What Should I Do About This?
I have a friend that I believe is causing me more harm then good.
I met her in college about 3 years ago, and we became fast friends. We had a great relationship, until about a year ago when we graduated and started seeing each other less often.
We met up about once a month, and have a "girls night out" w/ some of our mutal friends. We usually go a bar or club. The problem is, that ever time I am around her, I end up in a situation that I regret later. I get tipsy/drunk rather quickly, yet instead of telling me to stop drinking-she buys me shots, when I shouldn't have them. I understand I do have some control over this; however, my friend knows when I'm at my limits and that I will be unaware of the fact that I should stop drinking. Yet, she buys and feeds me more shots. In addition, on two seperate occassions, she has offered to be the designed driver and then has gotten drunk. The first time I didn't realize that she was as drunk as she was an got in the car w/ her
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Answer Girl 2007