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Parenting - August 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

will the school care if my son wears no socks to school in the winter with his sneakers because my two kids hate socks they have not wore socks since april 1 and been barefoot at camp and barefoot when we go out just got them to wear sandals but they refuse to wear socks with there sneakers.

2006-08-24 15:23:13 · 13 answers · asked by get it 1

I am a new mom and not sure how much my child should be eating..She goes to the doctor for her check up tommorow will ask him but thought I would asked experinced mom. I don't want my child to starve.

2006-08-24 15:14:57 · 13 answers · asked by mckt81 3

My son is turning 1 in October. I would like to get some input on some ideas for a party. Food, decorations, invitations.....

2006-08-24 14:36:00 · 14 answers · asked by Ashley 2

i am a mom of a 3yr girl. i know myspace can be a curse to parents. i recently reconnected with college friends through there. but even on this site when you look at someones info it will give a myspace page link. well i just linked onto one from here. the things the person says on here make her sound adult, so i was curious and looked. well she is actually only 15 but there are 35-50 year old men leaving dirty comments on there and this girl actually communicates with them. is there anything that can be done to get these girls and men to stop doing it. im only 28 but we didn't have something like this when i was growing up, i am scared as to what will be around when my children are older. so my question is, is do you get into depth what your kids do on there, do you liknk onto their friends and make connections that way because right now i am scared for our children. there are too many pervs out there. (sorry so long)

2006-08-24 13:55:39 · 11 answers · asked by plcl32003 3

My daughter is 3.5 years old. I also have a 10 year old and have worked with children my whole life. Bearing that in mind, please DO NOT answer this question with, "Thats normal, deal with it" etc. My 3.5 year old talks SO MUCH that it is becoming a problem. From the minute she wakes up to the time she is practically forced to go to bed, she talks, NON STOP. I have a feeling that she may be hyperactive. Several things seem to make me think this. She is on the go ALL DAY, does not ever slow down or stop moving. She is CONSTANTLY touching, grabbing, talking, tapping her foot, squirming. ALL THE TIME. She WILL NOT ever sit still. She is a VERY light sleeper and distracted VERY easily. She cannot play by herself. My mother inlaw is afraid I am "labeling" her. I seriously believe that itis better to catch this early and be proactive about it. Has anyone else had this issue before? What worked? I limit her sugar intake but I feel its more than diet. Any suggestions? Thanks!!!
1 second ago -

2006-08-24 13:19:13 · 20 answers · asked by Sunshine 4

I used to discipline my children by spanking them with switches (small branches) from trees. My new wife will have none of that. My 8 year old step daughter peed in her bed so I had to punish her. I put her in the time out room we have. It's a 12X14 room with nothing in it but a chair. She had to stay there fo 8 hours. I also make her wear diapers to bed now. The only problem is that big diapers are expensive. Where can I get some for cheap? Should I just forget about the diapers and put cellophane on her bed?

2006-08-24 11:01:55 · 28 answers · asked by Walker T 1

Since he is our only son (also our miracle baby), we had gotten used to him sleeping with us. Now that he's almost 3, it's uncomfortable for me & my husband to get a good night's sleep (he sleeps just fine). When we put him in his own bed he cries until I go get him (after 2 to 3 hours). Help!

2006-08-24 11:00:08 · 21 answers · asked by Tonya L 3

Across the street from us lives a family that is in need of help. The parents are constantly screaming at eachother and at their two children and three dogs. The inside of their house is absolutely disgusting, I have been invited in a few times. And just recently the mother of this family has gone around the neighborhood telling everyone (myself included) that they have rats and mice in their home. She explained that she called an exterminator to have them rid of these rodents but they refused to do it until she cleaned up her house. The exterminator blamed her for the infestation because her house is so filthy. This is what she claims. Well it's been about two weeks and they still haven't done anything and just the other night I spotted a rat the size of a large cat racing across the road towards our garbage can. Now not only is this a living hazard for the two children in the house (ages 13 and 7+-) but it's becoming a hazard to the entire neighborhood. What to do?

2006-08-24 10:55:58 · 25 answers · asked by ratsnextdoor 2

If a toddler or a young child is overweight than there is a great chance they will be overweight when they become adults. Children who are overweight is at a great chance of being isolated and excluded from their peers and school. Also they may be the target of being picked on. Some parents don't seem to see how this will affect their children in the long run. Why do their parents spoil them and feed them a lot of sugary and fatty foods? Why do they insist that it's difficult to resist giving the child what they want because they "love them so much". Is it because they don't want to hear the kid crying and screaming, so they think that stuffing them with a lot of food is going to make them shut up? I understand parenting is tough and seeing those innocent eyes of a sugar and fat craving child is difficult to ignore, but they've got to be strong. Watching some of my friends overfeeding their children really saddens me and I could only just sit there and watch them in silence.

