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Gender Studies - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Gender Studies

We have been together for a year and I found out I had two teens a few months ago. I have been lying telling her I'm going to come and visit her and never showing up for about a month. I never called and let her know I wasn't coming and I never answered the phone when she called because my kids don't want me talking to her. She wanted to meet the kids but the kids didn't want to meet her. She says she is hurt I kept breaking promises to come see her and I need to learn to balance my time or I will never have a girlfriend. I never came to see her because the kids never wanted to go back home when I picked them up and I always stood my girlfriend up to make them happy. I think she is selfish and thinks so stupid because she says her feelings are hurt that I stand her up and don't call her. She won't talk to me now. Is she wrong or am I wrong?

2007-10-11 06:39:55 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

....sit on this forum and point out and lament how nasty, unaccountable women behave & think? I've had the good fortune of having some of the more mature women on this forum take me aside and remind me of things like this. Wouldn't the concepts of "success is the best revenge," and "lead by example" be more effective and enjoyable than to sit and criticize those that will not listen to this type of criticism for decades, if ever? I'm not questioning the validity of what they criticize, just the effectiveness. Hey, I'm one of these guys myself.
I guess my main question is: Wouldn't it be more effective to concentrate on/look for a good woman and reward her when you find her; even if you think your goal is to irk nasty women?

2007-10-11 06:37:29 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

& why or--- why not

Remember a leader cannot be emotional...

2007-10-11 06:29:21 · 37 answers · asked by MeMyself&I 1

Women have a need for caring, attention and chemistry from men. Therefore, men are advised to be more sensitive and caring and attentive to womens needs in a relationship.

NOW.. how is this different from advising women to me more detached and sexual? Men have a need for sex.

Why is a womans need for "intimacy" more improtant than a mans need for sex?? Because intimacy is more meaningful? NOT to MEN....


2007-10-11 06:09:01 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

...visit this site and make ill-informed and prejudiced comments about women and feminism? Do you wonder what's eating at them that they're not doing something else with their little lives?

fem·i·nism (fĕm'ə-nĭz'əm)
1. Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes.
2. The movement organized around this belief.

2007-10-11 05:51:17 · 28 answers · asked by language is a virus 6

successful and powerful women should use their platform to address female issues? I ask because I read a local major metoropolitan magazine, with the top 20 women in business and not one talked about women issues.

Yes, I am proud to say my wife was included.

2007-10-11 05:39:40 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok.. earlier I asked a question about how feminists don't want equality in the dating world. Here is one response I got:

"Employees at a factory get paid by piece. Male employees get paid $1.00 a piece. And, female employees get paid $1.00 a piece. Employees have equal rights in this matter. Employee equal rights in this matter of pay does not relate to how male employees court female employees or how female employees court male employees.

SOO.. why is equality ok for work, but for "courting" equality goes out the window?? Could it be because women have an advantege in the courting department and don't want to lose it?

Thats the funny thing about "equality"... EVERYONE loses both their advanteges AND their disadvanteges.. not just one side :)

2007-10-11 05:37:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would say that in the VAST majority of cases, they are not and certainly out of the blue rape "jokes" are never acceptable.

But if someone makes reference to my genitalia in order to demean me, I think it right and proper that I be allowed to make reference to my genitalia as a way to demean them.

Am I wrong here?

2007-10-11 04:54:37 · 14 answers · asked by Gnu Diddy! 5

Why do feminists seem to be under the impression that this forum 'belongs' to them? (Not to women generally, mind you, just to feminists.) And why do some of these feminists want to split the forum into a Women's section and a Men's section, if they truly believe in equality and interaction as they so often claim to? Do they have something to hide? Do they have a hidden agenda of their own?
What are your thoughts?

2007-10-11 04:51:54 · 18 answers · asked by celtish 3

I'm currently in the process of putting together a research paper for my Victorian America course this semester. The professor is a real sucker for topics relating to feminism and civil rights, first of all. Not that I mind. It makes it easy to figure out what sorts of topics to consider.

However, I was considering for a topic for this particularly paper, the possibility that Lizzie Borden was acquitted because she was female. An all male jury might have trouble acknowledging that a woman, and one from such a respected family, would be capable of committing a crime, based on their prejudicial views that women were delicate and pious and pure (i.e. "Cult of Womanhood" values). I've found a few scholarly articles pertaining to this potential topic, but I wanted to get some other opinions on this.

Please, serious answers only.

2007-10-11 03:04:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

From what I have seen, gender studies spends a lot of time bashing white males & basically liberal cultures of Europe & the US, while totally ignoring the plight of women in Saudia Arabia, Iran & countries under Sharia Law in general. I've yet to see a course that addresses the way women are stoned, beaten, raped & basically abused in the Mid East or even in the US by followers of Islam. Why not point out what happens to a woman if she decides to convert to another religion? I've noticed women's studies bashes about any religion, except Islam, for being male dominated?

2007-10-11 02:14:12 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-10 19:04:57 · 17 answers · asked by switae 1

If someone defamed You because they thought that You were a 'troll' and called You a 'rapist', and then refused to listen to reason, what would You do?
Would You:

A) Just ignore Their insult, get on with Your life and let the other person continue to think ill of You?

B) Make an effort to prove that They are wrong about You, no matter how long it takes?

C) Have Them banished from Answers, whilst at the same time letting the world know of Their act of stupidity?

D) (Your personal resolution to this situation?)

I am curious as to the different answers people come up with in order to justify the actions that They would take, and the lengths that They are prepared to go to, in order to restore Their good name.

