My daughter is 3.5 years old. I also have a 10 year old and have worked with children my whole life. Bearing that in mind, please DO NOT answer this question with, "Thats normal, deal with it" etc. My 3.5 year old talks SO MUCH that it is becoming a problem. From the minute she wakes up to the time she is practically forced to go to bed, she talks, NON STOP. I have a feeling that she may be hyperactive. Several things seem to make me think this. She is on the go ALL DAY, does not ever slow down or stop moving. She is CONSTANTLY touching, grabbing, talking, tapping her foot, squirming. ALL THE TIME. She WILL NOT ever sit still. She is a VERY light sleeper and distracted VERY easily. She cannot play by herself. My mother inlaw is afraid I am "labeling" her. I seriously believe that itis better to catch this early and be proactive about it. Has anyone else had this issue before? What worked? I limit her sugar intake but I feel its more than diet. Any suggestions? Thanks!!!
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