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Society & Culture - 13 August 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Three boys are in a school yard bragging about their fathers.

The first boy says, "My dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, calls it a poem, and they give him $50."

The second boy says, "That's nothing. My dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, calls it a song, and they give him $100."

The third boys says, "I got you both beat! My dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon....and it takes eight people to collect all the money!"

2007-08-13 14:37:45 · 10 answers · asked by KS 7 in Religion & Spirituality

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

If religion offered you only an intellectually satisfying way of considering your life, would you still consider it worthwhile as an endeavor?

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

2007-08-13 14:36:31 · 8 answers · asked by NHBaritone 7 in Religion & Spirituality

did you do it for your family?
were you a believer at the time or
did you just want it in a church for the fairytale?

2007-08-13 14:34:55 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I know that they can be annoying, but don't people realize that they are just trying to earn a paycheck.

2007-08-13 14:32:31 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Three wise men are following a star through the desert. The star stops over a little village and begins to shine brightly on a barn behind a small inn. They walk into the varn and find a little baby laying in a manger. As they approached the manger, one of the wise men walks into a plough and smashes his knee on the handle. In agony he yells out, "Jesus Christ!"

A voice came down from the sky and said, "That's a good name...I was going to call him Roger."

2007-08-13 14:32:06 · 17 answers · asked by KS 7 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-13 14:31:51 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Why do you all refer to christians as catholics. There are many other religions. You don't have to refer to me by my personal religion but try to use a different term like christians.

2007-08-13 14:31:33 · 9 answers · asked by lemo_07 2 in Religion & Spirituality

like you can kick the world's butt?? I know this will sound pathetic but I just figured out how to PROGRAM MY NEW UNIVERSAL REMOTE! and im not techie, I get frustrated with directions and intuit but this one was 50/50. I still feel high! what small victories did this for you????

2007-08-13 14:30:01 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

If you are so sure of yourself, then go on, go ahead, I dare you to deny Santa Christ, I mean Claus...Claus.
Go on! Do it!
Just see how well you do around the holidays, you heathen!

2007-08-13 14:29:53 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

if I farted in a tupperware tub,closed the lid,stuck a label on it saying "Not on your nelly you pip-squeak now honk on this......." and sent it,by post, to Cilla Black do you think she would finaly understand that I am half her age and therefore not interested in her body or her mind?

2007-08-13 14:29:36 · 19 answers · asked by jumbocollins 2 in Etiquette

I was watching this truth commercial, and it left me speechless....this guy had came up to this man that had cows in a barn or what ever, and he was milking his cows.....this guy came up to him and told him "did you know that drinking milk is more risker, than second hand smoke?"......i dont get it, how is milk bad for you......i thought it was the best thing for you off the side of water....thats like telling me that drinking (clean)water is risker than doing drugs what....i dont get it please explain to me how drinking milk is more risker than second hand smoke.....plzzzzzz !!!!

2007-08-13 14:28:56 · 8 answers · asked by Eileen 1 in Other - Society & Culture

Muslims, Did You Know That Some American Christians Wish For Peace And Think Good Of You And That We're Not All Bush Lovers Or War Lovers? Or Do You Assume We're All Against You?

2007-08-13 14:27:28 · 7 answers · asked by purifiedheartbeating 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Explain like I'm stupid:

If you can’t criticize religion unless you are a religious scholar, then you shouldn't accept religion unless you're a religious scholar?

Because deity knows, we don't want to be professing knowledge in any field unless we're certified experts in the subject.


2007-08-13 14:27:09 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

The question of whether or not certain celebrities are gay or straight is often the subject of discussion and speculation in the media.

People just want to know what the sexual orientation is of their favourite celebrities living or dead.

In response to this unceasing curiosity people will often say things like "what does it matter? he is still a great actor either way" ... or "Who cares, she's a great singer no matter what her orientation is". Of course these are true statements. But isn't still okay to want to know these things? We get to know celebrities to some extent, or at least we feel that we know them. So isn't it natural to want to know about something so fundamental them? After all, you would never write a biography about a gay man and not discuss the fact that he was gay. To leave such a thing out would be to ignore a huge part of that individual.
What do you think? Is it okay to, with some limits, insist on knowing what a celebrities sexual orientation is?

