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Etiquette - September 2006

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Etiquette

We are going on our annual camping trip with my college friends. It is me and my girlfriend and 7 of my guy friends (two of them are bringing thier girlfriends: so total of 8 guys and 3 girls). This year they booked the trip to a nude beach. My girlfriend and I have never been to a nude beach before. I am fine with it but I have yet to ask her. Before I bring up the subject to her I want to see of any of you ladies would go.

So would you go to a nude beach where you would be one of 3 girls with 8 guys? All the guys will be getting nude for sure but the girls may or may not and my girlfriend does't have to. But she will see all of them nude whether or not she joins in. Would you go?

2006-09-25 15:52:35 · 6 answers · asked by calidzyner 1

You know it's better to listen, yet you still find yourself doing it. Are there some tricks or techniques to help break the habit?

2006-09-25 15:49:06 · 12 answers · asked by sittingd 1

I am NOT talking about a healthy parent/child relationship, and I do NOT hate kids. I am talking about people who give children too many choices, are overly permissive, and/or expect everyone around them to plan everyting around thier kids. My boyfriend is like this, and I work with a few people like this....I was out shopping one day on a weekend, my boyfriend's son was visiting, and called me on my cell phone demanding I come home immediately because his kid was starving. I was like, "ok give him something to eat" and coworkers who demand the entire office schedule vacations around school vacations. The newest employee demanded to take vacation on certain days because her kids were doing this and that, and that "because _______ dosent have kids she has to switch vacations with me..." I told her "Sorry but _____ has been here the longest and you have been here the least amount of time and vacations are based on senority"

2006-09-25 15:26:38 · 28 answers · asked by eastcoastdebra 3

There is only one answer that I can relate to.

2006-09-25 15:22:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my boyfriend are going out to eat for his birthday at a moderately priced restaurant (roughly 60 dollars for 2 people). We want his family members to join us, about 12 or so people, but were students and obviously cannot afford to pay for them as well. Do we put in their invitations that theyre expected to pay? That seems...bad.....If so, how would we word this? If not, whats the alternative?

2006-09-25 15:18:35 · 13 answers · asked by bumbleleigh 4

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the purspose of asking a question on here is to get an answer. An blind opinion of a person should only be posted if it is asked for. Why post an opinion and not answer a legit question. It's not yahoo Opinions. Forgive me if I offend you, but don't give me your opinion of me and I didn't ask for it, be mature and answer the damn question or move on.

2006-09-25 15:09:24 · 8 answers · asked by mslilbit24 2

My mom makes me wear diapers because sometimes I have accidents. I always make it to the potty on time too but sometimes im too late.

My friends in the locker room laugh at me when they see I wear depends. Im always sad now

2006-09-25 15:00:25 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-25 14:57:23 · 14 answers · asked by Paul G 1

I have lived in kansas and colorado. Is White Caslte not in either of these states? Where the hell is one located? I have never seen one.

2006-09-25 14:50:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Very Ignorant People
Very idiotic People
Vile Insecure Pigs

2006-09-25 14:40:51 · 4 answers · asked by ByeBuyamericanPi 4

2006-09-25 14:27:16 · 16 answers · asked by Susan N 2

at that time I used to work in a hospital and as usual as I was in a hurry to go home..this man was coming in to the hospital and he asked me ...where is the emergency room? I just pointed and kept on walking, he looked drunk, his eyes were red and shiny.. I went on home, and to my dismay when a went to check on the floors I found the man that I didn't help, and to my dismay the reason he eyes were red and swhiny was because he had glass in his eyes and he couln't see. to this day I feel guilty about it, what should I do to take this load off of me. It still bothers me a lot, I was to embarras to apologize to him, he did not recognize me.
*******I hope Cbread get to see this question, every one makes mistakes***************

2006-09-25 14:17:30 · 16 answers · asked by Boricua Born 5

2006-09-25 13:37:23 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-25 13:34:46 · 18 answers · asked by Italian Stallion 2

First, some background.

I recently answered a question from a female concerning her possible pregnancy and her obvious inability to make an adult-style decision. She wanted to get a pregnancy test, but she couldn't get the car keys; her boyfriend was sleeping.

She couldn't figure out what to do.

I answered, among other items, that she should some simple common-sense to figure out her dilemna. Some of my responses provoked a response saying I was too harsh. (No inappropriate language was used) I also responded stating she should use "correct style" English so that her question would be more clearly understood.

Now the question for all respondents.

Is it acceptable for respondents to questions to say exactly what's their opinion, or should their opinions be "sugar-coated" so that nobody's feelings get hurt?

