Why is it that so many of you try to emulate the Prophet (PBUH) in every single way except in the treatment of women? Why do you let your culture take the lead when it comes to how your treat your wives and daughters? The Prophet (PBUH) cleaned his own mess, served himself his meals, helped with the housework that needed to be done, and never once said that it was the duty of a woman to cook and clean. The men of that time also cooked, and Abu Bakr would even teach other women that did not know how to cook. Why are you so able to pray the way he did, eat the way he did, and otherwise quote everything else, but ignore half of the deen? Do you think you are busier than him, who had the hardest duty of anybody by delivering the message and defending the ummah? And please don't give me that sorry excuse that you are only human, because you seem to excel in prayer so start excelling in how women are treated. What do you say?
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Religion & Spirituality