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Society & Culture - 24 July 2007

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Peace and Love

2007-07-24 10:10:40 · 13 answers · asked by digilook 2 in Religion & Spirituality

If you thought The Da Vinci Code was bad, wait until you hear about this hateful smear! I’m sure you remember the virulently anti-Christian — specifically anti-Catholic — movie The Da Vinci Code, but have you heard about the new movie? More info at: http://www.catholic.com/projects/angels_and_demons.asp

2007-07-24 10:09:53 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

do you really think your magical underwear is really a priority to god?

2007-07-24 10:07:03 · 7 answers · asked by anonomous 4 in Religion & Spirituality

I was just thinking because I saw a question asking "why Are Atheists so obsessed with religion? So I was thinking what are the main reasons we care so much. I know the answer. Here are my top 5 what are yours?

1. Violence in the name of god
2. Indoctrinating Children
3.Intelligent Design
4. Abstinence only Sex Education programs
5. Stem Cell Research

2007-07-24 10:06:26 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Isn't being a greedy person worse than being a lazy person ?

2007-07-24 10:06:16 · 27 answers · asked by thunor 5 in Religion & Spirituality

In "the Great Divorce", people who are in Hell get a chance to go to Heaven. In "The Last Battle" a soldier who was following another religion and devout to a false God was able to go to Heaven because Aslan accredited his good deeds and works as though the soldier was following Aslan.

C.S. Lewis has been a renowned Christian author, but are the respective messages in these particular books compatible with Biblically-based Christian theology? Please be articulate because this area is really troubling me right now.


2007-07-24 10:05:01 · 5 answers · asked by The Seeker 3 in Religion & Spirituality

The term 'pro-abortion' is not used because the people say they believe the woman has the right to choose. Cannot pro-life people use that same argument? The women has the right to choose to have sex.

And yes I know i will get about 25 people saying 'so a women that was rapped should have to suffer more?' No, im not saying that.

2007-07-24 10:03:55 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Do you believe in the Trinity Doctrine or not?
That Jesus was god in the flesh?
That Jehovah God, His Son & His active force
(the Holy Spirit) are 1 all wrapped together?

2007-07-24 10:03:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I know the secrets hidden in the hearts of men and women, of which they dare not speak." Given the time period, was it President Roosevelt, Pope Pius XII, Herbert Hoover, or?

2007-07-24 10:02:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Senior Citizens

The fallacy is that we are not talking about some ******* monster. If you don't think you are so ******* smart, then you will agree that there is mystery and wonder in our natural universe, life, etc. There is wonder in the laws of physics and biology. Do you ever wonder if there is a higher power?
By the way, i am an agnostic.

2007-07-24 10:02:51 · 11 answers · asked by damilitia 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Do you think it prevents teen pregnancy?
Do you think it prevents the spread of STDs?

If so, you're quite incorrect!


That is a study showing that students involved in abstinence only sex education programs and those not involved all have exactly the same chances of engaging in pre-marital sex AND remaining abstinent.

So, kids can remain abstinent without being told to, but even if they are told to, they'll probably have sex anyway!

Why not improve education on STDs and birth control, since many kids will be having sex anyway? Stop denying the truth!

2007-07-24 10:02:50 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I am a Christian and I don't see anything wrong. It is your basic good vs. evil (with good winning) fantasy tale. I really like it.

I'm not trying to pick a fight. I am a born again Christian and I just really don't see the problem.

2007-07-24 10:02:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

let me be clear. i'm not talking about committing suicide. but when you become sick, why do you even bother going to see a doctor? why bother with vaccines that will make you live any longer than you really have to? if heaven is all it's cracked up to be in the bible, why would you delay your inevitable mortality by going to see a doctor for medicine? you may suffer a bit, but doesn't suffering only bring us closer to god? your family may miss you, but why worry about that, once they die you'll be with them for all eternity? i bet if you never took any antibiotics or vaccines you could cut down your wait time to go to heaven at least in half. how about it?

