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Newborn & Baby - November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

Do I have to use a clean bottle for every feeding or can rinse it out. I use a bottle all day and then the next day I will get a clean one. I use the drop in's and rinse it out as well. Is this ok? Or can bacteria grow in it as well.

2007-11-20 11:43:46 · 13 answers · asked by jessica_watson8381 2

Did anyone else here have their first baby while in college? If so what year were you when you got pregnant? ALSO, has anyone here only stayed home with their baby for the first 3 months, and then had to have a nanny, or daycare ? I will have to do that and I feel like I am going to feel so guilty and that my child won't know that I am the mommy!!

2007-11-20 11:33:43 · 11 answers · asked by jenn a 1

I'm suppose to go back to work in January, I just don't think I can do it. I know we need to do it to keep the bills getting paid, I just really hate the thought of leaving him. He will have just turned 6mths. When did you go back? Did you feel like you lost anything between you. I hate the thought of only seeing him a little in the morning and than just for an hour or two before he goes to bed at night. How can I do this?

2007-11-20 11:33:23 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I bought a new carseat for $100 dollars.

If I want to buy a second base and matching stroller, itll be around another $100.

A woman is willing to sell me her used carseat, stroller and two bases for $75.. all in good condition.

Do you think it would be wise to just return the carseat I bought and buy the used things?
Im super low on funds.

2007-11-20 11:32:04 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

im pretttty sure he wont recall much, but it will be nice to take pics so when he's older i can show him. not sure about gttign him tons of toys bc he barely plays with the ones he has now! and he grows like a weed, so buying clothes wont be THAT worth it, i buy him clothes all the time anyways. hes not old enough to eat the yummy food either. i want it to be very special for him tho. another this is that im a single mom and not together with the dad, but i did express to the dad that i would like to spend the holidays together with our son as much as possible. and at first dad wanted to split time btwn us for the holidays which i think sucks! but now the dad doesnt have a car to come pick up our baby at all and its not like im going to go out of my way to drop off baby bc i dont want to spend the holidays apart. or have baby on the road unneccisarily....ok i guess its a 2 part question! any suggestions??

2007-11-20 11:21:19 · 11 answers · asked by poopaloop 1

Love to have your feedback on this - am considering starting a
business doing this...how about a hockey puck with the team name or date of the first goal made? a baseball?

2007-11-20 10:54:14 · 9 answers · asked by MOB 3

2007-11-20 09:58:48 · 20 answers · asked by Celi 1

The past couple of days he falls asleep in my arms and a minute after I lay him in his bassinette he starts crying. Last night me and my husband just let him sleep with us we were so tired I know I'm not supposed to sleep with him in our bed, I don't want to do it again. What can I do, I'm a new mom?

2007-11-20 09:38:08 · 22 answers · asked by Christie R 4

I've read so many conflicting answers on this subject.

I've heard that:

You should wait for six months no matter what.
You should look for X, Y, Z signs, no matter what age.
Cereal counts as a solid.
Cereal does not count as a solid.
Cereal is a great practice food.
Cereal is pointless.

I'm so confused. With my daughter, I gave her some rice cereal at a little over 4 months, mostly from pressure from her pediatrician and also from family. She wasn't really into it so I only offered it once a week or so for the next month or two after that. She really didn't eat a ton of solids until 1.

My son is 3 months old, and I just KNOW at his 4 month check up that his ped. is going to tell me to start solids. I plan on waiting until 6 months at least. But is that right? Should I be looking for physical signs instead of watching the clock? How do I stick up for myself/my son when I meet with the bully doctor? There's no doctor to switch to, so please don't suggest that.

2007-11-20 09:31:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

how many ounces and how often i give her now 3 ounces every 2 hours and she still acts hungry sometimes like 45 min to an hour after feeding? I dont wont to over feed her or is it possible she think gas pain for hunger?