2006-08-24 10:37:58 · 18 answers · asked by pureessence 2

2006-08-24 09:48:39 · 27 answers · asked by kitty cat 3

If so how long did it take you to get it back?? what did you have to do? If not do you feel unattractive because you have a mommy belly? or other imperfections??

2006-08-24 09:43:33 · 28 answers · asked by miss me! 4

2006-08-24 09:43:02 · 5 answers · asked by b-slap 1

i'm like what is a hickey or does sex hurt the first time can i get pregnant ? I think if you are going to have sex you should know more about sex and the things that go with sex am I rigth or wrong on this what do you think ?

2006-08-24 09:32:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

How come parents say when they are disciplining their child they say it hurts me more thatn it hurt you?

2006-08-24 09:14:11 · 27 answers · asked by kalapius 1

2006-08-24 09:09:19 · 32 answers · asked by ilessthanthreeyou 3

In seeing how the youth of today have turned out (not all of them), I'm afraid that I will fail as a parent. I don't want him to turns to gangs and be a drug dealer/user. What tools do I need to assist me with proactive parenting?

2006-08-24 08:34:41 · 26 answers · asked by Tonya L 3

Read this below. It might make you question about "Smoking outside only."

2006-08-24 08:10:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

In a parent-child relationship, I think respect is absolutely vital. Love is "I want you, I need you" but does not help.
I did say that in this case the parent does NOT respect the child. In our society it is taken for granted a parent is the best thing for a child, unless there is obvious evidence to the contrary (then it might be dealt with, might be).

2006-08-24 08:06:15 · 18 answers · asked by Chris cc 1

For centuries young mothers have been guided by older female relatives, but since the fall of the extended family this kind of support has been lost. So now young mothers are expected to cope, with little aid and increasing pressures of modern day life. It's obvious that trial and error isn't a good idea, too much at stake.
Nearly every mother (in Canada) attends childbirth classes, why not parenting classes.

2006-08-24 08:00:33 · 14 answers · asked by LAUGHING MAGPIE 6

My son is 5 and he starts kindergarden this fall...... I think I'm gonna cry.

2006-08-24 07:57:46 · 19 answers · asked by exotic69n 3

How many of you go about your business around the house, or outside the house with a cigarette between your lips? For example: When your doing laundry, washing and drying dishes, paying bills, changing the baby, etc?

2006-08-24 07:35:20 · 23 answers · asked by Frugalmom 4

My 3 year old son said to his 2 year old playmate "I like your curls Sarah, but do you know what I really like?" "I like your BUTT!"

2006-08-24 07:18:52 · 24 answers · asked by leonsmom1102 2

So what happens if you have this test done and find out that your unborn child has something that is bad....what can you do about it anyway? Seems to me that the only alternative is abortion. I was just wondering what is good about pre-natal testing and why it makes sense. Your thoughts?

Thank you.

2006-08-24 07:12:37 · 17 answers · asked by dmc81076 4

im 6 weeks prego, and im trying to create some type of budget, save some $ now while i am working... just exactly how much does it cost to raise a baby?? with the job that i have i would not qualify for any government assistance so i want to be responsible and start saving now, and having an idea of how much it would cost monthly would help tremendously!!!! Thank you in advance!!!

2006-08-24 07:12:13 · 36 answers · asked by miss me! 4

I'm referring to things like spanking, toilet training, etc. Studies say a parent should never spank, oh no, just let your kids run freely with no direction, no guidelines, and no authority. I don't think so.

My kids are well behaved and yes I spank, so what's up with these asinine studies anyway? And who writes them? I think common direction and disipline is what lacks in our society today, and it's exactly why no one has any respect for anyone else these days.

2006-08-24 07:07:58 · 5 answers · asked by Frugalmom 4

2006-08-24 07:06:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can't stand my boyfriend mother because every time we get into it she is in the middle of it . So one day I had a agreement with his and the kids was in the other room (I don't fuss in font of the kid) I told his that this is to much and left. So my child came to me and said the grandmother told him that I was a slut,my baby is only 4years old. What should I do about this I don't take my kids over there anymore. Is that the right thing to do .

2006-08-24 07:00:25 · 10 answers · asked by sweetboo_05 1

I have 2 beautiful baby girls- 2 1/2 and 7 months. My husband and I are about to die for a night out just us... just for dinner and a movie or something. We haven't had a night out together since I got pregnant with my 7 month old... My mother and his mother both make up excuses EVERY weekend that they have too much to do to keep them for a few hours. They hardly ever see our kids but don't seem to care that they are giving up precious time with them. My 2 year old has been counting to 10 by herself for about a month and my mother still thinks she can't even count to 3... What do I do to try to get some alone time with my husband--- AND get my kids connected with their grandparents again?!?! (PS my kids are good kids- it's not an issue of being terrors or anything)

2006-08-24 06:52:02 · 14 answers · asked by KC 2

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