I realize that kids will be kids, but where do you draw the line of "He's just a kid" or "She's just a kid"? Shouldn't kids be required to take responsibility for their own actions at some point in time? I have seen people in public and I know people that take of for their kids and even make excuses for them, knowing they are in the wrong.
For example, I was in Wal-Mart the other day and there was a boy that was about 5 years old. He was walking down the candy aisle and just began to throw candy bars on the floor. Then he started knocking down the small bags of candy that were hanging on the racks.
People were staring at his mother and everybody was floored that she would allow this to happen. She grabbed him by the arm and said "What is everybody looking at? You never seen a kid do this kind of **** before?". I thought, what kind of crap is that? Instead of her scolding him and asking him to pick the candy up, she's taking up for him.
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Hoping he will bless me with #1