2x a week my oldest goes to pre school, which is on the second floor across from an indoor playground. To get him there (I have no sitters) I must take my 2yr old twins, one in each hand. When I get there I fight to keep my oldest from running into the playground. Then I must let go of a twin to put on the oldests indoor shoes while the twin runns either to the elevator or into the playground (which is packed with people).
Then when I claim the run away child I must stand in a line of mothers and wait to sign my oldest in. (again, involving letting go of a twin...him running...me scrambling). Then I need to move across the room to the cubby holes pulling twins away from pre school toys (they are not allowed to touch orderofschool),. When I pick him up again, to kids in each hand, waiting in a lineup for 15 minuts, letting go to sign him out, chasing twin, letting go to put on outdoor shoes, chasing twin, fighting past the indoor playground.How can I simplify this. I have no 1 2 help?
16 answers
asked by
Mother anne
Toddler & Preschooler