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Society & Culture - 25 October 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

my friend and i were talkin bout how if there is a god, how he supposedly flooded the earth a long time ago n stuff. she says that he had to becuz everybody was horrible and killing everybody and he had to fix it, and that he was showing people that evil comes back or soemthing. but wat i think is this: the world then, with all the killing, is exactly as it is now. his drowning all those people did nothing. and seeing as how he is supposed to know EVERY LITTLE THING, he KNEW that killing them would accomplish nothing. so basically, he drowned them becuz he wanted them to change,even though he knew that nobody ever would. so just murder then. and why hasnt he, if he exists, flooded us again? we must be even worse than they were, yet here we are, nothing but a little percipitation. she says that he hasnt drowned us beczu we have free will, and can act how we please, but then wat about all the people who died? they deserved free will too. i dunno. i dont trust this whole god thing.

2007-10-25 12:53:46 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

"It's not that Christianity hasn't worked. It's just that nobody has tried it yet."

Remember he was deeply spiritual and Christian. I think he died around 1930.

2007-10-25 12:53:46 · 10 answers · asked by Acorn 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Could anyone briefly summarize the crusades and what was the goal/purpose?

2007-10-25 12:53:41 · 9 answers · asked by Ugly Duckling 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm not sure what to do, when I was younger my mom didn't let me celebrate Halloween and then she changed her opinion, but I chose not to do it anyways. Now my friends want me to go trick or treating (at 15 I may seem to old, but everyone in school does it for candy) They also want me to go to a haunted house. Being the adrenaline junkie type person, it seems like something I would like and I sort of want to go, but I'm not sure if I should.

2007-10-25 12:52:51 · 24 answers · asked by xoquincyxo 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-25 12:52:02 · 6 answers · asked by ? 1 in Other - Holidays


Basically, I have to write a paper on the Odyssey. I chose the topic that Odysseus is actually the antagonist because of the problems and grief he causes.

I need an attention grabber sentence. I originally had "There are countless descriptions of what a "hero" is." I then elaborated and introduced the Odyssey.

Anyone have any other ideas? THANK YOU!

2007-10-25 12:51:43 · 3 answers · asked by Hello Goodbye 3 in Mythology & Folklore

Buddatheists- Atheists individuals with Buddhists morals.

Sects are: Zen Buddatheism
LoMain Buddatheism (low maintenance)

My friends and i made that one up ourselves lol...and are in the process of writing Buddathiest holy scriptures....just for comic affect.

For those of you out there with a sense of humor.

2007-10-25 12:51:11 · 14 answers · asked by musiclov3r17 2 in Religion & Spirituality

I teach ESL and have taught the literacy level (beginning level with little or no English) for 4 years. The teacher who taught the highest level inour school, intermediate high, is retiring and I can apply for the position if I want it.

My cunundrum is that I will have to leave my present class to a new teacher, and they are very attached to me. I feel as though I will be abandoning them and I am afraid that they will be angry and upset with me. This happened to me when I was in law school, and it pissed me off. On the other hand, I am geting a little tired of teaching the lowest level, it is very very difficult to get students "launched" and once they are launched, they go up to the next level, and I get more students who are in the same boat. I feel like if I don't change, I will burn out or get stale.

Please advise me. I also feel a little nervous about changing levels, which is probabl a reason why I should do it. Of course I may not even get it, who knows?

2007-10-25 12:48:13 · 22 answers · asked by Lady Morgana 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Since the ouija board seems to be the "topic du jour"...

What do you think about ouija boards and their use?

Myself, I think that a ouija board is like a telephone on a party line -- even assuming that you're actually talking to somebody, you have NO idea who that entity is, and a mischievious entity could tell you a lot of silly and untrue things.

I look forward to reading your opinions.

2007-10-25 12:43:29 · 29 answers · asked by prairiecrow 7 in Religion & Spirituality

im doing a survey and I would like to know if more people are believers than others....thank you

2007-10-25 12:42:08 · 29 answers · asked by flip flop freak :) 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Is your belief apparently so drastically odd that every single person gives you a thumbs down ? Have you been called intolerant and unloving just for having faith ?
I'm curious if you've been unofficially awarded the crown.

Thank you for the polite answers!
Don't answer if you never get thumb's down because
I've already heard from you.
Whoever you...give me a good answer why you get all of the thumbs down and you'll get ten points! Please no atheists, because you never get thumbs down anyway. It's sort of "all in good fun" but serious answers are okay too.

2007-10-25 12:41:22 · 11 answers · asked by Unafraid 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-25 12:41:10 · 23 answers · asked by ? 4 in Religion & Spirituality


As compared to some generations ago when the average lifespan was still only 30 or 40 years.

2007-10-25 12:39:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

We've all heard about how "Jews rule the world." I find this an interesting topic and I would like feedback from anyone with input. But please, let's discuss this in a respectful manner.

