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Gender Studies - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Gender Studies

Here's About-Face's link to their Gallery of Offenders, the Top Ten Current Most Sexist Ads:

2007-09-29 18:07:41 · 18 answers · asked by edith clarke 7

I absolutely love older women.! Older meaning 10-20 years my senior (I am 28) I believe they are so sexy, self assured and honest. They are experienced and you know where you stand. If they want something you will surely be told exactly what it is they want. No hidden agendas. What are your thoughts on this, ladies? Is this normal of more of a latent Oedipus complex?

2007-09-29 17:53:41 · 16 answers · asked by BeachBum 3

Every time we liberate a woman, we liberate a man. ~Margaret Mead

2007-09-29 17:35:36 · 8 answers · asked by edith clarke 7

"Feminism directly confronts the idea that one person or set of people [has] the right to impose definitions of reality on others." ~Liz Stanley and Sue Wise

2007-09-29 17:27:28 · 13 answers · asked by edith clarke 7

and do you know how much she charges? quickly answer before they delete this one to

2007-09-29 17:25:27 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Britney Spears has made a fool of herself publicly on many occasions. And for her own sake and the sake of her poor children, I hope this troubled young woman gets help.

But so much of the criticism of her VMA performance was that she was FAT!

My first though was, "Dayum! White folks is CRAZY!" Of course initial reactions and reasoned responses are different, so I now ask, more grammatically and without over-generalizing: why do so many white people think this way?

It wasn't just men. I've heard white women calling her a "stupid cow" or saying "her fat *** looked so gross".

Setting aside the issue of her choice of dress,

1, The woman has just had a child.
2. I doubt she was even overweight according to medical standards (which are a bit skewed anyway).
3. She didn't look bad. (Foolish yes, but not "gross")

Black women get bombarded with the same media images (and worse), but do not suffer the same prevalence of anorexia, bulimia, yo-yo dieting, and needing to be skinny.

2007-09-29 17:14:51 · 16 answers · asked by Gnu Diddy! 5

Have you heard of her? Today at the Port Angeles "strait thunder" hydro races my daughter and I toured the pits and had the distinct pleasure of meeting nineteen year old Kayleigh Perkins: driver of the "Boat Electric"/ Victoria Express. This was the last race of her first season in unlimited lights racing- she ended this season with the honor of "rookie of the year", and topped the season in first place for driving and for team points! She's a petite girl, perhaps no taller than 5 ft. tall, and very feminine and very sweet- yet she knows how to race right along with the "big boys"- a force to be recockened with! I watched her compete against drivers who have been in the business longer than she's been alive...and how fantastic it was to watch her push her boat to speeds over 100 miles per hour- give them a run for the money! What a delight it was to meet her, to talk with her, shake her hand, and tell her she's an inspiration to young girls everywhere! Your thoughts?

2007-09-29 16:38:07 · 3 answers · asked by It's Ms. Fusion if you're Nasty! 7

A few years ago I was in an abusive and controlling relationship. He would hit me, curse me just total disrespect. The only reason why I stayed with him was because he said that if I ever tried to leave him he would kill me so I was actually living in fear. Well one day I decided I didn't care I had to get out of that situation so while he left to go to work I packed my clothes phoned my best friend and told her that I was coming to stay at her house for a while. Well I guess word got out about me escaping because lately he's been calling me from blocked numbers saying I know where you are you're not safe anywhere at anytime. And he knows where I work. I am just living in fear and I don't know what to do. I cry myself to sleep, I'm scard for my life. What can I do so I don't have to feel this way anymore?

2007-09-29 15:41:14 · 11 answers · asked by LiLAnGeL 2


A gentleman on her posted the opposite question and I am interested in how many women long for the days before woman's lib...obviously equal rights are mandatory, but many of the other things are just ridiculous.
When you could stay home and take care of your children and no one, not even your husband, chastised you for it!
When a man treated a woman like a WOMAN...paid for the meal, bought her flowers, etc.
I personally think it has just gone too far...what do you all think???

2007-09-29 10:59:42 · 17 answers · asked by A R 1

Is it not absurd to use science to support that women worry more than men?

in reference to this article:

and this prior yahoo question (you can add your answer here too):

My point in the prior question was in regard to the MEDIA DISTORTION that is present in the article. Look at it!

My point here is this: Is it not ridiculous to say that women worry more than men when in fact both men and women undoubtedly worry but the worry manifests itself in different ways? How the heck can you (realistically not theoretically) quantify who is worrying more when worrying itself can manifest itself in many different ways? The public is being fooled (by what is supposed to be objective science, which is a myth) that women worry more than men, which is only inches away from suggesting women are inferior.

2007-09-29 09:12:50 · 10 answers · asked by What I Say 3

there are several things that lead me to believe this, such as women graduating college in much higher numbers then men.

2007-09-29 05:48:44 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yeah! who will?

2007-09-29 05:46:47 · 14 answers · asked by UseAnotherNickname 3

I'm registered with around ten dating agencies. That's how 55yr old guys like me get dates with all the women in their 30s we want so I meet quite a few. Thing is there are two things that mean the date is over:

1) She mentions feminism. If she does this I explain to her that we won't be getting along if she talks about that with me. Usually they comply. But once my date asked me why I had a problem with it because it was about equality so I left.

2) She mentions marriage or children. I already have a German Shepherd who doesn't try to sleep with my neighbor and take my house, so the companion position is filled by a better candidate.