2007-07-24 10:01:16 · 19 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5 in Religion & Spirituality

most of you think that Planned parenthood assists the poor and socially challenged people, don't you think it is a racist practice. afterall wont it be mostly the blacks and hispanics who the abortions will be perform on? do you know the background of Planned Parenthood. check it out. it was started by margaret sanger who was a racist from day one. it was a to her, a wonderful way to rid the country of blacks. but dont go by me, look it up. use heads for a change instead of your mouths.
Planned Parenthood is NOT a government agency. why not let those who support abortion pay with their taxes and the pro lifers choose what worthwhile charity their portion could go to. like feeding the babies in dafur and digging water wells there to. i hope i asked enough questions to satisfy all you nit pickers who are worried about rules. oh and for those who blasted me about the wrong category, i chose this category because i think God cares about this. God bless ya'll

2007-07-24 10:00:11 · 13 answers · asked by little bobby 2 in Religion & Spirituality

:) This what I really meant to ask. What do you think is the purpose of life?

2007-07-24 09:59:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Profesor ov fisiks and biolegy Award : given to someone who attacks the Big Bang Theory and/or The Theory of Evolution when it's apparent they don't know what they are talking about.

Highly Polished Mirror Award: When someone posts a ironic/hypocritical question or rant attacking a certain group of people.

The way to give an award is by simply answering the question with the name of an award.

If you have any other ideas feel free to post them.

2007-07-24 09:59:07 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

They're athiests. Why don't they just get on with their lives? Nobody's bothering them. They make the claim but they never substantiate it.

2007-07-24 09:57:05 · 43 answers · asked by Galahad 7 in Religion & Spirituality

im catholic, but my familys not very religious. what music, books (other than just the bible) or websites could help?

2007-07-24 09:55:46 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What is your favorite book in the Bible? And what is your favorite hymn of song?
And your favorite movie ?

2007-07-24 09:55:40 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Didn't Thomas Jefferson, one of the Fathers of our country, try this for the new testament and caught grief for it by the superstitious folks of his day?

2007-07-24 09:55:34 · 38 answers · asked by 自由思想家 3 in Religion & Spirituality

It's a joke, people.
I'm just trying to lighten the mood.

2007-07-24 09:54:03 · 16 answers · asked by Jenae, TV (tempter of the vile) 5 in Religion & Spirituality

when someone posted a link to a pro-life pettition.
no more no less, she didnt atack anyone, she didnt openly fully bash an go after pro choice people, and yet, everyone was slaming her. no regard ither?

Is this the tollerance you teach?
and if you think there are so many pro-choice people
why even worry if it will go thru. almost like your scared that it might?

2007-07-24 09:50:56 · 20 answers · asked by robertt223 4 in Religion & Spirituality

Seems to be a lot of hate going around today. More so than usual.

2007-07-24 09:49:18 · 19 answers · asked by Spencer Y 3 in Religion & Spirituality

If somebody murders more than one person while knowing Christ, but let's say it was there job or something, will Jesus forgive them like he would for a lie or stealing, or are they doomed to hell?

2007-07-24 09:47:29 · 13 answers · asked by f!ddl3. 3 in Religion & Spirituality

When I was younger, I used to wake up with a start with dark creatures flying around my room or standing next to my bed. Once, I prayed the whole Our Father aloud, and only after that the face (which was an inch from mine), vanished.
I know God all my life. Have you ever had similar experiences?

2007-07-24 09:46:50 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

why is it that some straight guys will act gay around another guy even thou their not gay themselfs. is it becuase their just jokeing? i want to know why some guys do this.

2007-07-24 09:45:39 · 13 answers · asked by culexlegion 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Every psychic I've ever seen on tv seems self deluded and full of it. Why do so many people think some people have psychic powers?

2007-07-24 09:44:30 · 24 answers · asked by Link 5 in Religion & Spirituality

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