I am in my 50's and I live in a one bedroom apartment with my hubby. I asked him why and he says they are lazy or drunk. I have alot of windows in my apartment, even over my kitchen sink. If you call the police on them they would be gone before the cops got to the property. What really gets to me is some of them that do it live here. I know that this has been going on forever, but it seems to me it is a growing habit. I see more of it now adays than when I was younger. I think the new generation has been brought up with no manners. I would of never liked of been brought up in the 80's or 90's, no one has respect anymore. No, I do not stand at my window all the time and look out, but I do like to look outside, and to have my curtains open as I live on the top floor. Respect for other people has gone down the all american drain into the sewer. Welcome to the the new stupid generation, and to the guys that would rather pee behind a dumpster than walk to a bathroom.
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