2007-11-20 09:17:57 · 11 answers · asked by unique1love 2

my daughter is one and her ped told me to stop her feeding at night she will take a bottle during her going to sleep plus another at 3AM and another at around 5AM i dont know how to get her ride of it if i dont give it too her she will just cry till i will and stay up she will absolutly not go to sleep without it
i take it away from her as soon as she starts to sleep and doesnt realize im taking her bottle.
PLEASE im a first timer and i have no idea

2007-11-20 09:09:15 · 10 answers · asked by TTC #2 Baby Dust MEEE! 5

he is 7 weeks old and is a good boy but he does not sleep through the night my cuz baby slept through the night at 3 weeks and my friends baby 2 . they told me not to give them any milk in the night but I do not want to starve him also they told me to give him a tiny bit of rice cereal! what do I do

2007-11-20 09:08:34 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

anyone have any travel tips? i havent traveled this long with one this young. Hes breastfed and is not crazy about being in his car seat. We are prepared to make many stops along the way.

2007-11-20 08:58:48 · 10 answers · asked by llllll_amanda_lllllll 6

My 5 month old son has lost all interest in nursing during the day. I tried using his schedule, but it was making me nuts, he'd only eat at night and seemed to be up every hour. I've gone to feeding him a few bottles of formula during the day, which he happily gobbles down. I've tried nursing him in a quiet room during the day, but he really just seems to want formula. At night he doesn't care. He's now only getting up a couple of times in the night to nurse. I'm okay with feeding him formula during the day. However, can I maintain a milk supply for feeding him this way? I'm perfectly happy feeding him this way, provided I can nurse him still at night. The idea of doing bottles at 3am isn't very appealing!

2007-11-20 08:55:14 · 3 answers · asked by Erin K 2

I had my baby 6 days ago and have been breastfeeding every day (about 4 times for 20 to 30 minutes each time). I'm still just producing the colostrum, Shouldn't my milk have come in already?

2007-11-20 08:47:00 · 5 answers · asked by Paula S 2

I want my children to have everything that I wasn't able to have as a child. How can I make sure that I don't spoil them too much though?

2007-11-20 08:38:22 · 12 answers · asked by guardianangel 3

I didnt think separation anxiety started till 9 months. Any suggestions?

2007-11-20 08:22:58 · 7 answers · asked by Andrea 3

Our local hospital lost a baby over the weekend due to fetal distress. Turns out that an emergency C-Section was needed but no anesthesiologist could be reached in time for anisthesia to be administered. The doctor also didn't call this is correctly as a STAT (an emergency) so the baby didn't make it. I can't imagine what the parents are going through. It makes me so sad..

My question is.. in this life or death case, would you want the surgery without the anisthesia if it meant life or death for your baby? Also, who's fault is it.. the doctor's or the hospitals?

2007-11-20 07:56:47 · 22 answers · asked by Cupid 6

i was wondering, when does a baby's poop get like adults poop. just want to know what is considered normal so i dont start to worry for no reason- my son is a lil over 7 months and breastfed- i plan to breastfeed until about 12 months- it probably depends on what they eat but i just want the norm

2007-11-20 07:52:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Where to find cheap clothes in united states
I was told that in the holds of los angeles
But not where
Seek child cheap clothes
From newborn to 10 years old
Help me thank you
Good day

2007-11-20 07:40:08 · 9 answers · asked by cuentacerrada 4

I'm a single mother with a 4 month old gorgeous son and I work full time 40-50 hours a week. Rough stuff. I wouldn't change my life for the world, don't get me wrong... but is there something I can do that I can get my energy level up? All I want to do is go home and pass out but I have to wait until my son is ready to sleep... any ideas?

2007-11-20 07:26:13 · 12 answers · asked by Kristie 2

We are going to my fiances grandmas for thanksgiving this year. Well she is in her 80's and refuses to own a microwave. Well that is how we warm our daughters water for her bottle. She can't drink room temp. water because she gets a belly ache so we must warm it. I've tried warming it by letting hot water run over the bottle but it took almost a half hour to warm it. My daughter is 8 months and she eats whenever she needs to.. she is not on a schedule so there in no way to tell when she'll be hungry next. So my question is what is the best and fastest way to warm her bottle?


