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Newborn & Baby - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

My daughter is 2 weeks old, and about two days after we braught her home she started to get congested. I have taken her to the doctors and they said she looks really good. I was wondering is she too young to be allergic to dogs? I am going to call on tuesday, but was wondering what everyone else thought.

2006-12-24 10:49:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

relax baby better sleep

2006-12-24 10:37:03 · 9 answers · asked by Patricia O 1

it's brown and smelly and it came out of my bum

2006-12-24 09:37:51 · 34 answers · asked by kevin m 2

my twins are 8 weeks old i just wanted to know the normal temp for babies this younge i constanly think they have fevers i know normal for adults is 98 i dont want to medicate my babies if they dont need it they do have colds but i dont know if they have fevers right now one is at 99.5 can i get a range of normal pls

2006-12-24 08:13:14 · 9 answers · asked by mommyofanangel06 3

I know the blah blah blah about if it's your kid he/she will be just perfect and you will always think he/she is beautiful. But scientifically, with older sperm and an older egg, aren't their more chances of defects and symetry being off? If your 23, won't your child be better looking asthetically than if you had them at say... 38?

2006-12-24 07:44:33 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im really worried because my baby has thrown up 3 times in less than 24 hrs. He doesnt have a fever and he isnt crying. Has anybody gone through this? Does he have a virus??

2006-12-24 07:34:29 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


2006-12-24 07:31:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughter who is 8 weeks now, seems to start getting the back of her head flat due to sleeping on it always in one position.

I try to sort of push it to one side when shes asleep, but she ends up straightening it herself.

Is it SAFE to sleep babies on their SIDES, with one arm under them? Or are their bones to soft to do so?

Are there any PILLOWS to help shape her head? I do not want her to have a flat head.


2006-12-24 07:13:49 · 9 answers · asked by FearStrikes.com 3

I'm having a baby girl and my huspend and I have no idea what to name her. She will be due in Janurary.

2006-12-24 07:07:00 · 27 answers · asked by hayley w 2

i have a one week old and and the average she drinks is 1-2 ounces every 2-4 hours.is this good enough or i should be feeding her more?how much should a newborn baby be fed?

2006-12-24 07:04:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sandals: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2052432&cp=&f=Taxonomy%2FTRUS%2F2254197&origkw=akwah&kw=akwah&parentPage=search

This thingy: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2267590&cp=2255956.2273442.2285728&view=all&fbn=TRU+Age+Filter%7C12-24+Months&f=PAD%2FTRU+Age+Filter%2F12-24+Months&fbc=1&categoryId=2285728&parentPage=search

2006-12-24 06:47:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

it's a girl

2006-12-24 06:06:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my son is going to be 6 months at the begining of Jan. And he has slept in his bed in his room a few times. But mostly in our room in his crib. I don't understand why its so hard for me for him to be in his room. He is my 1st child but I've been fine with other stuff like leaving his alone with his aunt for a few hours and stuff like that. I just don't know how to deal with him being in his room. And don't understand why its so hard. HIs room is right next to mine. So its not like tis faror anything. Am I crazy or is this normal???

2006-12-24 05:48:24 · 8 answers · asked by Sondra 3

I was breast feeding in the hospital and when we came home but now she won't take it so she is on formula.

2006-12-24 05:44:06 · 7 answers · asked by Meghan Q 1

I am nursing my daughter and she wants to stay up all night and sleep all day long and i need help on how to change her schedule?

2006-12-24 04:46:41 · 22 answers · asked by Lauri T 1

i had a quick labour for a start i didnt even no i was having contractions then in hospital i was fully dilated and could only have gas and air and i didnt find it that pain full, did anyone experience simular situation

2006-12-24 04:27:35 · 21 answers · asked by hcorebird 1

my mom is going to have a baby and i am going to take care of it when she is busy and what if it is a cocky baby???????????what should i do??????????????????????????????

2006-12-24 04:24:23 · 11 answers · asked by Xx Animal lover98 xX 1

how early can i start introducing pacifier to my baby?

he is just 2 weeks old but loves to suck. he cries as soon as the bottle falls out from his mouth or as soon as i remove it (he emptied out already). im afraid i might overfeed him

2006-12-24 03:35:26 · 20 answers · asked by MommyKaye 1

My three month old has a cold in her eye. It has those nasty goobers in it and stuff. But it isn't pink like pink eye, but then again it just started in the middle of the night.
So if i take her to the er will they give her something or will they make it run the course.

2006-12-24 02:51:25 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

well ive had a few scares with my 8 week old twins in their crib one of them keeps pulling blankets over her face last time she did it by the time i found her she was pale and scared me to death you see ive already lost my first son to sids so i took all of the blankets out of the crib and doubled up on their jammies but i also have a pillow under the crib mattress because the have colds and they are lessstuffed up when they wake in the morning being at a slant like that well they arent stuffed up and they are warm but now they slide to the bottom of the crib once i saw one of them had her feet out between the bars and this morning they were both sideways against thebars i have sleep positioners for them but they moved with the baby how do i keep them from moveing with out the blankets and with out takeing their pillow out from under the matress?

2006-12-24 02:44:55 · 12 answers · asked by mommyofanangel06 3

Does it flow?

2006-12-24 02:34:12 · 13 answers · asked by jroandkro 1


will breat milk be beneficial for adult also if he drinks his wifes milk?

2006-12-24 01:52:42 · 4 answers · asked by sharad_frd 1

My daughter received her first dose of the flu shot without any problems. We got her booster on Thurs and she has been running fevers and vomiting (yesterday morning and this morning). The fevers have finally started to break after doses of the Tylenol and Ibuprofen every 3 hour regimen. Her fevers are still running around 100, however she is teething.

Have your children had any similar symptoms??
Is this common after a booster of a flu shot?

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

2006-12-24 01:25:59 · 4 answers · asked by Jenn 2

Every mother has some discomfort, but was the pain so unbearable you had to bottle feed your baby?

2006-12-23 22:19:07 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-23 22:00:21 · 19 answers · asked by JackDaniels024 3

i'm due in 5 weeks!

2006-12-23 21:58:17 · 30 answers · asked by tara b 1

I've heard that depending on teething ages in the parents, the baby will follow as a genetic pass down. Is this correct or a myth?

2006-12-23 20:53:37 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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