Our neighbors, who live right next door are pissed because I won't take their son to school in the morning when I drop my son off.
I have taken him on occassion and even dropped him off at home after school, but this child is very rude, and I have my own issues to deal with; I have an Autistic son and two other children to care for.
Over the summer, this child spent a lot of time in our backyard and in our house even though we were still settling in. We had only been in our home for a couple of months.
From the begginning, the parents didn't care for us too much; they didn't come over to introduce themselves, we had to go to them, but we still welcomed their child. I've tried to be the bigger person. But, my son has never been in their house or backyard and they are capable of dropping their child off in the morning anyway.
Now, they ignore us, don't speak and their children do the same thing. How do we keep the peace?
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