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Society & Culture - 13 August 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty


do all old people look the same?

2007-08-13 05:12:52 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

If Satan does, would God be upset if he turned it down?

2007-08-13 05:12:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

you are not?
the reason im asking is because iam native american and french, but im really upset and angry at being percieved as white and from britain which iam not....i was born france, arrived in uk at 6...i have a tan and blue eyes, i get really hung up and upset about this because i feel as though my ethnicity doesnt show through enough, so you can tell im not british....
i hate it when im percieved as white and english when iam not..

to people of ethnic origin who look white, does it bother you when your percieved as white? and how do you deal with it?
being percieved as from a culture that your not from?

2007-08-13 05:12:22 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

If we don’t pray for each other, who will?

While re-embracing my prayer life, a curious thought occurred to me: how many people WILL actually pray for me?

Seriously wondering who realistically would, I decided to left-brain it and crunch the numbers. The way I figured it was like this:

Take a family of six – mom, dad, two boys and two girls. Generally speaking, they care for each other very much. Then I counted the related family – aunts (4), uncles (4), grandparents (4), friends. That’s 12+ more people, so now we’re at 18+. The question I asked was when I look at each person individually, from what I know about them, who actually has a dedicated prayer life? Grandma? One or two aunts? Any friends? What about their own parents and siblings?

If it’s only one grandmother, two aunts, and a parent, that is 4 people out of 18+. That’s not even 30%!

Now I know there are probably a lot more people praying for me than I realize, but if I go on what I can actually count, the numbers are abysmally low.

There are about 1.6 billions Catholics worldwide, and I think we generally assume that we’re sort of automatically prayed for, but is that really the case? How many people can you think of that you actually know are praying for you?

Now, please understand I’m not trying to depress anyone; I’m simply trying to share a bit of thought that occurred to me and is actually DRIVING me to pray more. If I don’t get off my butt and pray, who will? Does this help to show anyone the urgency for prayer?

Catholics, if we don’t need daily prayer, then why do we bother going to Mass? Isn’t that what the Mass is – one big prayer?

2007-08-13 05:12:09 · 15 answers · asked by Danny H 6 in Religion & Spirituality


Do you think peoples ongoing and historical desire to seperate themselves into groups,is a major contributor in today's conflicts wars, etc.?

2007-08-13 05:11:44 · 8 answers · asked by firelight 5 in Religion & Spirituality

What will it take for us to meet in the middle? (It's a metaphor, for those who don't get it)

2007-08-13 05:11:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What does this say about the progress of humanity to you?

2007-08-13 05:11:31 · 11 answers · asked by eckzl 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Am sure there are a lot people who believe in this mystery as true and not as medical condition or any disease but as a SIGN of forthcoming important events in your life. For different people its different eye left/right.

2007-08-13 05:11:12 · 10 answers · asked by ASKER 3 in Religion & Spirituality

1. The Earth was was created a few thousand years ago and evolution is wrong.

2. God created the Earth at some point in the distant past and let evolution take over, possibly guiding it.

3. Other

4. Don't think about it.

2007-08-13 05:10:09 · 36 answers · asked by Lew 4 in Religion & Spirituality

The Roman's controlled the content of the Bible. They still do. If a Baptist changes the Bible he is scorned. If the pope makes a revision it sticks. Whether you like it or not.
The linage of Jesus in Matthew is rigged to incourage Jews to accept Jesus as their messah.
Revelation 1:14 clearly describes Jesus as an albino. Don't bother sending me your Sunday school learning.
The Caesar's were in the process of converting the Jews to the Cult of Octavian. Alpha-Omega Augustus-Octavian. Another way of saying "god".

2007-08-13 05:08:57 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

And did it work?

I'm all dried up, need some new ones!! Haha!

2007-08-13 05:08:48 · 5 answers · asked by Impianto-Stereo 2 in Etiquette

This is in relation to my previous question...

Just some observations... There are many "regulars" on R&S who seem to think they are an exclusive group. They act like they are still in high school. In addition, these posters ask questions that are not at all objective or respectful, yet are baffled when others do not respect them. Do you feel this mentality shows more or less spiritual developement?

2007-08-13 05:08:34 · 11 answers · asked by NONAME 5 in Religion & Spirituality

If the Bible proves the existence of the Christian god then the Qur'an proves the Muslim god is real, and the same for other religions 'proven' by their holy texts. A veritable menagerie of gods! :-) It must be crowded Up There.

2007-08-13 05:05:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

If we learned everything then there no longer would be reality? It would be fantasy?

2007-08-13 05:04:09 · 7 answers · asked by Lord NeXuS M00N 3 in Religion & Spirituality

And I've heard theres many different types of Yoga!

I want to concentrate on help building my muscles and at the same time focus on my breathing... is there anything like that?