2007-11-20 07:20:07 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

First of all, I love my cat. He loves to snuggle and play and is a real sweetheart. But he can also be a real a**hole. When I'm getting ready to leave the house, he will stalk me and end up biting me on the ankles before i make it out the door. He knows exactly when I'm about to take a shower and hides in between the shower curtain and liner, so when i open the curtain he's right there to attack. Or when I'm working on the computer he'll come right in the way, and when i move him (even after petting him for a bit) he bites me.
Now, this can be all so cute if he was just nipping...but he doesn't. This cat bites way too hard breaking my skin every fricken time. And now that I am pregnant I'm thinking I should get rid of him when the baby is born. My baby is more precious than any animal. I am worried my cat will bite the baby like he does to me? Do you think my cat will hurt my baby?

2007-11-20 07:12:27 · 27 answers · asked by Sonya J 2

My son does not eat very well. He is underweight. He was born 2 months early and was growth restricted, 2 pounds 13 ounces. He was taken off formula 2 weeks ago and put on whole milk with 2 bottles of pediasure a day. However, he doesn't like to eat solids. His main source of nutrition is milk and pediasure.

How do I get him to eat and do you know any nutricious recipes I can feed him? He is not very interested and not willing to eat. He won't eat what we eat and I have to practically force food in his mouth. I don't like to do it but he sees an occupational therapist and that's what he suggests to do until he eats. Once the food is in his mouth he will eat it but it's a fight to get it in there. What am I doing wrong? I need good recipes. Thanks

2007-11-20 07:09:43 · 12 answers · asked by kerri_lynn01 4

How are they? I had an old package with the non-stretchy sides and didn't like them. Are they new ones any good? Pampers are expensive and I heard the price is going up next year. Plus my son seems to keep getting this crazy diaper rash since we switched from Swaddlers to Cruisers. Anyone have any experience with them?

2007-11-20 07:04:41 · 10 answers · asked by Bridget V 4

I have a 10 week old that when I put her down she will have herself worked into a screaming frenzy in less then 2 minutes. I am talking the cry that starts like a soft waaaaah, and flips to her turning red, scrunched up and screaming so hard nothing comes out. I have tried waiting even 5 minutes but cave, and pick her up. I try to soothe her by not picking up and it's not working!! I get NOTHING done. People are telling me to let her cry, but she is little! I feel like I am severely neglecting her to do a load of laundry and let her scream for 3 minutes. I think the sling made it worse, and now she "requires" me to hold her to be comfy. The minute I pick her up she quiets, and smiles. If I have let her cry for more then 2 minutes it does take a little longer for it to stop because she is so upset. I am scared if I let her scream as much and as hard as she does for longer then 2 minutes she will literally hurt her lungs! Is that possible? And yes, I am a 1st time mom =(

2007-11-20 07:04:31 · 18 answers · asked by Kat 6

My 1 y/o keeps vomiting. He has a cold, too, so I'm thinking it's the mucus.
What can I give him? He's vomited 4x's since last night.

I'm going to get some pedialyte (don't mention taking him to the doctor; we don't have insurance because I just lost my job) right now, so I'll return to check your suggestions!

2007-11-20 06:57:18 · 10 answers · asked by dreamgyrl360 4

Up until a few weeks ago, she would take 2 naps a day for at least an hour each. Now, she takes those 2 naps but they are a half hour at the longest. It leaves me no time to get things done and leaves her fussy. Please help!

2007-11-20 06:27:13 · 17 answers · asked by lady_liz99 1

I understand that it's because they have to eat more often so naturally they are fussy more often when they want their food.

I agree that breastfeeding is best for the baby, especially in the first few crucial days. But my medication forces me to bottle feed, so please don't preach.

My friend's baby is breastfed and incredibly fussy. My baby girl is so good, so attentive and active and her baby just screams and screams. She can't take it sometimes, she drops her off at my house so she can clear her head. And of course, the baby is fussy for me too. Because of this, she's slowly weaning her and moving her towards bottles, and she's been MUCH happier, we saw her smile for the first time!

I guess my question is...
Do you think that the added health benefits of breastfeeding are worth the stress the baby goes through being hungry ALL the time? I want my baby to feel full. I myself was a bottle fed baby and I'm thin, bright, happy, and healthy, as are all my sibs.

2007-11-20 06:07:17 · 18 answers · asked by Me 1

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