According to Islamic laws... the punishment for a rapist is the rope around his neck... death penalty...
Why do u think Iran hangs lots of men? Its bcz they're either pimps or they have raped a woman...
Muslim men don't force anyone... n its not loads of cloth...
Oh... n I don't think its about being modest or not... crimes happen all over the world... no matter what religion or race...
2007-08-13 14:34:11
answer #1
answered by Samantha 6
Jason, many Christian cultures additionally take care of the sufferer as an outcast. In southern Europe, Roman Catholics are companies to thinking a raped spouse as broken products, now no longer worth of her husband's affections. A single woman has to flow to a various area to discover a husband unaware she's been raped. yet a minimum of a few thing valuable comes of this whilst positioned next to Wahhabists: the sufferer isn't murdered.
2016-10-10 04:24:51
answer #2
answered by ? 3
i kind of agree w/ you, because if a man rapes a woman, it is NEVER her fault. despite the way she may be dresssed, even prostitutes get raped. muslim women dress the way we do, so people don't fornicate and commit adultery not rape. and in islam you have to have proof that someone committed a crime in the old days before technology you had to have a witness, but now w/ all the technology you don't need people as witnesses, you have the evidence. but the whole witness thing is for fornication, adultery, robbery, murder, etc. because the punishment for these are harsh. like if you rape a woman you are to be killed, so you just can't go and kill someone just because some female said she was raped, there have been many women in the US that have lied about it. and i know some women in the "mid east" do lie about it as well, becuase you are supposed to be a virgin when you get married and you know some people fall to temptation, and instead of telling the future husband that she fornicated, she will say she was raped, becuase then she doesn't get punished. but the punishment for fornication is 100 lashes, if you are not pregnant and they wait for awhile to see if you are pregnant. so some cases are false, btu there are many that are true, but when someone's life is at jeopardy who can't just take someone's word on it, you have to have some kind of proof, liek someone saw him, or you w/ him, and in islam you are supposed to report a crime that you see, so that is how you get a witness. and over there people are alot closer than they are in america. if you want to know anyhting else about it i can tell you in e-mail. but this is from the shariah. i am a muslim female
2007-08-13 15:32:03
answer #3
answered by Nadine 5
I don't perceive any hatred or racism in your comments above. I just read the words of a woman who feels very strongly about women being raped and about men being oblivious to the real cause of it. I agree with you.
2007-08-15 22:59:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I guess most of them aren't objective. I'm also a muslim myself. But my point of view here is...
1. Ok
2. That's not right. They recognize it as a crime and a big one. But they don't have enough statistics or information. That's true
3. I also agree on this.
Covering the body is first a commadnment of The Creator. We have to obey without asking for reasons (I wonder why The Creator sent this?). After that we can find some clues about the positive effects of that order.
Now if every person sees himself so clever about understanding the reason of The Creator sending these commandments then Chaos will arise.
I thibk there's no positive benefit in trying to connect covering the body with raping.
Also I think that wandering around close to naked, triggers the feelings of men which may end up with unwanted actions. but these actions might not be raping. Might be masturbation or watching porn, etc...
We should be humble in evaluating the orders of The Creator. We might not know. Allah knows the best.
2007-08-13 14:23:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I don´t want to get into the horrendous crime of rape but I wonder if you are totally correct about the clothes that Arabs,in general ,wear. I have heard that the bell tent effect keeps the body cooler than western style garments.
2007-08-13 14:42:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
That norcalislam guy is a bit of a pig. He strikes me as the sort who would smack a woman just as much as look at her. Very disrespectful and touchy. A shame.
.I understand what you're saying. Have you encountered an act of violence, perhaps? If so, I am truly sorry.
2007-08-15 23:06:19
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Corruption has taken over many parts of the Middle East, and it saddens me greatly to hear the animosity in your tone because its exactly the kind of tone I fear is developing on the topic of Muslims.
As, a Muslim myself let me teach you a little about Islam. The horror that is happening has NOTHING to do with Islam.
In the Koran it states that women should cover their intimate parts. (Also, for you information it also says that in the Bible)
Now Muslims translate that in different ways. Some Muslims, choose to just dress modestly and dont even wear the hijab (scarf), then there are some women who dress modestly and cover their hair with the hijab. Then there are Muslims who cover themselves completly!
In my opinion, this is a cultural thing that depends on the way people translate it. I completly agree with you..and it sickens me that I am suddenly associated with idiots like the men who rape these ridiciously covered women! However, there are idiots everywhere, not just Muslim men!
I just want to tell you that you should not stereotype! This is a cultural thing, not a religious, and those men who rape the women- dont even call them Muslims because they arent!
Now I know the point of your question is that modesty has nothing to do with rape- and I agree with you- but in the mist of making your point you have insulted alot of Muslims like myself.
2007-08-13 14:28:19
answer #8
answered by Nemo 4
If women would try to cover more often and didn't put themselves into situations where they are flirting with strange men, dressing skanty to get a job or an education, and quit being sexually active outside of marriage then maybe there would be less rapes in the USA. Muslim men and women value their modesty and both cover for the sake of ALLAH(SWT). Sure men don't have as strict a dress code as women but the reason Muslim women are required to cover everything except the eyes is because women are the cause of temptation and if they were to walk around naked like women in the west do then they would attract attention from the opposite sex. Women are physically weaker then men and therefore need a man's protection which is why they can't go outside without their husand, father, sons or brothers. Muslim women cover because they are ordered to do so by ALLAH(SWT) in the Qur'an and a very strong Hadith. ALLAH(SWT) knows the women are weak and are tempted to do things like interact with the opposite sex and flirt so that is why he commanded them to cover so they could be known as rightous pure women and not be annoyed or harrassed. Men are required to cover from the naval to the knee. Rape is a serious crime in Islam and any man who rapes a woman is put to death. Here in the USA if a woman is raped the man just goes to jail for 20 years and then when he gets out he rapes again. Women need protection from themselves and from the world because if a woman were to walk outside dressed skanky and by herself she would be attacked, raped, kidnapped and killed. Women are more likely to fall into temptation then men are. Women in Islam who cover fear ALLAH(SWT) and the fires of Hell. Women are the object of a man's attention so naturally it's natural for them to attract the attention of a man especially if they are very beautiful. In Islam a woman regards her beauty so much that she only shows it to her husband, father, sons and brothers. Everything about a woman is sexually appealing and that gets men excited from her legs to her arms to her hair. Muslim women are not forced to cover. They do so because they are ordered to in the Qur'an and Hadiths and because they are to take example from Muhammad's(PBUH*) wives and be like them. However most Muslim women don't follow the Qur'an to the letter and cover everything. They think they only need to cover their hair but that is their choice I guess. When a woman in Islam covers everything(face, hands, body, and hair) she is forcing men to see her as a human with equal rights to man and is forcing men to respect her for her mind and not her body. By covering a woman is preseving her chastity, her modesty, is not bringing shame to her husband or family by walking around naked on the street like women do in the West, and is thus respected. I don't wear the Abaya and Niqab but I plan to when I get money to buy them. I do however wear the hijab and though it kind of makes me get stared at I do so for the sake of ALLAH(SWT) and because I fear the fires of Hell. And wearing more clothing keeps you cooler even the USA military teaches that.
2007-08-16 02:39:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Infants and the elderly are also raped, and I don't think that anyone could possible say that they brought it on themselves due to immodesty. Rape is not about who the victim is, or how she or he dresses or comports her- or himself.
2007-08-13 14:52:03
answer #10
answered by YY4Me 7