If they say these things I make my apologies and leave the restaurant. Which means they pay the bill. I see no problem with this because women are not paying 50% of the whole bills and I'm a feminist who supports equality.

Sometimes they later ring me on my cellphone saying they don't have the money. How can we raise awareness that they might need it?

2007-09-29 05:44:38 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

The world's renowned chefs are mostly men. Why would women over the past 40 years shun participation in this male-dominated field?

2007-09-29 05:38:30 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

if a man says he does not need women to keep him happy?

A: gay
B: too ugly to get a woman
C: probably has a replusive personality

2007-09-29 05:16:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-29 05:16:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

A virgin carries more strength rite

2007-09-29 04:51:40 · 13 answers · asked by Laguna BeachBoy 1

I'm sure I'm touching a nerve here in 2 ways, claiming that women have communication problems with men along with hypothesizing that PMS is a big contributor to this problem. So, go ahead and react. Try to understand that I have great compassion for health problems, having fibromyalgia, depression, GAD, and food sensitivities myself. Also, many men have PMS-like symptoms, although they aren't as related to such a reliable syndrome. My ex was pretty reasonable 25 days of the month, but said horrible things during her entire cycle. I tried different methods to manage it, but she always found a way to sneak in nastiness and disingenuous indirectness during her cycle.
Any thoughts?

2007-09-29 02:12:08 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, have seen a fair bit said here over the months in GWS about how women should stay at home and look after the house, the kids and her husband and shouldn't go out and try and get a career or even simply work at all.
But isn't it unfair to the husband if the woman isn't out there earning money as well once the kids are old enough in order to help ease the burden on the husband working so many hours?
Wouldn't it be taking the easy way out if the woman remained at home once the children are school age,etc?

Also, if fathers are important to their children, why is it ok for them to have careers and mothers to not have careers?
Children need both parents to be there for them and I've heard of many men feeling resentful that they are being overworked and have not enough family time. Someone does have to bring in the money, yes, but why not both parents share the burden?
Thoughts please?

2007-09-28 23:49:45 · 28 answers · asked by Shivers 6

2007-09-28 19:55:14 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

For instance, if a young girl is growing up with three brothers, do you consider this to be a hostile environment for her?

2007-09-28 18:32:50 · 20 answers · asked by JD 4


Also, what do you think of this woman's description of how she responded to it with actual physical violence? Do you think under the circumstances it was warranted? Not warranted? Would it have been preferable for her to use relational violence in return rather than physical violence? Also any other general opinions on the relational violence told about here, has it ever happened to you etc.

2007-09-28 17:52:50 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do women generally feel more sore and resentful upon discovering that their partners have had at least 1 other sexual experience while on the CONTRARY, men on the whole are pretty receptive to the idea that it is ok for their partners to have previous sexual experience with other men?

Why do men appear to be more accepting than women? Is it the truth that most men REALLY don't mind?

How do men really feel towards their partners' sex history with other men? Don't the idea of thinking about it irk you and thus cause resentment (even though you might say this is the 21st century)? Men, please share your thoguhts.

What about the ladies? How do you accept such things?

2007-09-28 17:31:31 · 22 answers · asked by Lost-Hurt-Disappointed 3

Sensative New Age Guys. The kind of Guy who blindly supports anything women say in an effort to make him self more like a woman
Do women really like snags?

2007-09-28 17:21:04 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

We hyphenated our names after marriage. My wife just had make a copy of the marriage license, and get new social security cards, driver's license, etc. Her name was legally changed.

For me to do it, I was going to have to go before a judge, swear that I wasn't changing my name to flee my creditors or avoid prosecution. Then I would have had to take out an ad in the public notices section of the local newspaper, go back before the judge, pay a fee, and then my name would be changed. Then I would have had to get new paperwork, etc.

So I just use my hyphenated name as an alias.

2007-09-28 16:59:46 · 11 answers · asked by Steve-O 5

Anyone raised by a single dad does that give you a different point of view than feminist?

2007-09-28 16:52:51 · 13 answers · asked by nobody 5

Think about it. Our young men are under a constant barrage of criticism from feminists for being "too male". They are told they are all potential wife-beaters, etc. As a result, the self image of the average young male is damaged which is a loss to society as a whole.

2007-09-28 16:08:47 · 19 answers · asked by JD 4

Ok, last friday I knew this espectacular blonde taller than me, from my age who com as an exchange student (I work at a university in my country) that day we go out at night and we was dancing salsa. Finally we was talking a lot and kissing passionately, and then dancing romantically until the end of the night. I invite her to my flat but she said no. Well, I didn´t care, it was a wonderful night for us anyway and I was just thinking on her. All of this was very beautiful and very surprising for a day. But some days later she said me that she repents of what happened and that she kissed me cause the drinks. She broke my heart with that. I don´t know what happened to her and I don´t know what to do. We talk politely but she don´t call me and she just end the call phone very quikly when I call her.

2007-09-28 15:53:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

especially in boys under the age of 13? I was just reading over some statistics and frankly am quite shocked. Do you think this is environmental or educators are just looking to label children as difficult? By the way girls have this as well but at a substantially lower rate. Does anyone else find this a concern in terms of problems in later years? It certainly is considered a risk factor.

2007-09-28 15:48:50 · 17 answers · asked by Deirdre O 7

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