I had always believed "direct answers to direct questions," but yesterday proved me wrong; somebody's feelings were "bent out of shape" by my responses.

2006-09-25 13:03:40 · 10 answers · asked by Living In Korea 7

Personally I think it's an utterly revolitng sound.
No better than farting or burping really loudly.
Why can't people go to toilet and clear the mucous out of their damned nose?

2006-09-25 12:40:40 · 29 answers · asked by richy 2

I see so many question on here that are asked like how do I tell them? What do I say about something to some one that honestly bothers you? Why can't people just say how they feel. And why do so many people want to wear their heart on the sleeve. Would you not want to know the truth? And please don't answer me ( you dont want to hurt their feelings) Give me some good stuff.

2006-09-25 12:21:26 · 13 answers · asked by purrfectsandcastle 3

Sorry if this question sounds so stereotypical, but it's something I've noticed much too often.

2006-09-25 12:16:23 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-25 11:50:46 · 22 answers · asked by http://hogshead.pokerknave.com/ 6

There's this girl at my school who got saved about a year ago. Thing is, now she's out practically splashing people with holy water. Anything you do, she has a Bible verse. "Don't do that because Mark says..." it never ends. She's so adamant about judging people and telling them why they're wrong. But then she turns around and will make fun of somebody's hairstyle. It's getting mad annoying. If I make a joke, she'll say, "You shouldn't say that because Luke says..."

I'm a Christian, but I think it's wrong to go around and get on EVERYBODY for swearing or getting a tattoo or being gay or sleeping in church...I mean, nobody's perfect, so it's senseless to go around and point out everyone's fault, especially when she's gossiping about people three seconds later....it's your average holier-than-thou thing going on...what should I do?

2006-09-25 11:36:25 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just want to be able to know when and how much to eat. What is the time of day when you eat the "big" meal?

2006-09-25 11:34:27 · 4 answers · asked by jcgolf80 1

There IS a difference.....

2006-09-25 10:48:08 · 20 answers · asked by Mike 2

I feel so bad. I was at a local mall-and there were a bunch of kids (15-16 or so) in line. In front there was another girl anout the same age. Very preety with long dark hair. Well the teens behind put gum in the other girls hair without her knowing and they thought it was the funniest thing ever. I was shocked that people are really like that. Why would you do that to her lovely hair? Does anyone else think that this was a disgusting act or am I over reacting? I felt so bad for that girl.

2006-09-25 10:38:53 · 37 answers · asked by frha75 2

Im a man myself i cant beleive what im hearing from women, i just ran into a divorced woman who has 4 kids and getting no child support at all!! I can understand if your out of work and on hard times but my Gosh no money at all it is appalling. This is another example why america is slipping into judgment by God.Where is your dignity man???? You just want to have sex and breed a delinquent generation of kids that I have to deal with in the future and we all suffer as a nation cause the kids get into drugs crime and such then my taxdollars go up.NO EXCUSE IM SICK OF IDIOTS LIKE YOU!!!!!! You are not a man but a mouse and a wimp!!!!God help you and your delinquent mentality.

2006-09-25 10:31:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

don't worry im not going to start i think it's a terrible habit it just my mate has started because she thinks it'll help her lose weight, but i wos wondering is it true? xxx

2006-09-25 10:14:04 · 14 answers · asked by Louise-Rose 2

2006-09-25 08:14:54 · 44 answers · asked by puffin stuff 1

How do you tell him to mind his own business without actually havin to kick his teeth in? Hot fuse brewin here!

2006-09-25 08:13:42 · 23 answers · asked by smokindoggy 2

My maid of honor is throwing me a bridal shower, we are not having a bachelorette party so she bought adult gifts and favors for the bridal shower. Well i find out my sister is bringing her 8 year old daughter and her daughters best friend, i'm pissed. What should i do? I told her my friend already spent money on adult things and she said just wait to bring them out until they leave. i think thats dumb, most people leave around the same time. i think the best way to handle this is to tell her to bring some video games the girls can play in the bedroom when we play games and i open my gifts. any other suggestions welcome

2006-09-25 06:40:41 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend is snobbish, all the time i hear "ewww, I am disgusted, disgusted, sooo disgusted... " Not of me, but of other people: such things like too much hair on someone's body, or of the disease someone has, or mess in someone's house, or when someone is dead drunk.
I understand it is not very pleasant, but hey, it's life! Can't you be more tolerant? This trait offends me big time. I think it is very arrogant - think that you are so much "cleaner" than others.
What do you think?

2006-09-25 06:23:32 · 23 answers · asked by Mondschein! 5

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