2007-10-10 18:38:11 · 6 answers · asked by Ashleigh 7

2007-10-10 17:46:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I’m always seeing commercials on TV telling young people to wait to have sex. It’s always kind of funny to me because it assumes that everyone has the ability to have sex. But when I was in high school, I looked like a super-young little boy and I couldn’t have gotten laid if I had tried. I had no choice but to wait.
So my question is: How many people actually feel like waiting to have sex is something they had a choice of whether or not to do? In other words, could you have gotten sex if you wanted to when you were young?
Please include whether you’re male or female in the answer.

2007-10-10 17:21:15 · 9 answers · asked by egn18s 5

using prescription drugs that she finds good for her body, and using narcotic drugs that she finds good for her mind, without the explicit, written certification from a certified medical practitioner, identified and registered with the government (society).

In the case of abortion ANOTHER human life is involved, but in this case its only her precious and sacred woman's body.

Why do the feminists condone these inhuman laws regarding rights of women on their precious and sacred woman's body? Are they only interested in the unquestionable right of women to kill fetus, without the scrutiny of the society for valid ethical or medical requirement of abortion?

2007-10-10 17:10:02 · 6 answers · asked by UseAnotherNickname 3


ok I read the Baltimore Sun article and I know there is more to the story than that and I don't know. I'm sure it was something more than just he took a few seconds to get out of her though. Hey guys: Think!

The question at the trial was: "Does sex that begins consensually but continues after the woman tells the man to stop constitute rape?"

Hey I think that common sense says that if you are with someone and they want to stop whatever you are doing than it's as simple as that. They don't want to continue.

I mean if a guy wanted to stop with anything I would no problem. I would ask what's wrong but I would stop because he is not enjoying it.

And...Isn't sex about enjoyment?

2007-10-10 17:02:39 · 17 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7

I've read Gloria Steinem and Simone de Beauvoir and a few other feminist titles and I think that it's a good thing for women to have expanded civil rights, salaries, and job opportunities. I know I like my work.

I find the hairy pits and legs thing kinda skanky and was curious to note that some women who've "let go" seem to attract guys but if I "let myself go" I get all sorts of looks and it's harder to get a date. And it freaked out my boyfriend who wasn't too advanced, but I kind of miss him, and it's more of a chore to find a guy who's nice then it is to shave once or twice a week.

Am I a victime of opppressive capitalist gender stereotypes? Or should I just revel in being "femme"?


2007-10-10 16:41:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are some ways to get your butt bigger?

2007-10-10 16:16:00 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I started crying when I read this:

I actually got so upset that I vomited. I'm still shaking. To think that I am moving heaven and earth, like this WOMAN, to be recognised for who I am and to see HER dumped on by so many people, so many women who should know better. On a "feminist" list, no less!

So, will you make an effort not to judge ALL women by their bodies?
Will you educate yourself on trans issues?
Will you express support in some way for THE MOST disadvantaged group of women on the planet?
Will you honestly examine the reason that you are uncomfortable with recognizing her for the woman that she is fighting like he!! to be seen as and who she has always been?
And will you apologize for your arrogance in believing that you know more about who she is than she does?

Please use female pronouns when referring to her. Anything less is wrong.

2007-10-10 14:47:14 · 18 answers · asked by Alyssa 3

2007-10-10 14:08:37 · 16 answers · asked by merz 3

It really is difficult to remain unbiased when it comes to discussing Americans. They arrogate to themselves the right to act as this planet's policeman, to condemn other countries for real or perceived breaches of human rights and to rail against forms of government which in American eyes are less democratic than theirs. As Americans are such good Christians, surely they know the passage in the Bible that says: "O thou hypocrite, before thou wouldst remove the splinter from thy brother's eye, attend to the beam in thine own eye!" Never has a passage from the Bible been more apt. So naturally do Americans become defensive when their own shortcomings are pointed out to them, because to face the truth would be unbearable.
Which other self-proclaimed peace-loving country has waged so many wars against smaller defenceless countries, has allowed the members of their military to commit atrocity after atrocity going back to WW2, the Korean War, Vietnam, and now Iraq?
In what other country do you need to be a millionaire or at least be able to raise millions in order to be elected to parliament or chief executive?
Where else on this globe has the education system broken down and/or deteriorated to such an extent that children no are no longer able to read and write or do simple arithmetic and need to take remedial classes upon entering college?
In which other country with the exception of certain Middle Eastern nations does a small fundamentalist religious minority have the power to manipulate both government and the media to enforce a Victorian concept of morality upon an unwilling population?
I could go on and on, but let this suffice.
No wonder Americans are sensitive when it comes to discussing their shortcomings

2007-10-10 13:49:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

A friend of mine has a 18 y.o. boy who just started college... It happens to be one of those "gynoversities" where they have tons of resources to help women to deal with rape issues (which is an excellent idea btw) but no resources for guys how not to become a victim of a false accusation. So I told him to buy a camcorder and record all of his sexual encounters because who knows when he's gonna need proof in court. I taught him how to hide it in the bedroom, make it silent, etc. His dad, (my friend) thought I am teaching him to make porn, but I convinced him its a necessity dictated by modern life... I personally have everything recorded (brings back fond memories)... What do you think?

2007-10-10 12:29:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seriously. Almost all the women I know spend like 45 minutes to an hour taking a shower, and by the time I finally go in, the hot water is all gone!

2007-10-10 11:35:18 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-10 10:44:14 · 12 answers · asked by theinsaneprofessor 1

2007-10-10 10:13:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Flawless in every aspect that is. Why is this far fetched, out-of-touch with reality formula usually make for a successful show?

2007-10-10 09:39:20 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

This isn't ment to insult, I am really curious. The more detail the better. If you are married what kind of personality is your husband/wife?

Are they a
fellow feminists,
Stay at home father/mother,

2007-10-10 09:14:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-10 09:07:18 · 8 answers · asked by ms.sophisticate 7

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