. . . . . other definition: aught - everything. . . naught -- nothing
TRUTH is the one that does not change.
In all the world there are two things;
. . .the one is TRUTH and the other is falsehood.
TRUTH is aught has no beginning,
. . . falsehood is naught yet it is the manifest of aught.
Those that has a beginning must have and end,
. . . those that are made shall be unmade.
Those that can be seen by human eyes are naught and so must pass away.
The Holy Breath is the TRUTH, Is that which was , . . which is . . and forever more shall be,. . it can never change nor pass away.
Please analyze line by lines the contents and tell me the fallacy if there is such fallacy. Please do the explanation.
After maybe 5 hours I have the follow-up question that will confused anyone.
The source of this definition is not mine but a very reliable source that is quoted in the introduction of a person in the movie, The Ten Commandments.
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Religion & Spirituality