The idea is that Jews control "all the media" (meaning most) and big business. My basic question is, is this really true or did this mentality cone from angry Muslims and Christians in Europe and the USA who were jealous of the Jews' success in business? Are the Jews just successful business people who are the victims of jealousy or do they use their money to take advantage of others (in Israel specifically)?

I've talked to Muslims before who say that Jews rule the world, but I was never sure if they were right or if that was just propaganda that they picked up from their culture.

2007-10-25 12:38:44 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

James Joyce one of Ireland greatest authors believed that in the far, distant further the world will be with out religion.
Do you think it is possible?
If we put god out of the picture… what do we need religion in the post modern world?
Religion used to provide several important services.
Services only religions could provide, but now man got better ways to provide these services. Morals used to be owned as something that only religion could provide. But ever since the 19’s century and even before people find other ways to deal with moral issues.
Immanuel Kant (1724- 1804) made moral model were god is irrelevant.
We don’t need him any more. We can easily explain nature with out him…
Don’t get me wrong I am not one of the atheists who tell you don’t believe in god, religion got a very important message to tell the problem that people ignore the massage and see only the fairy tail or the rules.
Rules are their for a reason but they can become out dated and irrelevant, and then they have to be changed.
Religion defiantly gotten out dated and irrelevant.
Do you think the world one day will be free of religion?

2007-10-25 12:38:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-25 12:37:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Holidays

I have always debated atheists and had no problem with it, especially when I had read "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" by Josh MacDowell and since I use JP Holding's, Tektonics ministry and am familiar with much of those things.

But I met these guys who have given me answers to every argument I can come up with - so much so, that I am doubting that Jesus even ever existed, because they have shown how all the roman history and extrabiblical history falls short! Those mentionings of Jesus are either erroneous or misguided!

And how the Bible was corrupt from the beginning, politics, etc..

It seems there is really no rational reason to remain a Christian.

I suppose that my "relationship" with Jesus was merely psychological self-deception! I guess it is possible that we can believe strongly in things that just aren't so...

2007-10-25 12:37:53 · 28 answers · asked by The Burninator 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-25 12:35:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Is this all Christians can say? It's their answer to everything!

Q: "Are we animals?"
A: "No, we are created in the image of God."

Q: "Is evolution true?"
A: "No, we are created in the image of God."

and so on...

2007-10-25 12:34:24 · 19 answers · asked by Beletje_vos AM + VT 7 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-10-25 12:33:37 · 129 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

just look at Saudie Arabia and afghanistan, Iran and nearly every other islamic country treat their women like animals....only when muslims move to the superior culture of the western world do they truly have freedom

2007-10-25 12:32:14 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

You prayed to find them ...you did . You were married but no more . They were everything you wanted ...and they left you but you know they loved you ...why is that love wrong or is it? Was this what God wanted or r you to stay with the love?

2007-10-25 12:29:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Like drinking milk. Which is grosser, drinking breast milk from a cow or a human? I love cheese, but the thought of drinking a big glass of milk makes me hurl. It's like a big glass of puss or something. Is it just me?

What other examples can you come up with?

2007-10-25 12:29:00 · 12 answers · asked by Tiktaalik 4 in Religion & Spirituality

These were in an answer and I figured I'd put 'em on the main board & get some help with 'em.
-And pray tell, how exactly do you suppose to get rid of us heathens? Indoctrinating against people's wills? Stoning us to a horrible death? Making a belief illegal in your country?

2007-10-25 12:27:44 · 8 answers · asked by capekicks 3 in Religion & Spirituality

half of the guests don't like the other half of the guests? It's really crazy when the bride-to-be requested me & another friend to host her bridal shower. We are NOT even on the bridal entourage. But we used to work together. The guests,well, some of them are just soooo conservative. We would like to have a stripper but we are thinking about these other people. The bride-to-be don't care what we do. She is so busy with many out of town guests that she said she's welcome anything to be away from her family even for just a day. Any great suggestions?
We're also planning to do a potluck - is that ok? How do we assign food to everyone? HELP!

2007-10-25 12:26:46 · 15 answers · asked by hedlite1773 2 in Etiquette

I am an ex-apologist and a good friend of mine is an ex-elder (who came out of the Watchtower Society)

We are both atheists.

We have a ministry devoted to bringing the truth of religion to Christians, Jews and Muslims. So far we have been instrumental in bringing seven Mormons, nine Jehovah's Witnesses and one Jew out of their religions and into atheism.

Our ministry focuses on the evidences that show that Jesus is likely a mythical character and that the early manuscript tradition was corrupt, as well as answering their questions on apologetics - usually they come from Tektonics, AnswersinGenesis and Josh MacDowell, Woodmoreappe, etc...

Of course, we have answers to all these things, but I was hoping that you Christians might have better resources than these, so we can deepen our research even more.

All these apologetics sources seem to have the same old defenses. Do you know of any that may give better arguments?

2007-10-25 12:26:12 · 25 answers · asked by The Burninator 1 in Religion & Spirituality

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