?
Flavour of the month, if you permit, is empirical science backed with rational philosophy.
Kindly refrain, if you please, ad hominem attacks of all parties participating. Thank you.
6 answers
asked by
pax veritas