2007-08-13 05:00:30 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I'm not gay or anything. But why do some people always say that gay people are disgusting and stuff like that? Is is just that they don't except something that is different from them? A lot of people say that its a sin, but the Bible was written a long time ago and some views have changed (no offense to Christians). Isn't it also a sin to tell a lie or get a divorce? Some homosexuals choose to be gay or lesbian, but some were born that way. Like heterosexual people choose or were born to like the other gender. I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay. And please don't say that I'm too young to understand ..., because I'm not. I'm not saying that all people are ignorant, just SOME. I just think its wrong to judge people based on what kind of gender they like.

2007-08-13 05:00:13 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

I live in Utah so I'm surrounded by LDS people. I am constantly dealing with LDS people and from what I've dealt with they seem like a cult. How do you feel about the LDS religion? Do you think they're a cult? If so, why? If not, why?

2007-08-13 04:59:21 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am non-denominational and my husband is a Jehovah's Witness (in training). His parents are Jehovah's Witnesses and converted when my husband was about 7 or 8 years old. He said he stopped going to the Kingdom Hall when he moved out of his parents house, but when we met he had just started to get involved with it again. He does not consistently meet with them, but it's kind of an off and on thing. One minute he's going to the Kingdom Hall every Sunday and attending meetings during the week, and the next thing you know he's not going. However, he believes like they do. He does not celebrate holidays, believe in blood transfusions, etc. We talked about it before marriage and decided that we would do whatever it took to make it work. It was very hard for me to deal with at first, because my family is very close and we celebrate everything. But now I am just dealing with it. It's not as big of an issue.

Can we ever be truly happy together? Anybody else going through this?

2007-08-13 04:57:21 · 33 answers · asked by Hoping he will bless me with #1 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Most people see the color of people which to me is rediculous because that's a bit too racist. But me, i don't look at color at all I just judge people by their actions whether their right or wrong. I don't believe in the word black people because if people were black they would be black as a rubber car tire and i don't believe in white because if people were white they would be white as a white wall. All this color stuff was made by men not GOD, like men makin' up the Y2K bug before 2000 or 2001.

2007-08-13 04:56:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups


Can anyone out there prove to me that there is a god?

2007-08-13 04:55:54 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Most atheists are generally smug - Dawkins is seemingly always in a rampaging mood, as if God has done him some terrible wrong, and Dawkins wants to make Him pay.

2007-08-13 04:55:04 · 32 answers · asked by Cader and Glyder scrambler 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Many Christians view nonChristians as people who have not yet come to understand the "truth" of their Christian beliefs, therefore lost and confused.
They look at homosexuals and bisexuals as confused.
Pretty much any type of thinking that does not coincide with their own somehow equates to confusion.
I often hear them claim that athiests are just confused.
Most atheists became atheists because they started out being confused and finally made a decision after gather and analyzing information.
Most Christians neglect to take information from various sources, measure and study this information from a neutral and unbiased apporach, and then conclude something based on their studies. They instead, have preconceived ideas and notions and base their decisions on how this new information must somehow be wrong if in contrasts with what they believe to be true. This to me sounds like minds that are much more confused.

2007-08-13 04:54:27 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Are Beyoncé and Jay Z still together? There was a rumour about them having problems in their relationship. Is this true? Is Aretha Franklin married or does she at least have a man that is never talked about?

2007-08-13 04:53:46 · 12 answers · asked by Mrs. Midnightbully 4 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Please share with me because I did.

2007-08-13 04:53:31 · 8 answers · asked by makeitright 6 in Senior Citizens


Please, if you are for peace, go to the link and just listen. We want peace. Our children want peace. The world needs peace. I know I'm just a small voice, and that I don't make a huge difference, but still, just a small one the size of an atom is worth it. Who else feels this?

2007-08-13 04:53:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

"If a fair maiden kisses a frog which instantly changes into a handsome prince we would call it a fairy tale. But if the frog takes 40 million years to turn into a prince we call it evolution."


2007-08-13 04:53:04 · 3 answers · asked by Even Haazer 4 in Religion & Spirituality

On this website as well as when on your door step (or anywhere else) JW's always post scriptures and make scriptural references. While others simply make assumptions and try to distort JW's beliefs. JW's are confident in what they are saying and always use the scriptures to back them up. Sometimes you have seen someone post like 30 scriptures just to prove one point. Others just reference you to some website that will give you false info about the witnesses. Rather than giving you the truth, which can only be found in the bible or in bible based publications, which is the sole source of JW's information.

"All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." (2Timothy 3:16,17)

2007-08-13 04:52:04 · 14 answers · asked by cerebral313 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-13 04:51:08 · 43 answers · asked by slopoke6968 7 in Religion & Spirituality

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