2007-08-13 14:25:26 · 17 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

i'm really confused here. i went to my best friend's christian day camp thing this summer because he invited me. i'm jewish, but still, i couldv learned something new. turns out that i really didn't learn anything i didnt know already, but something totally confused me. christians, jews and catholics believe the same thing (if im correct) : there is only one God. its the first commandment, i believe. well, then why at this camp, did they say that and then start talking about how jesus is the one to please and obey? i mean, everyone says theres one God, but then thats what they were calling jesus! I thought he was God's son!! im so confused. can someone please just make sense out of this??

2007-08-13 14:25:11 · 26 answers · asked by Yum. 3 in Religion & Spirituality

This is something new to me, and has saddened me for the past few hours. I had no idea there was this kind of counter attack to both "Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron's" positive attribution to the ministry of Jesus Christ.
To see the video testimonies on Youtube of people trying to damn themselves to hell is just so...not sure exactly how to respond to this.

2007-08-13 14:22:54 · 22 answers · asked by naturalist 2 in Religion & Spirituality

My husband is in the army and he has gone oversea for at least 6 months, we have identical twin 8 week old girls and they were baptised Catholics, my husbands family did not come to the wedding or to the Christianing, they are Baptists.
Since my husband left, his mother and sisters have been ringing me and telling my girls are the devils spawn, and they will go to hell, because all Catholics do, and his mother said she was going to take the girls off me because I am raising them in the wrong Church, I cannot contact my husband also I don't want to worry him

How do I handle this, I don't believe I am doing anything wrong but I can't convince them that being a Catholic is not evil and that we are Christians and believe in the same God

Can you offer some advice in how I can approach them and make them understand that being a Catholic is not wrong and to leave me to live my life the way I want and raise my girls in a Christian home?

I have no family on my side

2007-08-13 14:22:08 · 15 answers · asked by TigerLily 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I think it is idolatry. But let's take a vote to see how many people feel which way. A CLEAR Yes Or No? I'm Talking To CHRISTIANS.

2007-08-13 14:20:38 · 28 answers · asked by purifiedheartbeating 1 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-13 14:19:53 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

I recently was at an Omni Hotel in L.A. and a couple very nice looking passed by me, and said to me (as I was only person passing them by) " Oh she looks poor, and fat. Is that a girl or guy?"

Another time someone outright laughed in my face as I was passing by.

I don't expect pity or sympathetic people, but what if I passed by and said something cruel to you or others who outright demean me? I don't mind people criticizing me, as long as it is done in a secretive manner when I am long gone.

2007-08-13 14:19:49 · 15 answers · asked by Born Valentine's Day 5 in Etiquette

Thank you for being here.
Thank you for your imput.
Thank you for challenging my beliefs. It's made me delve deeper into my mind and drove me to the Bible for some answers .
Thank you for helping me understand my brother better. He's an atheist.
Thank you for your honesty.

Can anyone else thank the atheist for being on this forum?

2007-08-13 14:18:52 · 11 answers · asked by Prof Fruitcake 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I personally think smoking is more addictive, so therfore I think it's worse. But I don't drink or smoke so I wouldn't really know. What is your take on it?

2007-08-13 14:18:48 · 28 answers · asked by Mandy 3 in Other - Society & Culture

what is the best possible way for me to learn and brush up on my Italian language? My family is Italian but i don't speak to them in the language often. I want to build a vocabulary and improver sentence structure

2007-08-13 14:16:57 · 3 answers · asked by simaticoo 2 in Languages

atheists, when you are at someone's home eating dinner and they say grace, what do you do?

i bow my head, think about how my food is getting cold, and don't say amen. that way, it looks like i am being polite.

2007-08-13 14:16:30 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

... or do they choose to ignore the real cause just to support the fear tactics used to force women to wear loads of clothes even on unbearably hot days?

Muslim men have cut & pasted stats here to stress their claim that women in the West are raped more because we "aren't modest," & we show our bare elbows & kneecaps in summer. I need to make a few things clear in response ...

1. Up-to-date stats on criminal activity in the US & Canada are readily available,so it's easy to cut & paste them to here,

2. Islamic countries DON'T recognize rape or sexual assault as a crime so stats aren't kept on this heinous offence & even if they were, the information wouldn't be considered important enough to keep updated.

3. Rape in the West OR Mid East doesn't happen due to lack of modesty!



Muslims are raped too. Modesty, is over-rated.

2007-08-13 14:16:20 · 17 answers · asked by Safe Sax 5 in Religion & Spirituality

i went looking 4 it and its him with shorter hair and his orientation in GAY what do i do???

2007-08-13 14:15:09 · 16 answers · asked by nicci 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

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