I realize that it’s only $20 but what bugs me the most is the person who borrowed it. My husband’s friend’s wife texted me one day and asked if I could lend her $10 or $20 as she didn’t have any money left until payday. I agreed and even met her by her job so she wouldn’t have to worry about driving to me. She seemed very grateful at the moment, however, I now believe all she wanted was to use me. That happened probably two and a half or three months ago.
I called her about a month ago to see what she was doing, not related to the money at all, and she kind of brushed me off because she had company. So I left it at that. She has never made an attempt to pay me back, and she hasn’t even called to talk or anything. I can’t imagine that she is dodging me over $20 so that’s what makes me think she just wanted to use me.
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Hoping he will bless me with #1