I am a true Southerner and pledging allegiance to that Yankee flag that flew into battle against my people would be an awful thing to do.I burn that damn flag sometimes.YES.i say Yes. it more then just idolatry though.Its treason against my people and the old confederacy.to pledge allegiance that flag.Damn Yankees, I still want let one in my home.theirs a Yankee women at church that always wants to sing the battle song of the republic. i walk out when that song is sung.southerners singing that song that was sung by Yankee troops while they killed our women and children? people soon forget but i want
2007-08-13 14:27:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No, not any more than the Apostle Paul was idolatrous to demand an apology from officials since he had been civilly wronged by being jailed as a Roman citizen. I am sure he knew he was a "new creature" and a "citizen of God's kingdom of heaven". We become Christian and we don't defect from our nations or citizenship. Paul also KNEW that He was no longer under Jewish "law"; the 10 Commandments; or any of the other 430 rules around those laws.. YET, he didn't refuse to go to the temple and shave his head and "take a vow" at the temple in Jerusalem. Was he sinning or acting idolatrous to do such a thing to honor his OLD Jewish practice just to satisfy someone else? He didn't eat anything that would offend his neighbor, but some things you can do between you and God and quit giving "stuff" power. To REFUSE to do some things is giving it power also.., like "those who are spiritual can eat all things". Same with saluting the flag, pledging allegiance, wearing his prayer shawl.(By the way, Paul wasn't a "tent maker"; he was a tallit; prayer shawl maker for money.) Don't you think he knew you don't have to wear that garment to show your religion?
Get off the "legalism" and get into human reality. God is NOT upset by our honor of Nation or Country or Citizenship or Family reunions!! Fly your flag and sing songs of patriotism.
2007-08-13 14:32:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
"I pledge allegiance to the flag, to the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all"
It is NOT idolatry. We do not worship the flag, the USA, or the republic. We simply pledge our allegiance to it.
Websters gives this definition:
'devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause'
it doesn't mention anything about worshiping.
I would hope that most of us we be loyal to our country, (meaning we're not going to help terrorists,) and many people serve in the armed forces, there's your devotion.
We do not worship the USA. Therefore, it is not idolatry
2007-08-13 14:30:45
answer #3
answered by blue_eyes 3
Well, if you don't like our country then you are free to leave.
Supporting a nation that favors individual freedoms makes sense, if you want to live away from unnecessary government infringement. What you are stating with the pledge is a vouch of support for our form of government and a willingness to keep our nation running.
The flag is simply a symbol that makes our country recognizable. It is a sign of unity, not some kind of god.
2007-08-13 14:25:15
answer #4
answered by Dalarus 7
i agree with first statement. the bible does say to support our governments, despite how bad they may be. we're not worshiping it, right. i guess it has to do more about our mindset. as a christian believer i don't feel that it is idolatry, because we're not focusing on worshipping the flag, you know? we are not consumed by it. idolatry occurs when our focus becomes clouded by thinking of doing something that takes us away from God, it doesn't have anything to do with a pledge/poem that we say to support our country. sorry but i have to disagree with you on this one. God bless.
2007-08-13 14:30:51
answer #5
answered by cali 4
No, it's not idolarty. You're pledging your allegence to the idea that the flag stands for...The United States of America. One nation, under God... I'm a christian. All that that means is that in the USof A we're entitled to worship our own God(s). I don't deny anyone the right to worship their God. To each their own! Our different religions do not divide us.
Are you an American?
2007-08-13 14:30:19
answer #6
answered by loshea65 4
No, Jesus said we should follow the laws of man, although it is not a law to say the pledge, we should always do our part to protect ourselves, our families and friends and our neighbors...no matter what the situation is.
And if pledging allegiance to the flag to show who we support is idolatry...then you don't know the meaning of the word.
2007-08-13 14:25:58
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't know if Jehovah's Witnesses consider it idolatry, but they aren't allowed to pledge allegiance to anything or anyone, including countries. That's a reason Hitler didn't like them. I don't know if they fall into the denomination of Christian, but I always thought they did.
If pledging was idolatry, I assume we wouldn't have many people standing for it, nor will it be a state law for schools in Indiana to do it, as many of the people in this state are Christian.
2007-08-13 14:24:51
answer #8
answered by Karen 5
Nope, not idoltry. For one, your not really makign a pledge about the flag, instead you are pledging loyalty to the country. It is not a form of worship. People swear on the Bible, so why can't they pledge on the flag? If pledging on the flag is idoltry than so is swearing on the Bible.
But all that said, i'm not fond of pledges. It limits your freedom :P (unless of course you don't care if you break your pledges lol).
2007-08-13 14:28:23
answer #9
answered by lufiabuu 4
we do not worship the flag we honor it with those words you pledge allegiance is like you would do anything for your country and you should and we are not by letting some wussy tell us its wrong to say it we should be proud should make you feel cold chills when saying it maybe a tear whats up with everyone dont you like living here if not why not try Russia
2007-08-13 14:31:15
answer #10
answered by infoman89032 6
No patriotism and love for your country have nothing to do with a quirky religious idea.if your not with us then you must be aginst us,doesnt the bible speak of loyality no greater love than this.that a man lay his life down for his friends, jesus words not mine.And that is ultimatly what patriotism is to come together in unity one country(not bicking and hating one another)for a common threat like it or not your an American. USA USA USA USA USA USA many peoples live were lost in very righous causes , for the flag and the ideas that it stands for,i dont think that a fair decent god would care if we honored our dead.
2007-08-13 14:29:00
answer #11
answered by anonomous 4